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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Get a loaner guage and confirm numbers.Something ain't right.If you car was here the guage would be saying that the cooling system was keeping the motor BELOW ambient air temp.
  2. Step by step: 1)Pour Mystery oil in holes and let soak. 2)breaker bar on crank bolt and turn engine over S-L-O-W-L-Y.With plugs out,not much resistance should be felt and it should be smooth 3)turn it over by hand 5-6 times 4)Douche out the fuel system.This means drop the tank and clean it good.Make sure carb is clean. 5)new plugs,put fuel & fire to it and light it off. 6)Check for leaks.Just 'cause you see water -don't panic.It could be a freeze plug or something else stupid. 7)Once it's running and up to temp,Seafoam the snot out of it.
  3. My partial list: after market fuel tank for bed mounted 620. two sets of 620 disc brakes-one including A-arms.
  4. What you are saying effects flow.And part of the equation that is missing is the discrepancy in EGTs between gas & diesel.THe bigger pipe will shed heat better/quicker.Exhaust science is just that-a science.And gas & diesel are two different worlds.
  5. I have an old Autometer tach that just dropped in the "hole" and just sits there fine.
  6. If A/C matters to you,the compressor won't fit betweeen the KA block & the steering box.
  7. Another shame-less plug.These will be for sale shortly: Dawa-this was my grandfathers crew on his Subchaser.He spent WWI chasing U-boats.
  8. Mystery oil down the holes and let it soak over night
  9. I have a 5 inch pipe on my Cummins from Gail Banks.My Ram is the vehicle that i have the hardest time keeping tires on.Go figure...........
  10. Diesel exhaust is another animal.Gas motor rules don't apply.Diesels don't like heat.The bigger the pipe,the better.If you could fit a 55 gallon drum size exhaust pipe on it-it would help.Go as big as you can fit...or afford.
  11. So you're saying $55 on top of the $80.00?
  12. Last time was a great time.I'll be taking time off to make the 27th.
  13. It's always 5:10 somewhere......
  14. I went from a header to an early manifold and lost nothing under 5500...which is where my cam quits anyways.
  15. As the expression goes...there's a seat for every ass.
  16. 1)In VERY few instances,you are correct. 2)see below: LZ-23 stroker nahh,i'm not comfortable with aftermarket stuff. 3)Pushing the envelope is great,but in this instance it's point-less as it serves no purpose in the related application 4)You've got a lot of dis-appointment in store for you. And to the genius' who think this is a pissing contest-it's not.THe modification being supported by Stoffregen Motorsports has its place but that place is in less that 5% of the cars owned on this board.Block the chain and go about the project.If you are carefull about blocking the chain,this mod is totally un-needed.
  17. 77 810 but i suspect any Datsun with a volt guage will have them.There is a 1 amp fuse just up stream from the Volt guage according to the FSM but i'll be damned if i can find it.Anyone know where they hid them? Edit...found the rat bastard.....
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