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Status Updates posted by PrimeLuxeZ

  1. These last two days have really been something else, you really get wore out when you are constanly doing things.

  2. I wish I could win the lotto, I would buy everyone at least one part for their datto.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DAT510


      Can you buy me a S20 head

      Or OS Giken head

      Or a racing L head

    3. metalmonkey47


      Dat has it right lol

    4. DAT510


      I just like head


  3. HSG130-010394 does that vin seem right? Can somone check it because im having no luck, and most vin checkers are asking for 17 characters rather then the old car 12 charecters

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. darrel
    3. PrimeLuxeZ


      That sounds like a good idea archtype. Well thats what the guy sent me.

    4. PrimeLuxeZ


      Well datsuns had 12 characters till 3/811 actually

  4. What could be the best way to check a vin number on a car to see if it is clean?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PrimeLuxeZ


      lol that would be pretty east.


    3. PrimeLuxeZ


      Thanks DTP thats really helpful

    4. sedition88


      If it's a GM vehicle I can run your vin

  5. I once asked a kid if he knew what a molly was. Then I explained to him it was a drug. Am I doing it right. Society at its best?

    1. r0p0doe


      You were supposed to ask him if he's seen Molly

  6. Should I sell it Should I not. Anyone else get attached to their first car. Its pretty hard to let go.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PrimeLuxeZ


      Yeah you are right. Im probably gonna let my z31 go for 1500.

    3. FiveSeventyZee


      sadly Z31's don't really go for much anymore...idk why, theyre one of my favorite Z generations.

    4. PrimeLuxeZ


      Yeah well unless they are in minty condition.

      But sadly its true.

  7. I either lost or got jacked my girlfriends mothers boyfriends ipad. So now I have to buy them one. Fuck my life, their goes the z's money.

  8. Problems with the girlfriend.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FiveSeventyZee


      lol at the doc...

    3. Siempreloco


      "Bitches ain't shit but hoes n' tricks"

      -Dr. Dre (AKA a more qualified doctor than Nismo)

    4. PrimeLuxeZ


      Everything is all right.


  9. End of course friday. Gonna be a chill weekend.

    1. The Dat-side

      The Dat-side

      Weekend? I don't understand.

  10. Anyone have experience with the Tokico HP shocks? I wanna buy some for my Z

    1. darrel


      which z? I prefer the illuminas. But they only make them for the front on the 280zx, not sure about the z31.


    2. PrimeLuxeZ


      Well I would love to have the illuminas also cause I hear good things about them. But they are a bit too pricey for me right now. Yeah MSA sells them online for the z31.

  11. I have a problem with my Z, since it does not have a title and Im not the orignal owner. Im thinking about to getting a bonded title or something like that. Since I need to track down the owner, I dont want to tell him can I get your signature etc. and then tell him that the car is working. Since he is the rightful owner, is their any way to prevent him from taking the vahicle from me?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PrimeLuxeZ


      Well I dont have a bill of sale. The only thing I have is the receipt where my dad bought the car from his boss. Because it was gonna be salvaged. He used to work at a towing service place as their mechanic and they would buy and sell cars to the salvage yard.

    3. PrimeLuxeZ


      I guess i could go give the guy a holler and see if he remembers where he got the z from.

    4. PrimeLuxeZ


      Yeah im not currently driving the car for that purpose, since I cant register it.

  12. High!, how high are you?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PrimeLuxeZ


      What about chicken wings for dinner. Hit the spot right.

    3. MikeRL411


      Are you talking altitude or chemical enhancement?

    4. PrimeLuxeZ


      chemical enhancement.


  13. Do the doors off an s130 2+0 fit on a 2+2?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ArchetypeDatsun
    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE






      ... cutting torch , rubber bands to hold it shut , and no pride



    4. PrimeLuxeZ


      thought so, I was kinda eyebaling it, but wasnt so sure. What about taking out a dent from a 2+2 dent. anyone ever do that before?

  14. Any one want to buy dome lights? They are good quality.

  15. Quick question: Everything from an s130 would be a quick swap into a s30. As in drivetain?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. darrel


      s30 covers 240,260,280z


    3. PrimeLuxeZ


      ok, I was mainly wondering about the driveshaft length and where the motor mounts. But alright Becuase I found an s30 for sale and cheap.

    4. ArchetypeDatsun


      All L6 70-83 will drop in without any modification, exception to the LD28.

  16. I want a RHD s130. That would be tits..

  17. Saw an s13 and s14 while going home from school. Both lowered and light mods. Was cool because I seen one then like 4 min later I seen the other. Made my night.

  18. So bought two belts, cost me 20 dollers. Wow I was driving around with all that squeaking noise, because I didnt want to wast 20 dollers, What an idiot.

  19. So I'm at school, and my battery is dying on my laptop.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. INDY510


      had to use the Library computer to read this

    3. bananahamuck


      had to hack the 711 pay phone for dial-up to get on today.

    4. PrimeLuxeZ


      Lol yes, first world problem. Hacking 711 phone, seems legit.

  20. Had a bomb ass day with the girlfriend. And finally bought Sally her window wipers. Finally

  21. Anyone know how to remove the chrome trim around the front windshield on a 280zx?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PrimeLuxeZ


      okay anyone know the certain spots, i don't want to break one, then have it loose when i assemble it back together.

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      not a question of breaking.. its how many..


      you do it by feel.. very gentle..very small increments

    4. gearboxx70


      The proper tool is real thin, and has a sharp hook on both ends. You slip the hook CAREFULLY under the trim and slowly work it along until you feel a clip. Then CAREFULLY push the sharp tip of the tool into the clip and the trim pops loose from the clip. Its mostly something done by feel unless you've done the same type of car a few times and know where all the clips are.

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