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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Well that escalated quickly... Figures you're trying to one up HRH. He had a hemroid removed, you had your whole anus removed. Get well soon buddy!
  2. That's the DQ Archives. The articles mentioned above are 510 Again.
  3. I've lived all over: Hawaii, souther California (few different places), central California, Salem Oregon, Fort Collins Colorado, Chicago, Charleston South Carolina, Connecticut, and Seattle. California is my home... And it will always be my home. Not everyone can live there though. It takes a certain type of person to love California no matter where you live in the state. With it bring so large there's vastly different areas. So Cal, Nor Cal, Central, the Bay Area, and the Central Coast (which is like San Luis Obispo to Carmel) are all different. I hate living everywhere but So cal and the Bay Area. I've never been truely happier than living in California. Other states just aren't for me. California really is a different place; it's not for everyone. Some don't like the traffic, some don't like the busy city life, etc. Yes, the nicer spots of Cali are expensive, but there's usually a reason: it's awesome! The beautiful part is the wages are usually higher in those areas to. If not, you can always commute into the city which a lot of people do. It's easy. You can live frugal in Cali no problem. You'll be spending more money on average to maintain the same lifestyle, but with the pay increase (not including the benefits) it should work itself out. I haven't lived in Cali for 8yrs (due to the Navy) and I'm saving now to come back. No other place makes me feel good. There are mos def downsides to living there though... But what place doesn't?! I'd recommend vacationing a bit down there and see if you like the lifestyle. Like I said, it's not for everyone but there's truely no place else like it. I vote move :)
  4. I like the Genesis Coupe as well as the Elantra Hybrids...
  5. I didnt even notice that in the pictures... column shift 70+ is rare.
  6. Do you still have the stock cable run e-brake?- thats what that light is for... not the pedals. Also... why would you install an SR into a 510 without upgraded brakes? :confused:
  7. You could make one in PS easily... would probably take 20min worth of work.
  8. This is where a NEWS section would be nice. I dont see that being a huge issue to implement... you could make it "NEWS and Site Suggestions" or something. Would curb 400 pms on the same subject. Lets be more realistic... those arent active members. I bet theres only about 50 active members; the same people post all the time.
  9. Thats very true. Id like to see a NEWS section as well so n00bs know where to look before they post that Datsun is coming back for the 7 millionth time.
  10. I thought thats how things got fixed... Im going to go make another thread about this just in case.
  11. Nope... cant take it back now. We all agreed. You wouldnt want to be an indian giver would you? Didnt think so... PS. I hate the way Ratsun does quotes now. WTF.
  12. Oooooooh boy... some sick Martha Stuart shit right there. Stipplin' like a bawse!
  13. This is a perfect deal... Dan gets a car for his family, Adam gets to say he owned a 411 once, and then I come in and swoop it up when the time in right. Perfect. Done deal... we cant take it back now.
  14. Ive been saving that link for a special moment... I think it fits perfectly for my emotions right now. Oh well, you are doing whats right for your family... I cant fault you for that.
  15. http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ But Im saving my pennies :(
  16. That black looks much better. Cant wait to see them done and mounted.
  17. Have you seen some of the cars here?- I think a case can be made for either...
  18. With as rare as these are and the work and parts that are involved, thats the way the car should be treated. I hope you can hold out on selling it until the right buyer comes along. This deserves to be finished appropriately. Ill stop filling up your thread now and go back to the shadows... Sincerely GLWS.
  19. Someone should let me borrow $1500 so I can give this a good home. Ill treat her right; treat her like a lady.
  20. Youre killing me with this price! Its an unbelievable deal. Wish I had the cash... its such a low price I dont know how people arent snatching this up. Im beyond poor so Im out of he running.
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