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Dat Lurka

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Everything posted by Dat Lurka

  1. Hey, there's a lunatic on that grass.

    1. laotsu


      that lunatic is you


  2. I paid 300$ for my first two Datsuns and recovered all the money plus 200$ parting out one. Then I spent that 200$ on rebuilding brakes, head, and timing. Then I drove the piss out of it daily for a couple months. Only time it ever failed me was bad gas line and getting stuck on mud trails where most people wouldn't bring a jeep. Add up the price of tires, machine work, whatever parts and junk I put into it and I still had less than 500$ invested. I estimate I made at least 3500$ in haul jobs alone. By all means it was a daily driver. Even if it meant adding a quart of oil every week. I sold it for 500$ to a man intending to do a full restomod and use it as a daily. And I'd do it all over again Because Datsun, dammit.
  3. ^coming from a non datsun owner. :rolleyes:
  4. The brakes don't interchange. Easier to do one of the front disc mods. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/25124-hardbody-disc-brake-brackets-for-620521520320/ Use the search bar. Look for disc conversion. I definitely preferred my 78 with disc over 77.
  5. Howdy Folks. How ya doins?

  6. Fucking urushiol allergy. MY face taste like cortizone. I'm so damn miserable right now.

  7. My cuts have all healed. Still can't get over the embarrassment or the loss of my truck.
  8. Non Datsun project ideas start with "Can I put a Datsun engine in it?"
  9. Too much dough for a basket case IMO But it's a Datsun so..
  10. Smoke it if you got it East Coast! Happy fo tinny y'all

  11. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4176713311067&set=o.115850738472944&type=1&theater
    1. Phixius


      did someone put the puzzle together wrong?

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Lol. I like the concept. Never seen it done on such a small bike. I bet I could carry an amp and bass on it!

    3. oldskoolvws


      You better give the passenger a handle bar because he'll be shitting bricks if you don't. But then you'll look like two kids in a driving school car...hahaha.

  12. Pics please. Does it need tires? Brakes?
  13. I have mango mouth,

    1. bananahamuck


      Is that like pineapple palate?

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      More like poison sumac. Benadryl and Vaseline breakfast,

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