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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. green is coolant and Kelly is working this weekend. Hes sort of ajusted his schedule again since im in school, he's not waking up till like 8 now just so you know also as far as the paint goes on his 610 the guy that re-painted it didnt sand down the old paint at all so the new layer is just peeling off :(
  2. we saw this truck on the way up to noobs party, I saw this sunny the day before. I had to drive around the block a few times to get a good shot of this one but it was worth it :D i ended up parking across the street from it in a bike lane so i couldn't get out and get better angles but it was nice
  3. will you be my new best friend? :D
  4. oh my god that is terrible Kelly your a terrible person! :P
  5. yea it is pretty cool that the cops did the right thing for once. The cops down here dont do shit. I had a "friend" in high school that broke into my house and partied for a week and got $6000 worth of stuff stolen and the cops didn't do shit and some tweaker living in a van at the park right across the street from my house almost hit a biker and smashed into a light pole and was back the next day and they didn't do shit about that guy either
  6. :blink: wow thats fucking terrible im sorry you had to deal with that kids now days have nothing better to do that fuck things up or do drugs its really sad
  7. i want your bumpers that is really awesome. :thumbup:
  8. I really hate having homework again :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      hahaha !!!


      ME TOO !!!


      hang in there will be worth it !!!


      what classes ?

    3. Jassifrass


      some study skills requirement, health but its drugs, behavior and society so thats cool, then math which i loath and a computer class that im not required to actually attend which is also awesome

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      If you need help with math stuff ,,, shoot me a P.M ,,, I am not too bad with the shit ! ( scanner than upload is best method )


      ollz ,,, I help my niece and nephew that are in highschool right now too ,,, I'm almost done with my bachelor's degree

  9. you guys are to funny :lol:
  10. sweet i thought i was going to have to search for those i've seen them before thanks dude i would have tried to come get one but Jnco was sick the whole way home. I couldnt even stop by my nephews birthday party :(
  11. yea it was. figures that we fix that and my starter goes out. its always something <_<
  12. she is going to fucking kill me :lol: she's 26 and married with 2 kids
  13. some of you have issues with women. I dont blame you, i dont have any girl friends because the majority of women are fucking crazy BUT they are not all bad. The one being discussed in this thread may be but come on. Women are not just a piece of pussy or something you throw away and whores will give you shit you can never get rid of. I think if you have doubts about it then leave her. You can find someone you know wants only you.
  14. yea your gunna have to move north like we are planning :P
  15. yes he is :D seriously one of the coolest breeds I've seen I love that dog
  16. http://s893.photobucket.com/albums/ac137/Skunk-Jassifrass/jncos%20610/?action=view&current=100_1594.mp4 heres the video of the car running
  17. yea if there isnt kids involved theres really no reason to stay friends with an ex that seems a little weird to me too. I have trust issues with chicks though so i tend to think they are scandalous. its been my experience that they usually are.
  18. I went over to Jnco's house today and we worked on his car. We got the park benches off finally, and the car look much much better. Jnco used my stain glass paint to paint his high beams too. We also went through and cleaned all his light sockets and replace the bulbs so all his lights and blinkers work now. Lastly I confirmed that he needs a new alternator. It sounds good when it's running so he should be able to drive it once thats done. his dog is awesome :D
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