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510 Boso Wagon - Supercharged KA24DE


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I'd think that depends on how much you can have it done for really.


Internally balanced is always good, even if you don't plan on going high in the rpms it's going to as you said rev smother and I'd say extend engine life.


You seem though to be notching out a lot of things for the upper rpm range. I really don't see why your going through the trouble. With a super charged motor the idea (in my opinion anyway) is to get as much power on tap as soon as possible. You don't really gain anything revving a motor passed its power peak. With a supercharged motor I would have my tq curve low and my hp curve mid, the motor would never see high rpm, because for that a turbo is way better suited. I'm not knocking or nit picking or anything it just an observation that keeps coming up as I read through.


You using the p90x primarily to loose weight? I was going to try it to gain some weight, cutting out and cardio and diet and keeping the rest. I have been eating organic, no dairy blah blah blah for over a year now as well as doing some free weight regiments/stretching and I can't seem to gain mass for shit. Was thinking about giving High intensity training a try too, Idk I'm torn between the 2.


I know that paranoia feeling too, after my z32 was stolen from right in front of my old shop I was never the same. Just came to the realization that w/e is going to happen is going to happen, can't waste life being all pet about it.

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I have all this stuff available to me. Why not install the nice, lightweight flywheel with easilly replaceable contact patches on it, you know? If I'm getting the crank balanced, why not have it lightened. I dunno. If I don't like anything, I can always go back to stock! I'm not getting rid of the motor that's in there! We might turbo it for Phil's truck... If the lightweight stuff doesnt work, we can just put it in the other motor!


For P90X, I'm trying to lose my gut and bring out the muscle as well as bulk up a bit. I played football in high school, and I've retained a lot of the muscle I had, but definitely lost some and covered the rest up over the past few years! I want to get back in shape, and get my arms back, basically!


If you're looking to bulk up, definitely more weight and less reps are the way to go. Tear that muscle tissue so it grows back bigger/stronger. You want to end around 8-10 reps in any lifts you're doing. Any more than about 8 with energy to spare, and you're not going to bulk fast. I like the fact that P90X gets every muscle in different ways to build all sides of it, instead of JUST the pectoral, or the bicep... you get the surrounding muscle to get bigger, too.

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I totally hear ya on that, if you got it might as well BUT.... What your doing is changing the curve of the motor. Your raising it by running the lighter flywheel or lightening the crank etc while your running a power adder that favors a lower one. You got options and plans I'm sure I have no idea of I'm sure, just felt it needed saying. You don't have to throw all those "!" at me! lol j/k


Ya thats what I do really, think I just don't have the calorie count needed. I admit though I also fall into ruts often where I don't move up and find myself not even sore anymore. That's why I was looking at p90x, read one of its attributes is specifically to keep your body on its toes. I was looking at HIT because its combines slow reps (3-4x longer per rep) along with extended sets (a set followed by a smaller burn our set). I read the slow sets allow way more muscle to be torn and the extended sets actually increases muscle activity.


It's hard for me to choose because I'm already in shape, all the success stories I read about p90 and people with weight on them. Like ya they shed some fat and those muscle covered in whats left are bulging, a drastic change but that beginning shock when a person 1st starts working out is the best gains they will ever see. I'm a little skeptical of seeing the same gains in myself. On the other end the HIT seems 50/50 on review where as everyone and their mom swears by p90x lol. Think I'm going to do the 1st stage of p90x just to see if I get the results I expect and keep seeing, if ya then I'll jump into a 2nd cycle if not I'll try HIT.


Sorry to side track but I was actually JUST doing more reading on the subject when I saw you update, then you said you were already doing it.

Edited by 72240z
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Yeah, for sure! P90 turns you into a fat burner, and they switch things around after week 3, 7, etc. Slow, heavy lifts are going to get your muscles torn and rebuilt bigger, which is what you want. If you substitute some of the P90 workouts for lifts/workouts that fit more what you're looking for, I'm sure it would work fine.

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Sucks about your window dude, I've got an el cheapo ebay special wireless camera on my cars just for such things.. Gives me a nice bing off my pc when someone or something moves around my cars as well.



I'm paranoid when it comes to cars cause the first car I had was stolen right after I placed a brand new twin turbo 350 in it.. Fortunately they crashed the car, unfortunately they stole the turbos.



I'd Plexiglas the rear windows anyways, less weight! lol

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Kit will be here HOPEFULLY by Friday at the latest.


I've decided to cheap out on building the motor. I have zero plans to fiddle with the internals of the block anymore.


I was going to replace rods, pistons, lighten crank, install new bearings, etc, etc.


Honestly, I've inspected the motor. It has less than 100k miles, there are no grooves on the crank from worn bearings, the piston walls are in great shape, all it needs is some cleaning of the carbon buildup, a new headgasket, new seals all around, a reinforced oil pan and a supercharger slapped on it!


I don't make enough money OR have enough time to tear this block apart and never finish it. I want to drive it. If shit hits the fan, a new motor is EASY to find and will only be a few hundred rather than a few THOUSAND.


Phil and I will be making a few copies of the adapter plates... and possibly finding a home for my old motor/tranny... and my old supercharger, injectors, etc that I had before I bought this kit.


I'll update when I get it!!

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Haha, well the way things are going, the motor IN my car is probably going in my brother's car. The motor I'm building will get the charger and re-seal, and get dumped in my car after a good many coats of gloss black with rainbow flake, clear with rainbow flake and standard clear. Shit's gonna be DEEEEEEP as an ocean.

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Well I fixed the window the other day. Sucks that it had to be done, but... such is life, can't dwell on it!


Kait and I decided to take a cruise the other day. Got to drive through a tunnel a few times, she took a ton of pictures, and even a video of said tunnel! Enough commenting, here they are!



















Then we got to the spot



In case you wanted to see my butt... Kait hooked you up.






Then I stole the camera and went crazy ninja picture taking... I literally rolled over her hood, planted, turned and snapped pictures. I'm crazy agile, I tell you!












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DUDE!! Two deer got smashed... Blood was stained into the road, but the camera didn't pick it up. Wicked cool looking to drive past!


Bonvo, it is up here in Sacramento.. We drove from Fair Oaks up to Penryn on Hazel/Sierra College Blvd., then cut over on some really fun twisties. It's up near Loomis, I think? Really cool drive, though. I've done that drive a dozen times and it's always fun! Unless you get stuck behind a van and a Mustang going slow......

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I TOLD HER THAT!! It's her camera and she was taking the photos... When I was looking through them on the compy, I was like WTFFFFF?! So annoying...


Thanks, though!


After I pay off some bills, the bulk of my next few paychecks are going toward misc supercharger kit parts (new belts, bolts, etc), which should be minimal... and then suspension! I really need to up-and-buy the MR2 inserts... If I have the Illumina's in my hands, I know the struts would get shortened post-haste! Just a matter of doing it...


In the rear, like I've said, I want to take another leaf from my old pack and add it into the one that's installed on the car right now... I figure if I flip it and bolt it back together, it will be JUST a hair stiffer, which I want, and also (hopefully!) a bit lower too... Then I can get rid of the lowering blocks again, and still have this stance! If anything, I'd like to go maybe .5"-1" lower all around, but the rear suspension will dictate if that's doable or not.


I was giving this all some thought this morning, and then started thinking about the traction bars... The only hard part will be finding a way to get it mounted that DOESN'T sit too low... The typical area is right under the front leaf spring eye/mount... but that portion of my car is seriously low... I need to get under there and take some pictures so I can fiddle with placement.


Then the welded diff can go back in!

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if you go any lower you wont be able to fucking drive this thing. either way. go for it. It's always an adventure to see what happens with this thing :P AND i have no idea how to turn the time stamp off!! >.> I can TRY to fiddle with it tonight when I upload my photos off it. either way, I'll figure something out!

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I have no problems driving this thing. Only issues are speed bumps!! Better shocks and lower struts up front will fix the bottoming out AND make it drive way smoother. Lower/better shocks and some cutting (stock gas tank bracket hits axle on big bumps), and some exhaust work will fix the rear bottoming out, too. Kait, you just don't have faith...


I want to fiddle with my headers and try to tuck the exhaust a bit higher into the tranny tunnel for extra ground clearance too, but doubt it'd need much work except up under the driver floorboard. Shocks are literally the only thing stopping me from dumping it right now.

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