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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. Man, I miss my bacon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      yeah I did, valued it at 7 bucks too.

    3. NOTES...
    4. FoxyRoadster


      Also somehow his account info for logins ended up on 4chan.. dont know how that happened.. lol

  2. I sometimes question humanity sometimes... Gave a friend a place to stay, stole all my fathers pain pills and 350 dollars.. Bastard stole my bacon even.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      yeah I know, fucking bacon.. Might as well pissed on my rug too, cause it really ties the room together.

    3. danfiveten


      My brother had this happen the other day. they have been friends since age of 8. guy fucked his gf in his apartment where hes been staying, stole his wii and xbox, and then last weekend jumped him as he was leaving his house, sucker punched my brother in the face because he was pissed he got kicked out. my brother beat the shit out of him so happy i trained the kid when he worked for me for fedex.


    4. Skib


      +1 for beat down but hes still got some alphaing up to do.


  3. work just lit a fiberline for the helpdesk, I've got 100mbit download yay for hardware limitation

    1. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      why? because you already have a money swallowing Datto

  4. Decided not to swap the R16 out for a B6, but will be working on doing ITB's on the R16 eventually.

  5. Since I dumped the gf I had that was an artist and she took all the datto art I had intended to air brush I'm needing to find someone to sketch out what I need. So yeah, if you are an artist and have the time and such let me know I'll get with you on the details and we can discuss cost.
  6. I have always admired the lightweight roadster he has, its a bit of an oddball with vw flares but thats what makes it cool.
  7. I got tired of straight exhaust on the miata and had to install a glass pack because I had one spare.. I hate how ricey it sounds.

  8. Sucks about the bumper dude. Someone put a huge dent in my door here at work, pissed me off. Blew a tire at 80mph and bout rolled mine the other day, fortunately I and ended up going backwards off the road and into the grass destroying the stock muffler.
  9. Threads like this are why I don't sell parts often... Shit happens, if you are worried enough about money you send in an online transaction you should ask for a phone number or some form of contact you can directly reach the seller at.
  10. I can't bring myself to swap the R16 out of my roadster.. Its pushrod sound just makes me love it too much

    1. MikeRL411


      The sound of the "tappets" as the Brits call them is sweet indeed! Hydraulic lifters are too tame.

  11. that sucks so bad. How bad is the truck? I'm hoping it won't be a complete total (I know insurance might total it but least you can keep it on the road if its not trashed)
  12. Saw a toyota that made me smile yesterday. mid-80's corolla GTS mint condition putting down I40 with an elderly looking couple in it.

  13. I keep a cb in all my cars, always good when some douche creams the median wall and I end up in a traffic jam. I rock the cheapo walmart cobras though, lol
  14. had sushi for the first time ever, I was quite out of place lol

    1. Jennifer


      did you like it? :)

  15. I'm sure a few have been finished, just hard to find cause it isn't a common swap like the SR or KA ones.
  16. didn't know you could marry a datsun, just kidding :lol: congrats
  17. It seems to be on there now :cool: But man skibs been gone not even a few weeks and we get threads rising up from the dead. :lol:
  18. Fortunately rust wont be an issue, Thats what I spent the last 3 years fixing. Por15'd the body as well as bedlined the interior, trunk, and points that could potentially rust again causing body damage. I say its ragged because I didn't put a final coat of paint and didn't fix the front fenders dents, not worried about them I intend to replace them with fiberglass eventually.
  19. might could get the carb to fit, but the intake manifold is completely different.. You'd honestly be better off with buying an aftermarket conversion as you'd have to modify the H20 carb use for above 3500rpm.
  20. I'd call it far from beat now, I've spent the last 3 years piecing it together lol I want to actually enjoy it for longer then a month. lol
  21. The h20 in them bolts up to the roadster 4 speed, its a low compression 2 litre engine. I originally planned to use the head off one on an R16 to add boost and create maybe over 150hp. They also have torque out the ass all the way through the rpms.
  22. Thanks mate, I intend to hit up the local car shows and stuff and soak up all the culture while I'm there. I'm also sure get some stares I'm sure running a vintage 1968 license plate thats like pumpkin orange. I also had been looking into insurance and I noticed the insurance over there wants to know every little thing done, which I'll go ahead and do to keep things by the books since this car wont be daily driven over there but just my little weekend escape. I have intentions of an Aprila RS 125 for most travel.
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