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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. that hurts my soul :crying:
  2. Oregonians are crazy when it comes to snow. When i was little they'd cancel school for any snow and it'd be all gone by 10 am
  3. noooooo :crying: im glad your friend is ok but that is truely tragic :crying:
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2VO3-Y4uXg its more like tribal hip hop to me...i guess its a little dubby
  5. I know some people that consider this to be dubstep..i dont really I cant stand that music normally but i LOVE beats antique. I discovered them when they opened for Les Claypool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql4HcdLyYac http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqouFO2WfRQ
  6. You mean Doctor gloves not dish washing gloves right? I have some of the doc style gloves for dying hair, does size matter? I have small and medium i just want it to fit right
  7. thats a good idea i think i'll do that tomorrow
  8. I fail so badly at sightings since I moved here. So very many Datsuns have been spotted but i never have a camera. Today I saw a really nice blue sunny. The other day Kelly was at work and saw a red 710 wagon go by that had WA plates. no oics though so i fail :(
  9. It was only sputtering up the hill. Once I made it over it was just fine. I think it just flooded a little then cleared out. I did wipe down everything today before driving it though just to be sure. It ran smooth today once it warmed up. I drove it to my sisters and back with no problems. I think the temp. just dropped outside and i didn't realize it. I'm more paranoid about it dying now that I'm up here. My cell phone is getting shut off tomorrow and I wont be able to borrow my dads truck for much longer. It needs to go back to Eugene asap.
  10. I really think my car just hates me lately. :( I drove to Manda's (Kami's girlfriend) house and it was fine, but on the way home I hit a big hill and it was not happy. It wouldn't go more than 10mph without popping and sputtering. It was backfiring just quietly. I did hit a huge puddle in the road that sent water over the top of the car, just before the hill, I dont know if that had anything to do with it. Once I made it over the hill it seemed fine, the rest of the trip home was down hill. Yesterday it was running rough though. Skib knows what I mean when i say it was like it was in park. It kind of chugs and shakes the whole car. Putting it in drive makes it stop then it runs smooth. Yesterday that was not the case so i just took it home and used my dads truck. I really dont want to get stuck somewhere with a dead car. I dont know if the water got into places it shouldnt or what. I do have the HEI module for the dizzy uncovered, if it got wet would it cause this sort of thing?
  11. come visit then and we can all go stalk him and eat gelato
  12. you should have stuck a ratsun sticker on it :P
  13. Im not sure who your having make the calendars but my family made one last year through costco and it was a decent price. Im not sure exactly but it might be worth it to look into that.
  14. you dont even want to try my cooking? :lol: If it ends up only being a few people i could just do it in my tiny apartment, maybe just buy some turkey breasts not a whole turkey. I will likely do something small for me and kelly anyways so yea.
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