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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. http://www.nypost.com/video/?vxSiteId=0db7b365-a288-4708-857b-
  2. Agree with the above with the exception that i would dump the Marvel mystery oil in the night before and let it soak.
  3. I echo Mike's comment(:fu:)I just got back from my powder coater and he quoted me $75 to do the bumper in satin black.$155 to do it in a candy color(translucent) over the chrome.NO PC guy will guarrantee his work if HE doesn't blast it first.
  4. With those seats and those tires,the ride is going to pound your a$$hole up around your adams apple.:blink:
  5. L-20 heads fit on Z blocks...:cool:
  6. There were SOME(very few) 440 Darts.There is a company that makes a stroker kit to take a 383 out to a 469.:blink:
  7. http://tucson.craigslist.org/car/533310546.html
  8. Z-train

    In Tucson

    http://tucson.craigslist.org/car/553803838.html :blink:
  9. 6 more weeks of temps in the 60's?That sucks.:(
  10. I'm building a 2300CC stroker based on the L-20.We'll find out soon about the(1) Webber feeding the motor.I would stay away from Barry Grant-not worth the hassle.
  11. Z-train

    Eye Dee

    Did the L-16 & L-18 use the same intake?
  12. Z-train

    Eye Dee

    What numbers am i looking for to ID a L-16 or 18 intake manifold?
  13. Nifty-friggin'-neato.My dad had one.(The things i did with/in that car:eek:).Just recently i've been seeing a four door runnin' arouind town here.The carb issue(sounds like the float is sticking) should be cured by a dis-assemly & thorough "douche-ing".
  14. Hey-ya got any spare Z-20 rods?
  15. I need a set of good Z-20 rods.
  16. Definately not a 65.I'm guessing RHD.I still haven't got to see it.The guy is a well heeled flake. I'm sorta scared to see it.As in scared i'm going to add to the 16 or so vehicles on the ranch.:blink:
  17. You can cool trans fluid TOO MUCH,ya know.
  18. There is supposed to be a 1955 station wagon in town.I'm trying to run it down.Has anyone ever seen one?
  19. 83 LP standard Tobacco Sunburst. I built a Strat plus with Warmouth gear.Floyd Rose,2 humbuckers,lace etc.
  20. 20 years ago every single part for my 620 was available at the dealer.:(
  21. Z-train

    Sad 620

    Now that is funny.I'm gonna ask my mother-in-law this one.She is so religous that a PRIEST told her she was"idolatrous".It oughta go over well.:lol: Datsunaholic-in SC the tracks are either Nazi Southern(Black & white power)or Chicken Shit Xpress(Blue & white power)
  22. Z-train

    Z-71's on 521

    Unless the thought of YOUR tires passing you on the highway appeals to you,CHANGE THE STUDS!!!:blink:
  23. The trans will"fit" but will not be "clocked" right.Also,if A/C is in your future you will have a nightmare fitting the compressor.I was going to do a KA-24 into a 620 and gave up when the A/C compressor wouldn't clear the steering box.(Both the KA-24 and the Z-24 sit vertically as opposed to the"lean" of the L-20. Looks like i'm going to do a 2200 cc stroker based on the L motor instead.:)
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