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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. linked ended up breaking, but look for datsun on that site you'll see the new up to date 2011 trademark on datsun.
  2. I kinda figured, cause if you did I'd ask when was BBQ was gonna be. lol
  3. only thing likable about it is a convertible chopped windshield.. rest not so likable. :blink:
  4. Nissan doesn't think so. http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4004:3vpbld.3.1
  5. Hmm I thought the limit was 1.9 but thats good to know. I'd go for the SR over the b6 if budget allows and cutting the crossmember is okay. Just hard to beat a 300 dollar motor swap that practically bolts in.
  6. Sorta, the H20 has the same stroke and bore as a U20 but I don't think the stock R16 block can support the same stroke and bore.
  7. The R16 is pretty cheap to work on overall, parts are still produced for the H20 which is almost the same as the R16. I can go on for hours about options on the roadster but honestly if you are worried about causing body damage from an engine swap a miata swap would be the best. The KA is a tight squeeze if you don't alter the car a bit. I know KA has displacement but also is almost 400lbs fully dressed, the B6 has them beat at 290lbs fully dressed and a huge aftermarket.
  8. That mopar color you are wanting is called "Plum Crazy"
  9. This is gonna sound like a hipster lol... But I'd rather it be unknown to most cept those into the car scene, I knew what gymkhana was before the entertaining videos came out and I'm more worried about the little events that aren't for profit then that big showy one.
  10. looks to be a 2000ish dollar car. Buying a roadster to try to flip isn't wise, they are money pits.
  11. If you go with the SR swap you'll have to knotch the front crossmember, just an FYI. http://www.311s.org/pmwiki-311/pmwiki.php?n=TechSection.EngineSwaps If you sign up for an account on 311s.org you'll also see their engine swap section.
  12. Yeah problem I see with that though is if someone else does such with no association to either DC shoes or Ken Block they could possibly get a C and D letter as well. Be kinda like the NHRA sueing drag strips.
  13. http://i.autoblog.com/2011/10/04/dc-shoes-aiming-to-shut-down-gymkhana-grid-events-for-trademark/ I'm surprised they didn't try to trademark the word drift as well.
  14. fubared my megasquirt firmware, took hours to figure out the serial port on my laptop was fucking up the connections.. lol.

  15. Fuck that noise, I'm gonna do what I want with it now. :lol: I failed pretty big as I was in the middle of doing a japanese flag on the hood and ran out of paint thinner to clean up the overspray. lol I will finish it up when I get paid, while I have time I was think of sticking something silly at the sun like hello kitty or something.
  16. debating on the uk job, not really gaining much out of it besides an adventure.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lil89ram50


      you only live once man! take the roadster and cruise the uk!

    3. ripetomatoes


      do it man! prolly a once in a lifetime opp!

    4. RedBanner


      you gata never let it go go

  17. Never trust an oklahoman when something is free, we're assholes like that.
  18. Could be worse people expect me to ride a horse, bang white women, drink firewater, and burn wagons. (better hide the goon squad lol)
  19. Have to agree... Even more so if your 510 is SR powered, you spend all that cash on the engine but cheap out on the most important thing ever, if you wana run a wilwood master I'd just at least upgrade the front disc and go with a proportioning valve to keep the drums from locking.
  20. Holy fucksticks, I will be able to fit my work equips on the roadster. I am so happy!

    1. Laecaon
    2. FoxyRoadster


      not much to look at right now, just some wheelless rims.

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      fucksticks !? hahahaahah

  21. Guess this person hasn't seen how much the roadster crowd drops into their rides and sells them for. I wouldn't accept anything less then 2500 for mine and it still is a crap car compared to most roadsters.
  22. I've got the last tag and pink slip for my roadster. Just wish I had the license plate
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