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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I think you were the famous troll-ee of Ratsun until your threads were force-retired by the mods.
  2. Tristin

    510 wagon

    Here's the beautiful thing about Datsuns (especially the older ones): they are super easy to work on. If you're slightly mechanically inclined at all, have a bit of passion for cars, and a bit of determination... You can get it to run. It's still a 40+ yr car though so there's going to be some challenges. There's probably going to be some rust, parts are going to be harder to find, and depending on where you live, there may/may not be any Datsun specific people to help you. If you scrounge up the cash and pick it up, this community is here to help. We won't hold your hand, but we will guide you in the right direction to building a great car you can be proud of (if you put in the work). There's many younger members here so just because you're 16 doesn't mean you can't learn. Starting young is the right way... I wish I started wrenching that young. What that means is that your build just might be slower due to a shortage of constant funds. It's all up to you. I will thank you for posting the contact info for the owner. If you can't pick it up, hopefully someone local to you can. Wagon looks like a great project for someone to save.
  3. Snowflakes look great, I would choose those too!
  4. Yeah I read that and agree. I think it's crazy that the leafs are almost touching the ground and the truck isn't even close to it. I don't fault you for not going any lower at the moment.
  5. This is why I wasn't torn up about you leaving.
  6. eBay. There's like a billion pairs for sale.
  7. Tristin

    510 wagon

    The point is you obviously liked it before we told you it wasn't a 510. Please don't write it off because it's not the 'hip' model. Dive what you like and fuck everyone else... Wagon looks decent and for that price you can't do no wrong unless all the floorboards are rusted out.
  8. True. Those are picking up in popularity. I'm pretty sure some of the older truck KAs came carb'd from the factory.
  9. Tristin

    510 wagon

    No its not a 510 or anything close. Its the model before the 510. Other than the fact that its made by Datsun and carries people, its all different. Edit: If you dont want it because its not a 510 then please let us know where it is so that someone can save it a give it a good home.
  10. Yes there are carb'd KAs out there, but why would you choose a 32/36? FOr all the trouble I would go with better setups. Most people run side drafts after the conversion. I believe xsessive motorsports makes a manifold for it.
  11. They look a little small, but it would look fine if the truck was slammed and not just a little low. The wheel/tire combo looks fine, its just the gap that looks stupid.
  12. Tristin

    510 wagon

    Looks like it might have some rear end damage, though the bumper may have taken all the impact. Looks like all the emblems and trim are there (at least for the 3 sides you can see). If it were closer to me, Id have it on a trailer by now.
  13. ^^^^ That looks like a fucking steal! Great price for the condition. Id love to pick that up for the girlfriend to drive. Who wants to loan me $2000?
  14. Tristin

    510 wagon

    Thats a 411 wagon... I would rock that more than a 510 wagon personally. Looks decently rusty though, tires are flat, looks like all the glass is good... For $600 I would buy it.
  15. No. I remember Techno stepped their game up pretty good awhile ago... went from normal pieces a certain color, to plasma cut logo'd pieces. Overall shape and design looks about right though. Your pcs. look decent quality though, Id keep rocking them.
  16. Tristin

    510 wagon

    Well right now with your description its worth its weight in scrap. Go back, snag pictures of every angle and we can tell you more.
  17. Tristin


    He does post quite a bit in here... heres some more for ya:
  18. Im in...I could use some boobs a clean car.
  19. Wow... that super blows.
  20. Oh thats what youre talking about. Im picking up what youre putting down. Just let me know buddy... PM me whenever and maybe we can work something out.
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