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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. As a Republican, I agree entirely. Both parties are embarrassing, mine is just more apparently embarrassing.
  2. The "Super Bowl" that they loaded in the bong before the game was just too big......
  3. No, what does that have to do with anything? All I was saying is that an F18 fighter jet is more advanced. However I am extremely well versed in engine management systems and car computer systems and wiring. And let me tell you, there are not that many computers in the car, my 2002 is pretty advanced and it only has maybe 5 very stupid computers on board at best. 1 ECU, 1 BCU, 1 Multiplexor, an SRS system, and the ABS. the only one out of all those with any complexity is the ECU, and even then, most of the programming is for emissions related components that are not actually neccessary for real world operation. Cars are not as smart as everyone makes them out to be, Your car doesnt target the cars around it and tell you when one is coming at you at stupid speed not braking. Some of them will hit the breaks, but they arent gonna save your life The F28 on the other hand.... And your talking lines of code, the F18 still has more computer systems, and they are all proprietary. Lines of code is not a good comparison, the servers that run things on the internet hav trillions of lines of code, that doesnt make them able to think and plot solutions to problems.
  4. Nixon. And who was the last good Democrat we have seen? Must have been Kennedy. Yeah, funnny cause so would Democrats. Bias much?
  5. They dont run the country, lobbyists do. A practice that we have invented for the sake of having legal bribery.
  6. Holy shit $700??? I paid $220 for my complete tranny, driveshaft, mounts, and pedals. And you dont need the driveshaft for the manual, they are the same. only the L4 has a different driveshaft. Your L3 also has to have a datsun L series bolt pattern, it cant just be from any car. so no those trannies wont work. And yes, staked in u joints, my advice is either spend the couple hundred bucks and get a one piece made that has replaceable joints, or find another used and good driveshaft. I went option b, cost $65 You CAN try getting the staked in Rockwell joints from Rock Auto, but there is a possibility that they will destroy the driveshatf ends when you take them out, that is what happened to mine and I had to find another driveshaft.
  7. It wold have been better if Chris Hemsworth's acting wasnt so similar to staring at a brick in every movie.
  8. Can the L24E be boosted - Of course, all engines can be boosted, its just how much boost. how much spark, and howmuch control over the two you have Can I boost the engine in stock form- Yes, but dont, please do it the right way. You need Megasquirt or something of the like for an engine management system, larger injectors and better spark control, or at very least a piggy back system to prevent blowing holes through the pistons. As HRH said, weakest point is the rods, even on the L28ET turbo engine, the rods are the weak point, I recommend anyone turboing use ARP rod bolts or again as HRH said, older 240Z rods. I still recommend using the ARP fasteners though, even though the early L24s had 9mm bolts. The best thing about an L24E is that is has a great head design, 8.9:1 compression ratio, and a lot of torque You need an exhaust manifold from a 280zx turbo, no getting around that, unless your a mega baller and can have one fabricated.I priced it out, $1200 is a great price. and yeah you CAN buy a generic turbo kit, I reccomend against that as well. Reason 1- The Nissan turbo is made by Garrett Airresearch, you are not going to get a better or more reliable turbo for less than $1000, unless you get a Holset HX35, in which case, you will absolutely need good fuel and spark control. Reason 2 - it will do 250hp Reason 3 - not buying turbos from the chinese, I have literally seen them blow up. Reason 4, FMICs are gonna be hard as hell to fit in a Maxima, im trying to figure this out right now...
  9. No, I cant determine from the VIN Xteras have different transmissions. No, just Nissan to my knowledge To use an L4, you would need to widen more than your options, lol, their big as hell. Nissan actually has a different floor stamping for the L4 transmission, as in the tunnel on the Maxima is substantially wider, and the mount is totally different. It also uses a solid driveshaft, whereas the L3 and FS5 use the two piece. Yes
  10. Proven fact that is simply not even remotely true. I mean maybe true for like the most advanced car on the road in that time period, but in actuality a 2014 Toyota Corolla is incredibly dumb compared even to the F18.
  11. After much reading today and familiarizing myself with the season changes and the powerplants I think I understand it now. Holy shit this is the most insane shit ever to take place in F1, this year will be EPIC!!.
  12. Haha, you like your buddy's juice!! jk, I tried it, but I tried it after I quit smoking. I've tried all this wierd stuff, not for me.
  13. Its a liquid that contains flavors and nicotine in differing dosages. The pen vaporizes the liquid and you inhale it, thus giving you a nicotine fix.
  14. I think ERS is the electric system, and KERS is the mechanical one.
  15. For the record I also dont see it making anybody stop smoking. Most people will get tired of it and then go back to cigarettes, just like the e-cigarette fad that died pretty quick, so will this. So defending this fad as a "way to quit smoking" if you have been doing it less than 1-2 years, is not really reasonable, and I feel that you are doing just that "defending a fad" Now, if you have been doing this for years and dont smoke anymore, congrats, good on you. Of course that "congrats" is assuming that the vape junk is actually better for you than tobacco, which I do not believe it is.
  16. All this shit to help people stop smoking at the risk that the crap they inhale is not actually any better for them. Not that I really have any info on that, but I have read a few news articles about how the stuff in the vape pens could be just as bad or worse than just smoking. Look at the rates of cancer in Japan, its like %80 lower than here, and per capita, they smoke over twice as much. so less than half the cancer and over twice the smoking. hmmmm, lets look at this farther.... American cigarettes = pumped with disgusting chemicals, rat poison, carcinogens, and radioactive pesticide Japanese cigarettes= all natural tobacco grown with pride. American cigarettes= Fiberglass filters, so the glass cuts your lungs up and introduces the nicotine faster Japanese cigarettes= cotton filter, non dangerous. American cigarettes = non flamable paper, adding even more carcinogens Japanese cigarettes= normal cigarette paper. American cigarettes= crappiest most mass produced tobacco grown for higher profit margins Japanese cigarettes= tobacco grown with good ingredients And yet its the "cigarettes that cause cancer" Yet we write absolutely no laws that say you cant put deadly chemicals in tobacco products. You cant legally sell american cigarettes in many countries because they are so bad. Hell, we have actually wrtitten laws to make our cigarettes even more dangerous and carcinogenic.
  17. Unfortunately thats true.... Our country is a festering stinkn pit. Laotsu's first post actually outlined the problem. He once needed Government assistance, now doesnt and thus doesnt mind paying taxes. That is how the system honestly should work. People should be excited about april 15th, not hateful towards it. But the facts are that what thisismatt said is more accurate to the way the system works today. and instead of when april 15th comes around everyone getting excited to be an American, getting excited to pay for the system that honors the fruits of their labor, getting excited to be able to have a country so great that its citizens pay for the government themselves and then vote to run it correctly, instead of all that we hate paying money to the government,and for good reason. They waste it, they waste so much money its unfathomable, We are not represented by our elected officials, we dont essentially pay for our government anymore, we pay the bill left in their wake, after the fact. And the local services and roads generally dont get better, and our infrastructure never gets improved. The education system gets worse, people get stupider, and the country fails. And thats why we hate paying taxes. If our country ran right, I would gladly fork over money, hell I would pay double the taxes we pay to have a country that really truly works. But we get our taxes raised, and the country works worse and worse by the year.
  18. Are you kidding? That red one isnt remotely functional whatsoever.
  19. I hate this ugly travesty. And I am also tired of people doing anything other than driving in their cars, its disgusting. Seriously we wonder why the Japanese and Germans screw us out of all the great cars that cost less than $40k, I dont wonder. I fully understand why the foreign manufactures AND EVEN THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS!!, screw us out of the great cars. In other countries Brag racing light to light isnt how you show that your a man in your car. Going to the track does, we dont care to do that. We want all the best cars that the world has to offer, but we want to drive like we have less experience on the road than every other developed nation. It doesnt work that way. Nissan, Toyota, Honda, BMW, VW, MB, Jaguar, they all know what retarded shit you as a driver in the US are gonna do with your car, so they make it slower so you cant be quite as stupid. Hell its why we have so many shitty safety devices in cars in this country, I mean we have the worst developed nation drivers in the world, and more safety functions on our cars required by law than basically every other country in the world, we are idiots!!
  20. I hate the electric KERS system. Its such a non elegant solution to a problem. The Mechanical system is way WAY more powerful and extremely simple in comparison.
  21. NO, the best intake for these cars is the non-EGR intake from 1975. Somewhat rare item, I have the next best thing, the 76-early78 intake that has no webbing and larger port runners. Our intake manifold is a little small and restrictive, but it also gives the Maxima a butt ton of torque due to the faster air flow from it being physically smaller.
  22. A lot of cars use this tranny, but the main ones are the Maxima, and the Z/ZXs. Mostly cars with inline 6 engines.
  23. I think you need to remove the front console piece. Im not sure though, mine came without the radio.
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