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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. well thats random as hell... I think it was him but he used to live right by my sisters friend's dad in New Mexico when I was little...like I said, I think it was him...? Some race car driver. He had a really cool fence with cars all over it.
  2. wow dude thats awesome. It always nice to get your shit back :thumbup:
  3. no reason to be sorry. He probably would take a picture :P
  4. I want a loud alarm. I dont care if other people ignore it. I park across the street so when I open the door I see my car. If I heard it I'd be running out with a baseball bat in a second
  5. yea thats how I feel.... i feel violated :o :lol:
  6. mine was sputtering up hills or on the freeway. the more I let off the pedal the better it was. If i pushed down on it, it would sputter worse.
  7. it is lame. I'm still really annoyed. not so angry but yea. I'm sure theres more missing that I'm not thinking of too... My dad bought Kelly a really nice pocket watch for Christmas. He broke the chain the other day and left the whole thing in the car. Luckily I took it out yesterday to fix it. trying to focus on the positives :D
  8. by sputter do you mean like little backfires? check the valves...mine was doing that and we adjusted the valves and its all better now :D
  9. My neighbors girlfriends window was smashed in about 3 weeks ago on the same street :P
  10. I went to my car to warm it up to take Kelly to work. I looked over in the passenger seat and theres a bunch of license plates and all my cd cases and I thought to myself "those weren't there last night when I picked Kelly up....why are they there now?...they were in the back before... someone was in my car... FUCK!! I went to the back and the infinity 6x9's in the back are gone. :angry: They were Kelly's but my alpines didn't have boxes so he let me use his until he needed them. I was pretty good about keeping the covered and out of plain sight but I guess shit moved around. However I'm very lucky and that was the worst of it. Little fuckers took my sunglasses too. The paint was chipping off of them and they were like cheap gas station sunglasses. They also took a piece of my safety equipment which I'm pretty bummed about :( I guess I expected it on some level. I don't leave nice things in my car and I leave the doors unlocked so my windows wont get broken. But I still fucking hate people stealing my shit. This is actually the first time it's been my car that was broken into :( What about my car implies I have money? (I guess that fact that its still around might) Or the area I live in for that matter. My apartment looks like it used to be a hotel. Even the stuff in the car. How can people steal from someone who appears to be pretty broke? Why not break into a nice car thats more likely to have nice things in it. I know I know mine was easy, I mean morally. I couldn't live with myself if I did something like that. I just don't understand how people can think thats ok. It really could have been worse though. I take the faceplate off my stereo every time so they didn't bother taking it. The front speakers were still there, so were all my CD's since 90% of them are burned. All the random car parts are still there, some worthless, some not. There were a couple tools and things too. The speakers and the piece were the worst of it. I just needed to vent a bit. If anyone sees the speakers on craigslist or something let me know /end rant
  11. im really slow :lol: I saw you see me if that makes sense :D
  12. they looked good, i'll grab them.
  13. I took a lot of parts off it, all the side marker lights included I'm going back tomorrow for the pedals
  14. I could fix it :P I liked out duct tape idea :P
  15. I want the whole car sooooo bad :(
  16. I swear I saw that car like 3 or 4 days ago... :( If I had known I would have followed it :( :(
  17. I got pictures of the car they came off, i'm trying to upload them from my phone now....
  18. I BEAT INDY!!! to posting pics that is :P
  19. :D still need some roadsters in here too
  20. i remember playing that game on floppy disk :lol:
  21. you said you had hotness coming thursday :P
  22. Me and Kelly will be there...I don't know why he said maybe :huh:
  23. More Please!!! I need more non 510 datsuns, Nothing wrong with 510's but theres a lot here already. I need more Z's and Roadsters so ch'mon!! :D I'm also doing a power point class and I'm going to do the final project on Datsun so i need more for that too.
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