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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. Read this craziness in case you havent heard. http://money.msn.com/investing/post--mysterious-power-station-attack-worries-industry
  2. What a fucking tool. Another poor Zenki bites the dust. There is nothing stupider than someone that buys a great condition S chassis and then screws it up with dumb mods and drifting. They are getting valuable with how many are freakin destroyed all the time.
  3. Is that a Dual80 on the right? Damn that center one is thin!
  4. That should go in the "how accurate is Fast and Furious" thread?
  5. The high prices at Ecology are totally unfounded. FUCK ECOLOGY.
  6. Nice shit man. I love those damn prybars, I have been saving for a set.
  7. I have it on my schedule that I am going to that restaurant next time I go to LA. So I will let you know. Wierdly I have been going to Cha Cha Cha's for YEARS, and I only just realized that it is actually in FnF last time I watched it. "hey vince whats the name of that cuban restaurant you always wanted to take me to?" "Oh you mean the one with the little red candles?" "yeah" "Cha Cha Chas" "well he can take me" and by total coincidence they have 3 locations and the one I have been going to is the one they actually film in FnF. Awesome food, I highly reccomend checking it out.
  8. I am not trying to be an ass, but why did you get a Datsun if you dont want to work on it? Seems thats at very least, %25 of the point of a owning a Datsun. either way, good luck with the sale.
  9. Why do spammers even do this? I mean nobody I know ever clicks on the stuff, or buys anything or falls for this crap. Isnt it just a massive waste of time and resources? Also, compared to other forums I am on, this forum is actually really well moderated.
  10. Maximas are 910, and the "Maxima" name was first branded in Japan as a higher up model of the Bluebird 810, the name cointinued when the 910 series came out and all American market 910 were branded Maxima. 1st gen Maxima's definitely count as a Bluebird in my eyes. VIN tag even says "HG910" I was just joking, truly none of our cars are bluebirds since they werent sold in the "bluebird market" but I digress.
  11. Lulz. "Now me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block and replace those piston rings you fried" This statement is accurate because cars do have piston rings, and sometimes they are "fried" Of course the movie isnt accurate, its a movie.
  12. 17 is the perfect size for track cars up to 3100lbs, If it weighs more than that I give up on this thing anyway. The perfect example of this is the GTR, it comes with 20 inch wheels, well anyone in the know who wants to go fast will put 18 inch wheels on it. They oversize the crap out of wheels these days, the GTR actually looks better on the 18s regardless of if they perform better or not, which they do.
  13. I cant believe that Phillip Seymour Hoffman is dead. He was such a good actor. RIP man.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. laotsu


      My cocaine use is purely medicinal...

    3. laotsu


      Phil Hoffman was a superb actor and it is OUR loss now that he is gone.

    4. captaingamez


      I never said I either had "Sympathy" for him nor did I say it wanst sad that all the other illegal drug users died. All I aid was I cant believe PSH is dead, and he was a great actor.


      And it is OUR loss, theres not that many great actors today.


      Rick-A-Rat, I only do "drugs" that grow from the ground, guess that makes me a worthless illegal drug user too.


      get real.

  14. Wow, thats freaking ridiculous, there is no logical reason whatsoever to put freaking 18 or 19 inch wheels on that. God these French morons would not know good car design if you dropped it on them!
  15. YEE HAW Firebird!!!!!! Never been to the drag part, but thats where we race at, on the road course.
  16. See you learn something new everyday! I did know that top fuel and alcohol dont use Nitrous, its highly unstable with nitromethane. I thought you could use it in lower classes though as long as you werent running any Nitromethane. I didnt know pro-stock didnt use superchargers. I am that highly knowledgeable about drag racing, especially the class restrictions. I have seen top alcohol pistons shoot out the side of the block from the cylinder pressures, I did know the retainer straps in top fuel had nothing to do with nitro explosions.
  17. You can do that, everyone does, but the power will be unclean and shitty and not tuned. I think there is no point to boost at all if you are just gonna do that and spray shit tons of fuel and more ignition. Now you can run these things with no knock at all, when well tuned on 16psi, with a water-air intercooler and make 350 all day, reliable, effecient power.
  18. I think they are 17, but I definitely follow your point here.
  19. LMFAO. Truth. FWD can do some badass drag racing, but they have to be built specifically for it.
  20. I wasnt going for accuracy. But the Jetta would have lost regardless, FWD is garbage in dig races. I should know, lol, I've lost enough in my slow Honda B) . Lulz Edit: not serious, I dont street race, its gay.
  21. Check this out Tristan! He has a more complicated one where he makes an intake manifold.
  22. Yeah I dont think the "Johnny Tran explosion" was remotely accurate. Its a fun movie, I dont think perfect accuracy is what they were going for.
  23. I think he was there for the tuna, one way or another. I would be after Jordana Brewsters tuna too.....
  24. Yeah, I guess the photo systems are what shut down a lot of the midnight club stuff, Well I mean that Boso motorcycle wreck did that, but there were still people racing til they put up the cameras on the Shuto expressway. Apparently they still race the loops like they are race tracks though.
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