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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Trivia question:Why did wing windows dis-appear?
  2. Never available in North AMerica.
  3. Sidebar:Could someone put a tape on the springs and let me know what their OD is?Thanks.
  4. Scrapping a 77 810 Goon....soon.Some of you i have already talked to about parts.Please contact me again at Cobrabill @earthlink.net This way i get the message quicker and nothing gets dropped.Anyone else,same thing.Thanks
  5. Good electronics store.Radio Shack a slim possibility.
  6. Get a can of "De-oxit' and hose the fuse box with it.
  7. I think the owner needs to get HER off his property.
  8. Dan-you have it partly right.POR works by preventing OXYGEN from getting to the rust.Take away oxygen-the rust process stops.Moisture actually cures POR 15.Yes,the best way is to remove rust itself.However in certain situations(pick-up beds come to mind) where this is not financially possible or even possible period.
  9. The one radio i have is in a dash that is sold.Sorry-no tape deck
  10. 280-he's smoking his lunch.And besides,with a newborn the last thing you want is airbags. Struts-nothing right now.But i'm working on something.
  11. Looks are deceiving.Most of that paint came off with a power washer.It has close to 300K on it.And a lot of the good parts(mechanical are going on the blue car.
  12. That's my parts soruce for the blue car.The other one is what i'm parting out.
  13. Miners- confined spaces.Bad ananlogy Info from France?PA-lease....... Info from the EPA?That's laughable. "anticipated"meaning not yet. Info from "government agencies"?
  14. Didn't say it wasn't harmful.I said the cancer thing is liberal california bullshit,that's all.Aboslutely no evidence to support their claim.
  15. Brake pedal on hte right is from a Z.Left is an 810 one
  16. THe one i'm about to scrap was running and i put 60K on it.It now has around 280K on it.This one was running but had numerous issues which are about all resloved now.THe last 810 i saw is sitting on my ranch.
  17. Dude-you need to move to the states.Shipping kills any deals you have.
  18. Cancer?Please only that liberal gestapo state of Kalifornia makes that claim.If it were true,there'd be millions of dead truckers & rails from cancer. It's all about the money.The Peoples Republik of kalifornia DMV office suspened my registration to my Cobra TWO YEARS AFTER i moved to Az. because they didn't like the way the state of Georgia did it's paperwork. Back to Diesels-and people wonder why i am keeping my 2000 Cummins.......go figure.
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