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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. My fat dog is 7 years old today!

  2. mmm spicy genes...sounds yummy? :P
  3. Well Kama needs to let us know what day works for him too since its his house and all.... also anyone else thats coming (or wants to) can chime in here as to what day works for them
  4. I love this sort of thing. My mom was a drug addict and she never tried to get better. I really love seeing stories of people who used to be druggies actually changing their lives, making good choices and getting rewarded for it.
  5. Mine is an N58 also, 77 L20b, smogged... anyone know if it's round or square ported? I'll get an oic when it's light out too.
  6. the dates are in the topic (the weekend of the 14th)...not sure which day we're doing it but Kelly got Friday and Saturday off, i think he's working Sunday but it wont be till 1:30 Friday night seems ideal to me oh and I dont know Joey's address but it's in Milwaukie
  7. Looking for cheep l16 (non emissions) exhaust manifold, if anyone has one laying around let me know

  8. 2 weeks left any one else going to join us??
  9. hmm....that would have been nice to know a while ago :lol: , i have taken that hose off a dozen times dealing with the timing issue a while ago
  10. the radiator is still leaking though it seems to just be a hose and it's not really that bad. There are still air leaks from the smog crap that are making it run like crap. Cant handle going over 40 (sounds like crap and struggles) and it dies going up hills if they are to steep. and yea the oil pan leaks like crazy.
  11. i love that saying :lol: Happy New Years and such...i'd open a bottle of Patron but its no fun to drink alone :(
  12. :wub: :wub: :wub: I LOVE IT :D
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F69dt5clGPo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYw0NnHDRzc
  14. ok i like that idea...not just going to invite myself to throw a party at your house though so yea...not so much der der thanks :P
  15. we could all go in on a hotel room or something....?
  16. Ed i'll save a bottle for when your out too, We know when but we have yet to find a where.... whos gunna host this thing???
  17. im gunna be 23 on january 14th and Skunk is gunna be 25 two days later
  18. sweet thanks dude :thumbup:
  19. this is my plan....just dont know where yet :D
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