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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. People make the forum ya know, and if enough people disagree with something maybe they would reconsider? But guess that is just hogwash and no one ever should have a different opinion and anyone who disagrees should just go elsewhere.
  2. Unfortunately I treat those with diesel fuel as they drive my allergies crazy. I think my roadster is cursed as the grass just dies around it, I don't know why.
  3. Broke the rear lugs and studs trying to get one of the stock wheels off the rear.. I think the wheel hasn't been off the car since the 80's.
  4. Got some OIC's I'd advise repainting them but no major chips, cracks or such as they've sat around in my shed for the last year or so.
  5. That would be like blaming Ratsun for any bad sellers in the for sale section.. I'd assume any transaction done would be buyer beware. Personally.. I think it would be good to welcome people selling wares for our datto's as parts and little gizmos are hard to sort though at time on ebay due to all the crap that gets listed.. Plus some venders give out prizes and everyone loves prizes!
  6. So modeling the roadster after the vette in "King of the Mountain" cept a roadster and doing the Fairlady S aero nose on the front.

  7. Shit needs a wizard or dragon painted on it.
  8. brake check a cop tailgating me on the highway like a bawse.

  9. I wish alamo drafthouse would branch out more.. I went to the movies and as normal some loud ass yacking through my 9 fucking dollar movie.
  10. Anyone mind emailing some rain? I can't weld here due to burn bans

    1. DatWifey


      Seattle's got some random showers going on today. I'll grab some during the next one and send it your way!

    2. johny F

      johny F

      same with portland.


  11. Sorry rake, roadster, and tub not up for grabs... The grass on the other hand make an offer.
  12. emptying out the shop, man I've bought a lot of crap that I *planned* to use.

  13. I bought these ebay fiberglass "universal" flares with intentions of flaring the roadster, but decided they didn't match up right. They have never been installed and I wont be using these on any car I own so I'm asking 75 dollars plus shipping. More to come so keep checking back as I empty out my shed.
  14. Have you let it charge with the notebook powered off at all?
  15. its cool, but anyone can do this a company produces the adapter plates for vw transmission to almost any engine. Even our beloved L20 is on the list for their kits.
  16. lulz I'm the biggest bitch on the face of the earth quote my ex and all of apparently former friends

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      NO !!! ,,,, i'm the biggest bitch ,,,




    2. philcas1987
  17. Deleting is cheating though :cool:
  18. Dating while living with your ex, a whole new world of awkward and non sexy time.

    1. 69FJWagon


      been there done that, cant agree with you more..LOL

    2. MicroMachinery


      How... nevermind.

  19. There is for dattos too, just not as fancy pants. I know of a few shops that hunt roadsters just for parts but these are cars that will never see the road again.. Less my broke ass owns it.
  20. The guy is retarded, he should have stuck god's gift to the automotive world in the car. LSx series engine.
  21. Though its not awd and a deathtrap on ice, can't ever go wrong with a datsun roadster. Its just classy, no mater how old. :lol:
  22. I hate people that don't listen when they consult with you over car problems.

  23. lol well I'm just looking for another reason to validate driving to canby, but realizing since I'm single I don't need to. :rolleyes:
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