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Status Updates posted by Pumpkn210

  1. The danger aliens are on patrol patrol!

  2. Please keep me informed of any meet ups in the PNW!

  3. Frozen Water Sphere Conflict!

    1. bananahamuck


      coagulated water droplets


      fully grown person

  4. So Much Win, its falling from the Sky!

  5. 184 proof special blend...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Break out the trash can..

      It`s Spodie time!!

    3. izzo




      had some of that last year. Fuck...

    4. albyneau


      Puttin that in the truck's tank~

      or YOURS???

  6. I LOVE gettin next to another datsun on the road... The harmony is unbelieveable!

    1. bananahamuck


      Home video i took of it.


    2. Tice


      Haha, I get all excited when I see another Z when Im in my Z... when Im in the Cobalt, I'm jealous as eff!


    3. Tice


      Haha, I get all excited when I see another Z when Im in my Z... when Im in the Cobalt, I'm jealous as eff!


  7. Gotta love that turbo 500 pot still!

    1. RedBanner


      bawse hog eatin dust

  8. Never a dull moment!

    1. bananahamuck
    2. 1lo620


      if life was dull it wouldnt be fun, enjoy the crazy times!!!

  9. thats another profile view...

  10. The Real Truth, is in general discussion. Please read it, but also please dont kill me...

    1. albyneau


      If I kill ya it wouldn't be 4 GTA~ it be 4 your big red shoes and the ASSPENNYMOBILE!

  11. Moderators get results! Thanks Guys!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 420n620


      I call it inhaling, sounds better then suck.

    3. Pumpkn210


      yep I screwed the pooch on this one fellas!

    4. 420n620


      I cheated and deleted.

  12. Goin to get an L20 fer the flat bed today, fingers crossed!

    1. RedBanner


      Oh yeah, chrome that beeyahtch

    2. ptown green

      ptown green

      Good thing I've got my fingers crossed Freddy! Crossed? Crossedd. Crossed? Crossed.

    3. Sandman


      Your up to 248,a few more minutes!!!

  13. Good Deed Done! Changed a strangers flat tire, Feels Good!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. INDY510


      get her a tire changing "kit" for Valentines Day

    3. RedBanner


      Haha, a-romantic, emotional masterbation bwaaaahahaha

    4. RedBanner


      I can help, but youl have to walk over there so my gf can pretend its her car....

  14. damn shit! should just sell this damn flat bed!

  15. Women still make less $$ than men. Guess all that "you cant hit me, I'm a girl" mess is costin ya... Literally!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Its one of the last things they got, and we have always controlled the money!


    3. Jennifer
    4. bananahamuck


      So pumpy you think you make more than my wife??



  16. Tidings of comfort and joy!

  17. I had a parrot that talked, but it did not say "Im hungry" so it died.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      I like Kit Kits unless I'm with 4 or more people.

    3. darc510


      a burrito is a sleeping bag for beef!

    4. RedBanner
  18. My dad is an asshole! Happy Turkey Day!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DatDoug


      A - SS - HO - LE.......HES AN ASSHOLE, HES AN ASSHOLE....

    3. DOnatello


      Its thanksgiving, NOT turkey day

    4. bananahamuck


      Yeah, but it`s a rare occasion to be able to referace Frank Zappa in staus


      Good show.

  19. just crossed the water into WA on the train! drinkin moonshine and eating roast beef!

    1. Jennifer
    2. dirtydiesel
    3. Sealik


      Well, pistons keep on churnin'

      And the wheels go 'round and 'round

      And the steel rails lie cold and hard

      On the mountains they go down

  20. Gettin ready to leave Portland, headed south!

    1. RedBanner
    2. H5WAGON


      Get on the road son! Nice wet drive!

    3. jon521


      where you heading to?

  21. , Zach, and Kaitlyn checkin in at Skunk and Jass slab. Eugene in the mornin...

    1. lil89ram50


      hope everything goes good for you guys.

  22. is headed south, to roseburg in the mornin!

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