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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. I want some Carlos wrenches! There is gonna be a day, like a year from now or more, and I am gonna be dong a job and there is gonna be some spot where I absolutely have to have this exact wrench and I will then shout out loudly at the heavens "CARLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  2. That Mike, is a great question, and while there are no exact answers the FBI estimates that an average of 2.5 million crimes are prevented every year with the use of a firearm, and I think that is just by civilians. However, a crime prevented, is usually also a crime unreported, so it must be drastically higher in reality. How many shots it takes is another issue I suppose.
  3. I think I might try Yahoo auctions, and etsy for some things. I have never heard of us.ebid.net. but I will give that a look. Its been a long ten years on eBay, I hate to see it end, I have made a lot of money, and found some great customers/homes for rare and very desirable historic items. of course there have been the assholes too. I enjoy finding and selling things so its not something I want to stop doing, but I am gonna need to find another means.
  4. Limit it to 5 rounds and we will just carry even more mags, thats why its senseless. And the real problem is that it doesnt do anything whatsoever. The theory here is that a crazy psychopath is going to follow the law when loading his mag? that makes NO SENSE. Who do these laws protect? I mean gun free zones? how many massacres have occured IN GUN FREE ZONES!!. Only law obiding, sane people follow the laws, so why write these laws?
  5. And it matters even less when the attention is shifted to focus on "guns are the problem" and not how god aweful our mental healthcare system is in this country. Look at some of the worst atrocities on American soil in American history, most of them do not involve guns 3 I can think of off the top of my head went off with out one single shot being fired, and over 40 to over 3000 people were killed in each incident.
  6. Thats only if Tom Beringer is involved Mike. The amount of rounds doesnt matter is the point.
  7. And then they make the argument that "oh but it will give him (the psychopath that illegally acquired guns in the first place) a sooner point in time where he has to reload and the authorities can then take him out" Give me a break. A well armed society is a polite society.
  8. Huh? I really hate to see eBay failing like this honestly, it used to be a great place to buy/sell, but even buying now is starting to be a pain in the ass, I just bought two items that the seller didnt even have in stock! And it used to be that eBays prices for items were the best on the internet, not true anymore at all. I usually only sell pretty desireable stuff as well, so this kind of sucks, because eBay opens you up to the largest market for rare items. Because of the credit debacle I cant list anything without giving them my credit card.
  9. I would/do use the classifieds for car stuff, I dont list that stuff on eBay. But I dont think I would get very far here trying to sell a $1500 Akai reel to reel (even though, it is hella JDM) lol.
  10. I am hoping that this thread doesnt get locked, because I am not trying to start a bitch thread. I just want to voice a few of my issues with eBay and talk about what my alternatives are to using it. I make a good bit of money on eBay, and that is usually how I fund my car hobby...I am talking more about selling stuff in general, not necessarily car stuff, as I would use the classifieds to list that anyway. My first complaint about eBay is that they dont actually protect the seller from almost anything. Case in point, I have been selling items all year, and its a bout a 10/10 list to sell ratio, however the ratio of sell/pay is more like 5/10. I have been selling on ebay now for over 6 years, and buying for over 10, and it has never been quite this bad. It has gotten so bad that it took me 4 and a half months of continuous listing as a BIN OBO, and 3 times as an auction bought and unpaid, to sell my very rare and highly desireable Akai 747 reel to reel. someone FINALLY bought and paid in December. I just listed a camera on my girlfriends account (due to the issue I am about to talk about ), and the buyer didnt pay, and a valuable and rare record i listed a week ago, same thing, and some rare cassette tapes 3 weeks ago, same thing. \Then there are the people who try to screw you and say they never get your item, eBay just sends them money and appeases them. Seriously. Another issue is that eBay is continuously raising their fees, but the service they provide gets continuously worse as a whole. How can one raise fees, and then provide substantially worse service? and even less customer/seller support. Hell I dont even mind paying them the %13, if the service was worth it anymore. When I started swelling the fees were around %8.5, and I would have willingly paid %13 then to be able to keep that quality of service. But prices went up, and service went down. More over it seems that PayPal and eBay might be splitting, and ebay is trying to set up its own inclusive payment system, so last time I tried to list something on eBay, eBay asked for my credit card number, for buyer protection purposes, I have almost %100 feedback, and have never, ever screwed a buyer, they have no right to ask me for my card info when PayPal already has it, and the whole point of PayPal is to keep that info off eBay in a more secure location. Needless to say, I did not give eBay my card info, and thus can not list anything on eBay anymore. From what I understand eBay is going to institute this on everyone, but right now they are doing this based on whether your credit score has fallen in the last year, which mine has. Which is even more ridiculous, since every time companies like eBay do a "hard pull" on your credit, it drops an instant 5 points. So who is to say they didnt do two credit pulls, and one dropped my score 8 months ago, and now because of that they say my credit rating is lower and I must provide my credit card. I guess my real point here is other than Craigslist, and the classifieds of various forums, where do I even have to go? I am rather frustrated that eBay is THE online marketplace, there isnt anything else where people buy and sell shit? I mean why can nobody compete? A lot of people are sick and tired of eBay as well, so what the hell?
  11. His channel is fuckin epic, really wierd and suspicious how the other guy got killed though.
  12. After a 6 hourlong power steering pump R&R, I have determined that Toyotas are the worst engineered shitboxes on the road.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. captaingamez


      I dont know, it could have been the line too I suppose, but at 240k I guess doing it all probably wasnt a bad idea. The lines were in damn good condition though, not hard or cracking, they were quite pliable actually. Oh well, at least I used the PS fluid with stop leak, lolol.

    3. captaingamez


      I would hang the pump as a trophy, but, you know, core charge, hahaha.

    4. mhub91


      God dammit, I hate core charges.

  13. Wait, seriously? Theres at least 30 or 40 in the phoenix area alone.
  14. I think that might be with an extension. ya know what i actually never noticed before was i always assumed that was a model 12 in aliens that michael Biehn carried, its actually an Ithaca 37, I guess I just never looked that close before.
  15. I know theres shotguns that hold a bunch of rounds, but I said tube fed pump actions. I dont think theres many or maybe any that hold more than 7 in the tube.
  16. Well, they only weigh about 3500 lbs, and the prelude is prolly like 2500. That and those things are slow as turds, the NAs are actually faster then the turbos!! At least in stock form.
  17. Yeah I think it depends on the state, some states its 4 some its 3, and I think there are even some where you can only have 2 in the tube while hunting. But if its your defense gun, and you have a SPAS-12, you can have 7+1 total in the gun. I am not aware of any tube magazines that hold more than the 7 that the SPAS holds, but I really dont know honestly.
  18. Precisely. In addition they hold 6 rounds in the tube with the plug removed. NOTHING holds that many rounds today, except a streetsweeper, lol
  19. Yeah, the 97 is also usually a takedown, But they all lack trigger disconnects :devil:
  20. No I mean a Model 12 trench gun, with the heat shield and all that. Its a shame actually cause a lot of guys have destroyed the normal Model 12's to make them into trench guns, or sawed offs, The original ones are getting quite rare and valuable these days, mine are both all original, minus the dent I put in the magazine tube while turkey hunting a few years back.
  21. So when you picking up an S20 for her?
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