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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. I opted to pass on the Z car, I decided I need a truck more. :cool:
  2. Just a bit of an update. The guy is gonna be dropping the Z off at my new house tomorrow but before we trade he wants to "look it over real good". So I figure I'll look the Z over real good as well, though from what I've seen of the Z so far my bug is still the better end of the deal. So if he wants to be picky then he should have owned a 2+0 :lol: I'm tired of the bug, it sits around and any time I take it off road I break something on it. I'd be better off with a V8 z honestly and body work doesn't scare me, its dealing with what the PO's of the car has fucked up is what does. :P
  3. Winning: My 35 dollar innovate lc-1 is here.

  4. lol at me explaining why getting a turd of a datsun is a good idea.. Diamonds aren't made overnight.

    1. Z chopper

      Z chopper

      ya I explain that it takes years to reach perfection and datsuns have been around for years so they must be perfect

  5. I've actually seen more vipers, lambos, ferraris, exc (even an R34 at one point) out here then I have datsuns.
  6. hows the bolt on the bottom or pretty much I'd like to see how it mounts to the fender
  7. Thinking of what to do with the L28 once I get the Z in my drive way. http://i690.photobucket.com/albums/vv263/foxyroadster/100_2312.jpg?t=1249778207 my mind keeps thinking of this.\

  8. not mine but worth a look I'd think http://wichitafalls.craigslist.org/cto/2514565080.html
  9. http://www.sportsimports.ca/ give these guys a holler for the osgiken one, they'll be able to tell you more.
  10. I guess I'm just a fan of having a piece of processed tree with images on it. :lol:
  11. That is what I'm saying, I'd even settle for the 80's ones included just no Nissan with the datsun logo smaller ones. :D I mean hell the VW mag features some of the same cars once a year :P but its only 20 bucks a year to subscribe and such. There are enough datto owners and events to for sure keep a magazine going for quite some time. lol
  12. Please explain? I've yet to see a reason why its not a good one if applied properly and over proper surface, not trying to prove you wrong or anything I'm just curious. As for the POR15 even if you don't use bedliner I'd really suggest some kind of coat over it to help protect it.
  13. If you do the under body I'd suggest coating over it with a rubberized bed liner. I did most of my roadster with a gallon but only layed one coat.
  14. Fuck it is hot here.

    1. laotsu


      nice and temperate here by the coast

  15. One of the biggest deals with this Z is that it has a title, which always seems to be an issue out this way. I can get new titles for a car, but the issue is it cost me 150 bucks per title and its not guaranteed I'll get it. The Vdub to me is at most worth 800 bucks, even with the engine work. The Z is worth about 600 due to it having a valid title, this is because out this way you don't see very many dattos and ones you do normally lack a title.
  16. Thinking 5.3L v8 for the 2+2, can get everything needed for under 1500 and 300hp stock

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      if you donated a v12 I'd stuff that bitch in the Z lol

    3. lil89ram50


      that woulld be awesome

    4. RedBanner


      Deal, if I ever happen to get a v12 for any reason I solumly swear to give it up. For science.

  17. Currently can't start, owner says the starter needs a replaced. Honestly I have plans for a V8.
  18. I wish Dattos was as common as vdubs around here, hell I have found more SS Nova's around here then dattos. One here for sale with zip rust for 1800 lol. If I bought a VW bus, I'd swap to something with more enuf under the hood.
  19. I'm mostly taking the comments about mechanical and body work as the serious ones. :lol: I do like the 2+2, its like a dog thats so ugly you can't help but give it a hug.
  20. Basicly lol, I can sell the spare parts for the vw I have and buy *another* bug, I had let the floorpans go to shit because it wasn't worth fixing. lol
  21. Guess I'm used to living near a wrecking yard for vintage vdubs cause I'd drove that baja like I stole it. Hammering the engine up to 6k and so forth. :lol: Highest cash offer I've had is 900 bucks and I didn't take it.
  22. There is a huge VW wrecking yard here, I can buy VW bodies for 500 bucks all day long from them. Heater channels and both floor pans completely rotted out, and PO did a very improper cut for the baja kit. I'm keeping all my fancy shit for it, like trigger wheel pulley, dellorto carb, and so forth to sell to someone else and have cash handy.
  23. Yeah, I know this but lol people complain I don't have one in the roadster or miata. :lol: I'm gonna see if the guy will drop it off at my house and then maybe consider it a deal.
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