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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. he need to replace his kevlar... its getting hard to use. it wouldn't stay lit very long tonight. were going to try soaking them longer and in a better container an do more tomorrow... :D oh and the first picture is him tossing the meteor in the air it looks really cool.
  2. i suppose i should have posted my photography class pictures here...oh well
  3. im taking a photography class and my assignment was to do pictures with a long exposure so i did Kelly fire dancing they came out pretty cool, i hope to get more tomorrow.
  4. Kelly just called me a douche castle....?

    1. Skib



    2. INDY510


      that Mucker Futher

    3. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      praise from Caesar

  5. mmm....banana boat....yummy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Hmmm, I vaguely remember (memory clouded by cookies and beer) you telling me about those. What's in one again?

    3. Guest


      you throw all the ingredients together in the banana and bake it in foil? if I remember right. Sounds good! Sounds like perfect stoner food :D

    4. Jassifrass


      yes that is right and it is the perfect stoner munchy...great for camping too

  6. i'd be just as scared if someone did that to me...that was mean...
  7. it's not passed tense...just less rushed....if that makes sense...STILL NOT TELLING Muah ha ha ha ha ha :sneaky:
  8. i saw it on the insomniacs thread and it still cracks me up every time.
  9. i had to put the stock wheels back on because my other tires are bald and need to be replaced... i found the tie rods on rock auto but they only had a few left. i'm in the first week of the class so we're working on getting the correct exposure setting and such, i don't know that a filter would have been allowed just yet. it;s only a four week class so we may never get to that.
  10. I did a photo shoot of my car today if anyone is having a picture craving :0)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510


      Your wagon looks great.... so there


    3. Jassifrass


      haha yes it does thank you

    4. Pumpkn210


      I just want to tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

  11. thats so freekin awesome! I'm in a photography class right now up at LCC. I'm shooting my car for the first project so i figured i'd share them. Enjoy!
  12. ok either someone keeps driving by my house listening to Queens "under pressure" or im losing it....i keep hearing that beat but only for a second....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      It was a David Bowie and Queen co-op

    3. Guest


      Yes. Collaboration between the 2. Originally titled "People in the Streets". Great song

    4. Jassifrass


      i dont know that it wasnt ice ice baby...i suppose it could have been. I do think im losing it on a regular basis so i probably am...and the dryer is farther away from the street than my couch is :P

  13. my dads a dork...he spotted a datsun today and took some pics. not the greatest shots but its sweet that he tried. :D if you look in the side mirror theres an orange 510 wagon this one its next to his ear
  14. ive got one....your not alone here!! :D
  15. damn well the cats outta the bag now or whatever that saying is...
  16. :w00t: yeay!!! I am that way with my goon. if i was made of money i'd give you a loan just so i could know yours was in your driveway too ;)
  17. geez boys calm down they're just boobies
  18. theres a lot to go through when your new....i dunno
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