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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. You're the one who thinks he knows more than the factory engineers but I'M the one that's delusional?THat's down right hysterical.L motors have gone BILLIONS of miles WITHOUT this mod your championing.It is NOT needed and serves no purpose.
  2. One way?Nope.THere is always more than one wayThe right way however,is the factory way.THere is absolutely NO benefit to cutting the spring.
  3. Just because something "doesn't go wrong,doesn't mean it's a good idea.THe factory guys weren't idiots.They did it for a reason.And unless you been wrenching on Datsuns before 1976-you're a JUNIOR officer.
  4. If this was a good idea,it would be more prevalent.
  5. I just scrapped a hood & trunk lid last week......
  6. If anyone thinks they can finish a truck like that for less than the asking price,put the crack pipe down and run away.
  7. Look closely at the verbage.This company bought it from an estate sale.Then they "gold plated" the entire truck and priced it accordingly.Very slim market for a Datsun in that price range.
  8. 77 810. How do you get the knobs off of the dimmer switch & WW switch witout destroying them?
  9. Z-train


    What do you have left for parts?
  10. Thanks. Update.He dosn't work on digital clocks.:(
  11. If i hadn't just tossed my 30 YO Sharp Carousel,i'd put it in the back of the wagon and take an oic for you comedians.
  12. http://www.brandextract.com/catbowling/
  13. Actually,it's your go slower,get dirty quicker, completely inferior to the factory air cleaner air cleaner
  14. At least the truck is white and they won't be able to see "anything" on it.
  15. Mike-and what was Tonto going to do with the Tomahawk?
  16. Now there is a expression i haven't heard in awhile.And true also.
  17. Z-train

    SD22 620?

    Anything more than a 15% mix of veggie oil VOIDS all inject5or pump manufacturers warrantees.Basically,like some women-veggie oil should be left in the kitchen.
  18. I'd love to hear what these "ink chicks" will have to say in 20 years or so.
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