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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. no problem, just post OIC's when done. :D
  2. I think I spend too much time on here, only reason I know about it is from random post that made me go "what the hell..?" that seemed more like someone trolling then with a serious issue.
  3. At times I hate how anonymous the internet can be, people get 10 foot tall and think they can post anything and get all over emotional instead of being civil and handling things like adults. I've seen plenty of threads on here handle issues like this go well here on ratsun, but that's only because both parties acted as adults. I'm sure all ya'll who have been around on ratsun know what I am talking about too. :lol:
  4. http://s384403007.e-shop.info/shop/article_21/Gunmetal-Grey-Exclusive-Color.html?shop_param=cid%3D9%26aid%3D21%26 might give this a shot, its reversible.
  5. Yeah ticket, totally worth it though to get my megasquirt a good run of tune all the way up to pretty much max RPM.
  6. holy crap, I didnt think it would actually do it and neither did the hi-po but he sure wrote a ticket for 112mph.
  7. I hated renting houses, ended up in a rent to own so the people I am buying it from dont give a fuck about my cars in the yard.
  8. I keep trying to tell myself v8 for the miata and leave the datsun alone.. but I keep wanting to throw a v8 in the roadster

  9. I'd say its worth about 500 if it has a title.
  10. If I am reading this correctly she could have had a note faxed to them if she has her condition still checked on and so forth. I'd think this would fall more under the americans with disability act then gender, but thats just me.
  11. You should have one even if its just to make your lawn pretty, quite a few Z's in the OKC area. Even a roadster http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org/cto/2766236579.html
  12. You get caught doing that and the miata community will rageface so hard, last guy who did it was blackballed. :P
  13. They should, but you'll have to do some changes... Being honest though be cheaper to slap a turbo on a miata 1.6 as you can buy them for little to nothing... If you want the 1.8 BP from the miata you can nab one out of a Ford Escort GT
  14. Lets just say there is more to the story then just them wanting to trade down, its the wife factor. :D But I just cant trade my project for someone elses project.. Just feels wrong.
  15. This car has the same 1.6 as the miata, just a turbo version. 14psi is just a start with the B6. :cool:
  16. I sat and thought about it.. I've done pretty much a ground up job on the roadster, I just cant let it go. I'd been looking for one for years, found this one a block away from my house at the time and well.. The porsche would be put together by me, but it wouldn't be built by me.. I'll just wait for me to find the right porsche someday and build it the same.
  17. Those are outdated, I need to get some updates.
  18. I was thinking cheaper rotary or LSx powered solutions.. I have below 5k into my roadster now.. So kinda hard to let go. Interior is no issue with me, I'd have removed it anyways.. None of my cars have interior pieces for some reason. :lol:
  19. So I've been offered an 89 Porsche in trade for the datsun... I've always wanted a badass widebody porsche, but again I've always wanted a fairlady as well... Only catch is Porsche is missing the engine, but transmission is still there, No interior, full cage, Its damn sexy I wont lie.
  20. Hard call, but I'd suggest trying your hand at some DIY fiberglass work with the one you made and see how it turns out as you can make ducting to the brakes really easy.
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