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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. It is pretty cool but why would you waste the time and money in all honesty? Is the L block stronger than an RB block? No, actually they are tremendously similar. I mean you could more easily make the L block a belt drive and just slap the head on...........by just buying an RB block, lol. Why would someone do this over just dropping in an RB26?
  2. After half way, through, every other video is one ofGhosn, Yeah, I see where this company is headed in the next 100 years, hopefully bankrupt. I think I need to find a new company to idolize, both mine turned into shit in the last ten years.
  3. You guys do realize that Kwaishinsha was founded in 1911 right? and the first DAT was produces in 1914, Meaning the 100th anniversary is this year, not the 80th last year. Even Nissan motor company was not founded until 1934, meaning the 80th anniversary of Nissan would be this year, not last December. Or am I missing something? The only thing I see on record happening in 1933 is the name being Nipponized, as in shortened to a standard Japanese style. Perhaps the French marketing department cant read dates.
  4. I gave up on the goats long ago, bastards kept fainting.
  5. That is a killer price for an amazingly nice example. Just my opinion. XS400s are getting rare.
  6. Why do hipsters like PBR? I mean isnt it overproduced tasteless crap? Never understood that.
  7. Dont bother wasting your time talking shit to a computer in india. I am pretty sick of this though.
  8. So block the word "Vashikaran"? I am thinking that would do it at this point....
  9. So now their attacking in the breakfast time AM? WTF?
  10. I use tie down straps, thick ones. I have never scratched an engine with them :thumbup:
  11. http://houston.craigslist.org/cto/4331018755.html WANT!
  12. Now I recall someone telling me that those 210s didnt have 4 pillars. Now lets count like on Sesame street. One two, three, four A, B, C, D Pillars hmm, sure looks like 4 supporting pillars to me......
  13. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: No reallly though, last night was baaad.
  14. I fucking hate being sick.

  15. Something needs to be done, this forum is the official spam capital of all the forums I visit.
  16. Wow, another moderator definitely needs to happen. This is ridiculous, I count no less than 30 spam threads right now.
  17. MEGA SCORE!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-810-Maxima-1980-84-console-shift-boot-96911-W3400-/131110719697?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=INXzlP8mL%252FByfcNFg0pdzd9ri78%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  18. I love Mitsubishis, They are as awesome and exciting as Datsuns. Nice car!
  19. Hmm, try and see if you can find the firing order for the old Nissan Patrol P engines
  20. What about his successful years in cart racing, I guess he had the faster car then too... Your downplaying his talent.
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