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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. You cant even actually say how I am Ironic. Its pretty funny because all of your posts sound like an angry 5 year old, not an adult man. I am laughing my ass off FYI, because internet. Please continue....
  2. That post was so senseless, complete my sentence...
  3. I have to agree with you Pufnstuf, But it is damn cool that their built in the US and can be built by YOU. And the price is a little astronomical in my eyes. Talking about my bike? I dont even have a bike? (which pretty much disqualifies me from hipsterdom in these here parts)
  4. I was not calling you a ricer. Note I said "back to the matter at hand". This is "Ricer Sightings" Im a hipster, who is ricer and I am Ironic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Good luck with that man. I wish I could know people as well as you from an internet forum :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  5. Maybe if I was stupid, Now your just plain searching man. Searching hard. It shows. You can give up now, its okay. Back to the matter at hand.
  6. None of that last one even made sense FYI, might wanna go back and re edit. especially considering you tripple thread crapped there.
  7. If you cant read maybe. I am sasying that you are being pretty ricey in suggestion of an opinion pole. Considering you care so much what others think and I do not nor ever have. (and your probably not gonna get me to start. Sweet, I got an intolerance of stupid on cruise control, so I guess we'll have this thread locked by tonight!
  8. You could just try not being a dickhead for a few posts towards me? HEY PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!! People get called a retard for being ignorant all the time, dont take it personal, were all one big family here :hug: I edit all my posts within a couple of tries to get my grammer and the way I want to come accross correct, Dont respond so quick if you have a problem with it. And it takes two, just sayin No homo.
  9. You offended me by posting my car here again which is not even remotely rice. Thats enough members. You posted my car because your a dick. Plain and simple man. I posted yours in retaliation. I dont give enough of a shit about you Jrock to actually dig for your projects. For the record I dont find any of them ricey. But you went down that road first, not me.
  10. Um, no actually I dont, unlike you Jrock. but if you want to continue thread crapping, please....
  11. I never said they were loses. But unlike some people I dont go into "my shit is awesome and yours sucks ass and is rice"
  12. A poll on....? I didnt think we were in competition. You yourself said they were different, but oooooooooook. If thats the case a poll wont be the one that beats you around a track, or in a straight line for that matter lolololololololol. Why does peoples opinion mater to you so much? That definitely weighs in on your ricey side there man.
  13. No you should really try this for rice. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/50770-1971-datsun-521-snack-shack/page-49 I should lighten up, Your hilarious. I am nearly laughing off my computer chair. Let what go? What argument? RWD has nothing to do with rice at all. Nor was I talking about it, Pretty stupid insinuation considering how many ricey Datsuns/Nissans I see as well. Im a ricer, and you run SSRs, I am dying of laughter Jrock. DYING!
  14. I am not sure. You tell me Jrock does it? Cause your way ahead of me in that purchase.
  15. Posting it in Ricer sightings without knowing what it was..... Your wife didnt do that, come on now..... And it should actually be more likely in either "car porn" or "truck porn" or someone could make a "off road porn" Its still ricer? More Jrock genius I suppose.......I would love to see that comment even attempted to be backed up..... Ill wait.. Unless this is more of that AMAZING sarcasm of yours.... :rofl:
  16. I am somewhat in awe that you guys thought this was rice, LMFAO.
  17. You guys are fucking retarted Thats a Local Motors Rally Fighter.. There is, nor ever was, nothing even remotely rice about it, ever! They are absolute fucking BEAST!. They are built %100 custom in So Cal I believe.
  18. Its the only good thing about that car, and like implants, its only good stock. :rofl:
  19. Anyone near Washington D.C. that will pick up a set of seats for me? And either ship them to me or hold them for me.

    1. jrock4224


      yup i am .... oh shit no wait i dont have the d.c. fuck sorry man

    2. I'm BLUE
  20. Can someone in Maryland around the California area pick up seats and sent them to me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jrock4224


      yeah what silvia said....wut?

    3. I'm BLUE
    4. captaingamez


      Yes wierd question, Apparently there is aplace called California, Maryland, and theres some seats there I want.

  21. I have no scanner, and If I take a picture you wont be able to read anything cause my camera sucks. The interior light timer is under the drivers seat.
  22. To me this sounds like it could be a possible grounding issue. I would try to check the grounding wires for the headlight circuit. Welcome to Ratsun.
  23. That is epic as fuck man. Hell yes!!!
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