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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I would think you should search a bit or start your own thread for that question. This thread is for replacing dash bulbs with LEDs.
  2. Looks like a decent car, but as a DSM enthusiast (and prior Evo owner).... Evos stopped being Evos once they got rid of the 4G63. And if you "track it" why are you not running fully adjustable coilovers? Seems a bit weird that you have a wing you mention is for the track yet you're just going to install lowering springs... Wouldn't you want a tunable suspension and not just a lowered car?
  3. I still have a ridiculous amount of issues with subscribing to threads. No matter how many times I click that I want to subscribe to things, it only works for a few hours... then I get no notifications at all.
  4. Ill be for sure making this. Hopefully the car will be looking its best for the meet.
  5. GL badge is pretty rare... I just sold one of these a couple weeks ago (now to get rid of my GL taillights). GLWS buddy.
  6. JRock you crack me up... I figured with a title like that I would get the most traffic. Plus, it is a true title. I actually almost out this is Non-Datsuns Projects, but at the last second didn't. Well, today was counter productive as I ate nothing but greasy crap all day for Christmas. Luckily I can do ish out the week eating whatever I want and then start Monday. It's not the 1st, but close enough. Also, I've thought about taking weekly mirror oics of myself to track progress. Figured it might motivate me some as I can see what i look like. Plus, in the end I'll have a sweet slideshow of progress.
  7. Christ... That hardtop is fucking gorgeous. My one complaint is that its not a short windshield. Cant wait to see how this turns out.
  8. At least it was a part that you have like 11 miles of. If youre going to get cancer at least you didnt lose a lung or toes or something. You have a bunch of intestine... youll live without a few feet. Merry Christmas Eric.
  9. He would have had to swap over front fender as well since they are square. Cant tell with no rear lights though... just curious on the matter.
  10. Not that it really matters, but whats the build date on this thing? All the visual cues suggest its a 70+. It must be a late 69 build when they used 70s parts on it.
  11. Unless it was archived, I doubt it will get reposted. I know he's working on a personal website that will chronical all his builds as well as a few other things. I would bet he will just post when that goes live.
  12. Dang! Good luck with the sale Hobbes. I wish this is something I could take home... I do love my 69 4drs.
  13. Thanks for all the tips guys! I appreciate all the responses. Theres a lot of good info in here. Im just going to take it slow and see how it goes; I think if I overexert myself when I start then Im going to get burned out immediately. Ill slowly ramp up what Im doing. A little bit of running, push-ups/sit-ups, then a bit of eating healthy, then some weight training. Ill keep posting in here with how it goes. Hopefully if I regularly give updates, it will keep me on track. Ha possibly. Im 6'1'' and 165lbs. I dont normally measure health by just weight, but Id like to lose about 15lbs. of the fat I have around my middle and then gain about 30lbs or muscle. So in all actuality Id like to gain 15lbs. overall. Sweet! Living in Cali I played XPSL and NPPL a lot and then I joined the Navy and moved to South Carolina so I played CFOA. Ive been shooting all shorts or guns since I started but my main choice is an AKA Viking with some sort of Ego backup. Ive been building a custom Viking for the last like 5yrs. Ive only really quit since there are no real fields local to where I am.
  14. Dammit! I just missed the end... Stupid graveyard hours keeping me up weird hours.
  15. Motivation is my number one killer. I just figured there would be others that had some easy small tips to either keep a normal workout schedule or some cheap tips to add to the experience.
  16. I do neither of those... Today starts C25K so we shall see how that goes.
  17. Good one Skib, never heard that one <_<
  18. Lol thanks Skib... it really has nothing to do with "being soft..." Its just a motivation thing; I always seem to find something else less physical to do that takes me away from working out. No more though. This is finally the time to get going and stay going. Im pretty sure Im moving back to California and Im going to need a sweet beach bod when I get there.
  19. This isnt quite the body work everyone is expecting... this is about me getting back into shape. A little back story: As a kid I spent almost every second of daylight playing outside. I alternated playing soccer and baseball for years. I played tournament paintball four times a week...Then I joined the Navy and and became what we call "The 3 mile Club." You see, in the Navy to maintain fitness standards you have to do a certain amount of sit-ups, push-ups, and run 1.5 miles; you do this every 6 months. So... if thats all the exercise you do, then you run 3 miles a year. Anyway... thats my life. I didnt just quit doing things, I kind of tapered off. I was doing Jui-Jitsu and backpacking and then things fell apart. Anyway, now things make me winded, I have stupid love handles and I cant even lift my own weight (pathetic). Now, unfortunately I dont have a lot of money-thats why my build thread has stalled a bit- but I plan to get back in shape for the New Year. I know I have a very little amount of motivation so I need to start slow and build up to being fully healthy. Since money is tight, the first few things Im doing is this: 1. Drink water (I literally drink no straight water. 98% of all liquids I drink is Coke) 2. Daily multi-vitamin 3. C25K So I figured if I made a thread I would stick with it. And along with everyones tips and tricks I could get back in shape. Ultimately, Id like to get back out on the trail for more overnight backpacking trips as well as hit the mat again to continue my BJJ training. TL;DR: Im a fat slob and would like to get back in shape. Need help.
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