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Dat Lurka

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Everything posted by Dat Lurka

  1. Work Can't remember how many loads of scrap I pulled with that truck. And play
  2. I've had every Anarchsit Cookbook revision and knockoff available. I was also an admin on the ACB website for several of my younger years. Not that I would ever use any of it for bad. Merca
  3. Thermite Extremist. I hope it was an accident. Sources are all over the place but most say 100 plus person dead and lots of injuries.
  4. No, not yet. Haven't had a way to get there. I'm at the will of others when it comes to going places right now. I've even offered to suck the full tank of gas out for whoever gives me a ride lol. I saw it the day after when I left the hospital. Wish I had a camera. Mine didn't survive the accident. Standing in the rain in nothing but a pair of scrubs. A dark splatter of blood, glass, and hair on the headliner. The faint smell of sweet strawberries coming from the pile of wreckage piled in the top of a twisted mess that was one a camper top.
  5. I almost posted a WTB ad...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      No don't think I did. Living is dangerous, sir.

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      wait, yeah I did.

    4. RedBanner


      Lol, well, you got me there.

  6. So no launch today....

  7. It's all goooood. I no longer have to worry about the damn fine. That lowered my stress levels a bit. I want another KC deluxe HAHAHA good fucking luck. I don't believe there is another one around here. The joblessness and homelessness I can get over. I've been working and I got a boat to stay on moored in the bayou. What's hurting me the most is losing the truck. It wouldn't be so bad if it was towed to the house like it was supposed to be so I could start tearing it apart and passing on the parts. I really, really loved that truck.
  8. When you're broke, homeless, and carless but you still manage to find a way to search for Datsuns.
  9. The sea. Sylable of free. Such a place you will find me.

    1. INDY510


      and this bird you cannot change

  10. You fill the crankcase like normal then turn the pump drive with a drill or something to run the oil through the engine. Might have done some damage. Might be ok.
  11. Stagehand work is great,

    1. RedBanner


      Keep an eye out for my stuff, stage craft industries ftw

    2. Dat Lurka
  12. Some people were killed in Boston today. This morning the USA bombed an Afghan wedding killing 30~ people and appologized for their mistake. -Hypocrisy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. devilsbullet


      now that I wont argue with lol.

    3. Kirden


      Shhh, they will come get you...

    4. devilsbullet


      let em. they wont like whats in store if they do

  13. It was 18-22 year olds from the USA. That's my guess
  14. It's motorcycle time. I can't do this no wheels thing any longer.

  15. The question isn't who blew up the Boston marathon but why did they blow up the Boston marathon?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Z chopper

      Z chopper

      ya and Canada would kick american ass just like in 1812 :P

    3. Draker


      lol.. they would still be riding horses and using the same equipment too.

    4. Dat Lurka
  16. Can't look at all these datsuns. I'm getting very depressed. I finally got a sailboat to stay on though. Yesterday was my first time sailing in 12 years. It felt so right. Like that feeling I get when I drive a Datsun.

  17. You roll it 5 times and all you can think about is making the money to get the carcass out of the tow yard so you can cut the top off and keep driving it.
  18. Man I got ramen and a cast net. Mullet and Noodles :rofl:
  19. It's all under a crazy pvc tarp cover right now but it looks like this
  20. Thanks a lot it's much appreciated. It's amazing how you can lose it all so fast. I'll make it though, I always do. I did find a place to stay. A 55 foot chris craft yacht in exchange for working on it. So much woodwork to do and two giant diesels to sort out :frantics: Anyways, appreciate any help folks and if anyone in the southeast can get my truck please do! I'll be off for I don't know how long. If anyone wants to shoot me a text that's cool haha. I love you Ratsun. Keep on truckin.
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