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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. no no that was Kellys (Skunk) I wasnt planning on staying at the time of the party. I went back to Eugene and decided i couldnt wait 3 months to move up so here i am....I wasnt living here at the time of that party so there :P
  2. no that was kellys... :P
  3. oh and by the way wheres my welcome party damnit??
  4. i think people that hate on pitbulls are breedists (racists). its the people that own them not the dogs. Therefor how is anyone to know if you trained your dog to be a mean one or not? I understand people being concerned to an extent. Its better to be safe than sorry. that being said people should worry about every breed for the same reason. You never know how the dog was trained.
  5. yea i dont know where my camera is or i would have taken a picture too
  6. we got the wagon running!! Skib came and pulled out a bunch of emissions stuff and plugged some air leaks and it runs now I dont have good tags right now, waiting for the new ones to get here so i cant drive it very far. I drove it around the parking lot by my place and its running good so far. Thanks again Skib
  7. yea you have to be able to prove you had the policy at the time you were pulled over here if you dont have the paper in your car
  8. Im so very very bored

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jassifrass


      it's not like i go hoppin in dryers all willy nilly

    3. INDY510


      He'll be there all week

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      drunk ^^^ ollz


  9. lol no worries...i am really good at wording things wrong too
  10. no i was saying it was wrong to not have given the kid a ticket...i understand my situation...i realize now that the kid was sited...i thought he wasnt when i posted that and was saying even i got a ticket and i didnt do anything half as bad. i actually only have to go to the police station and show them i have insurance...i dont even have to go to court which is awesome
  11. thats really fucked up. I got pulled over the other day and i was driving my dads truck which is insured but i didnt have the paper in the truck and i got a ticket. I didnt hit anyone or anything and i got a ticket for not having insurance in the car...thats really just wrong
  12. sweet..skib is coming by on sunday to help me get this done too :D
  13. well, im free just about any day of the week. Im not doing school right now and im not working so if you got time chances are that iv got time.
  14. yea i want it out... :lol: thats what i said and yea its the CA emissions
  15. so the 710 is here in Portland now if anyone wants to come help me get the emissions crap out and figure out whats wrong with it :lol: i was only told a million times if i was closer i'd have help so ch'mon! :P
  16. this is the coolest version of this song ever..it's Marilyn Manson doing the halloween song from nightmare before christmas
  17. im down..imma hold you to that too
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