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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Jalen is trying hard guys... lets not troll until theres 15pgs of no work and the car is in complete pieces.
  2. Especially since I know youre going to be taking a quad with you sometimes.
  3. So it takes a special airbox and not the stock unit? Confused. I want to rock a 32/36 with the stock airbox since Im having it refinished.
  4. I would check the battery as well. Then I would check the distributor and such... theres only so many things in the electrical system that you can mess with. The engine cranked, you replaced one item, and now it doesnt work. You had to do something.
  5. If you need a second set of rims, I have those Aeros... theyre 13s so you can just swap you tires and they fit great of ZX brakes. Glad to see the goon back on the ground. Getting close!
  6. oo oo oo oo oo I know I know! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
  7. Lol... way to help 'Nana
  8. <_< IPS is fucking me all over... I cant get in Insomniacs and I have reached my quota for likes today for that post. Im not giving up, Ill get back in there. IPS Community will rue the day it kicks me out!
  9. I do like me some XXX Rootbeer. Their burgers are legit.
  10. It seems to just be my profile because I can see it if I sign out.
  11. Am I the only one not able to get in Insomniacs? I see new posts, but I keep getting internal errors. Ive tried it on both my laptop and my phone.
  12. I may settle for detailed photos of the adapter so that I may make my own at work.
  13. Looks like the metal takeover worked... The only thread I cant open right now is Insomniacs.
  14. You should make a build thread.
  15. Distributor on the wrong side. Oil pan. Blah blah blah Datsun.
  16. Everyone wants more and you give us that crap?! Come on now!! Nice valve cover btw
  17. Its still not a skill I need or can afford right now (whether its time or money). I dont have the $100 do invest in even the most basic welder. I understand that its a skill worth having, I just cant invest into it like youre expecting. Theres a reason why my build thread sits inactive, theres a reason that there was a scramble here to find me a job, theres a reason I dont do much throughout the week... I appreciate you guys trying to get me to learn, but its not going to happen for awhile. I wouldnt even have the space to store or use a welder where I live. Living on the second floor of an apartment will do that.
  18. Hmmm if it will fit the stock airbox, would you like to sell it?- Id be interested.
  19. I figured thats what he meant, but I figured I explained it well enough that I cant do any of that right now. I would love to learn to weld, but I have no money for any type of good welder. I dont have access to a welder to practice on, and I dont know anyone who has one that would be willing to teach me. Then if all of that was met, I dont have the time to learn a new skill like that... too busy trying to scratch by right now. All in due time though, thats why I said I would watch this thread. I thought all of that was obvious from my original post.
  20. No. If you search on any 510 forum this has been talked about a billion times and will talk about the specifics of why it wont be worth it.
  21. I would have attended if I would have known about it. Always been a fan of mini trucks... plus Datsuns always have to represent.
  22. Arduino is an open source PCB that many people write custom code for... its a cheap and easy solution to make custom actions in your projects. Ive used them many many times for various things.
  23. I didn't even know this happened... Was it in the events section?
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