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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. let me know when skib, i want some ink and i dont have alot to spend. edit : kelly says "Me too!!"
  2. if i hadn't JUST moved to Portland i'd be there in a heartbeat...this really hurts...I seriously want to be like you guys when i grow up :P
  3. well if it works out your welcome to crash on our couch, we got an air mattress too
  4. Is anyone in the Portland area not doing anything for thanksgiving? Kelly will likely be working most of the day so i think we are just staying home. If theres enough interest I'd be more than happy to cook if someone else can host. Our apartment is really really small so it wouldn't work here. I've cooked for my family before (20 some people) and it came out great. I was going to go to culinary school for a while but i changed my mind. I cant supply all the food but if everyone pitched in a little it could work. Anyone interested??
  5. Jassifrass

    Pumpkn News!

    thats cool man, :thumbup:
  6. yea my datsuns all i really care about. I doubt i'd even care if she had driven into the aparment i'd still be running out to check on the 710 hell i could live in it if i had to :D
  7. he's like no i have to...i wouldnt even bother to argue it's pretty apparent she's drunk or this wouldnt have happened.
  8. shes like begging the cop not to give her a breathalizer test too
  9. i dont even know how she managed this. it's not like theres parking anywhere near my building except behind it... :blink:
  10. this was taken from the 710. She took out one of those tree bushes there too
  11. no i freaked out and went to my 710 first thing it's all good
  12. I was in the bathroom in the back of my apartment and my dog was freaking out about something. I thought it was just neighbors being loud but i guess not. I went to take him out a little later and opened my door to see this Some bitch jumped the curb and almost drove into my apartment :angry: she took a tree or two with her. Thank god there was a beam there that stopped her car before it could go further
  13. sweet :thumbup: it looks good so far
  14. i showed up in my dads chevy cos my wagon wasnt running. nobody gave me any shit...they probably didnt notice even with the ratsun sticker on it at least yours is a nissan
  15. where are the rest of the Ratsun ladies??? Come on I dont wanna be the only one :P
  16. yea thats when my birthday is too...maybe you knew that?
  17. I told skunk to suggest this a while ago actually.... :P
  18. Find the talk radio station, turn it up so it bumps

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      bumpity bump bump !


      You know who likes gladiator movies ??? ^^^ this guy !!! lol

    3. Jassifrass


      it's a line from a song actually. Free or Dead by Atmosphere...you should know that pumpkin

    4. Skib
  19. if i see him i'll stick a ratsun sticker on his truck :P maybe i'll just slip it under the wiper
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