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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. Parts places in the valley suck ass. I bought a new axle a couple weeks ago, and today went to install it, son of a bitch is missing the ABS tone ring!! FML

  2. I wonder what $10,000 head would be like?
  3. That is incredibly stupid.
  4. The guy compares it to the OSG TC24, he essentially says "its 45k for just a cylinder head" Well, umm, no. Its $45,000 for one of the most prestigious component companies in the world to build you a completely custom made 2.9-3.1 liter engine. He also states "$3500-4500 will get this going" Um, no. More like $10,000-15,000. Custom cams? Shit, two of them?, that is like $1000-1500 PER CAM!!!, He's talking about custom valves too??, and drilling things out??, DAMN. Still its pretty cool.
  5. What do you do when your spouse does not give a flying fuck about politics,and them not caring is what you hate the most about them.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eagle_Adam


      like i said, let it go


      good women are hard to come by

    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      No offense, but that's a ridiculous thing to be mad about just my 2 cents.

    4. captaingamez


      True, good women are hard to come.

  6. I ran into a mega fuck up. Edit: Bad information. I now have a fucking driver axle with no ABS tone ring, and it is completely useless, because the base model/ep3 tone rings are a different size, so I have to waste ANOTHER $70 on ANOTHER axle, and I have no money, and I cant return my axle because I lost the receipt. So I am here sitting on about $13-1400 in parts that cant be installed on my car because some fuck head knocked the tone ring off my axle and then sold the axle anyway.
  7. Or just put a Toyota 3S-Gte in it and go out the right side of the car Edit: never mind, im trippin, they also go out the left... Honda K24A2
  8. Keep in mind that if you do do that, and then later on down the road you get a real seal, you will want to kill yourself having to remove RTV from your paint. I just did it cause the previous owner did the RTV thing.
  9. The only thing that HybridZ is good for reading, is stuff that is on every other z website. They went to the full effect of banning my actual computer's CPU. No joke. I was warned for not capitalizing sentences, and I posted "If this is your attitude towards users on the internet, then I will post somewhere else, have a nice life" And two weeks or a month later I cant access their site, ONLY on this computer, I moved houses and have a new I.P., still can't access it, Only on this computer. Pretty hilarious actually, I have gotten a pretty good laugh out of it.
  10. I need Toyota Passeo seats in my life

  11. I hope we dont turn into a site like Hybrid Z, but I dont see that happening. We have a lot of content here you simply cant really find other places. Hybrid Z has the same regurgitated stuff that every Z site has, This site here is a lot like a Datsun enthusiast melting pot. Not everyone has great spelling and grammar, but a lot of times it isnt required to get their point across, thought sometimes it helps!! Edit: I can find 10 awesome build threads on this site right now, that would have been banned from HZ for punctuation and spelling/grammar errors. If you turn into a bunch of spellcheck Nazis, you limit your content and youlimit people actually wanting to post on your site. Its pretty incredibly rude and uncalled for on an internet forum to send someone warning messages about their spelling. Our content is killer here, we have build threads from all over the planet, most other sites dont have that.
  12. Are you the original owner? Are you SURE they have never been replaced before? Also, brake systems tend to deteriorate with age and sitting still. If the car was driven its entire life, and new fluid kept in it, and never parked for a few years, then its totally plausible those original seals would last that long. Its non-use that kills stuff alot of times, not over use.
  13. However, capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse, and your uncle jack off a horse.
  14. I try to use decent grammar and punctuation. That said, this is the internet and as far as being taken seriously goes, your work as a user will speak for itself, not really the way you write. If we start to take it too seriously, this place becomes more of an essay than a forum, and cuts out anyone who may not know how to type awesome english. We do have a few members on here from other countries, and I dont expect them to have perfect grammar to be able to hear what they are saying. I got banned from HybridZ because I essentially told them to go fuck themselves for warning me over not using capitalization or grammar, or punctuation, or something I cant really remember. Either way, that expectation is ridiculous. They are basically cutting out entire groups of people by expecting perfect grammar and warning people who dont use it perfectly. Just my opinion
  15. There were 6 sticks of dynamite strapped under it, he rolled a few feet and boom. This state is a pretty shady place.
  16. Heres an interesting read, as I had to find out more info on this. http://www.roguecolumnist.com/rogue_columnist/2011/04/culture-of-corruption.html
  17. Holy shit that guy (Don Bolles) died in Phoenix!!! His car was blown up, suspected by the mafia.
  18. Thats true in all aspects of life.
  19. In the words of a great man... FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS.
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