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medical issues?

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I broke a vertebrae right in the middle of my back in June of '07 riding a dirtbike and it hurts me all the time. If I stand up too long, or sit too long, it hurts. I just have to look past it sometimes when I'm working even though it starts killing me about half way through the day. And it hurts like hell every morning when I wake up. I had already had back problems before that happend but now it's even worse. I used to ride some when I was younger and I broke my ankle and I swore I'd never get one again, and like an idiot I did and now this happend. I'm too young to have back problems like this!!!


I know this will sound 'weak' but a strong set of core muscles will help support your torso and remove stress from the vertebrae. Back injury pain leads to less movement and weakening of these muscles leading to more or continued pain. Don't think I know it all and this is the cure because it isn't and I don't. I pinched a disc years ago and it took months before all the pain went away. Every year or so I would do something stupid and re-injure it. Now I am in better shape and watch my posture. I sit straight up if my back isn't supported and if I bend over wrong or lift wrong I get a warning twinge and I stop. Some times it's sore for a few days but not like a full 'blow out'. I can't know what you are going through but I understand pain when it happens to me and would do anything to end it.

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broken my right big toe twice, drilled a hole thru the knuckle of my finger, and got cut on my right index knuckled down to the bone, tendons and all.



when it gets pretty cold or real cold, i feel soreness. it slows me down a bit, but i think its just more a mental thing since im thinkin about it being sore and what the hell was i thinking when it happened :D

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Well it doesnt look that bad but it still hurts and dont think my knee will ever be the same it buckels alot and still cant do anything my knees even a little preasher hurts..... i asked the docs if the cut hit any thing important, they said no but it dont feel like it.


Edited by 620mike
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I was just kidding...I know how rough that shit can be. I'm only 35 and am having problems with my legs, but at least I can lose weight. And to you other guys, seriously, you have my sympathies...I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything.

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haha i know. besides, it would take a good amount to offend me lol im pretty laid back


im totally responsible for my dicking around, i knew this would happen but i didnt care. i still do it tho lol just in other ways, im already looking for a cafe racer to make into a ratbike as soon as the turbo swap is done.

Edited by Skib
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i cant really do anything on a vehicle anymore without feeling it bad the next day. i lost count a couple years ago of how many times i have broken and seperated my robs. my right ribs stick forward almost .5" more than my left ribs. my back pops when just doing daily movement. im also only 22 which sucks having this at so young.

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well I had only 3 injuries along my 27 years of age......the first one was a shoulder dislocation playing soccer, sprained seriously my right ankle and left me a clack! everytime jump lol, also playing soccer. And recently my exposed fracture and tendon break on my left hand index. Ive been very sporty all my life, soccer, table tennis, baseball, volley, squash......only 3 considerable injuries.

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skib...you're such a faker...lol j/k

Joint problems are no laughing matter...I have some, but they're weight related so we won't go into that right now.


I had a weight related problem over twenty years ago. I got rid of 150 pounds I didn't need and am much better now. It was easy, I got divorced.

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Well it doesnt look that bad but it still hurts and dont think my knee will ever be the same it buckels alot and still cant do anything my knees even a little preasher hurts..... i asked the docs if the cut hit any thing important, they said no but it dont feel like it.


I see your knee and raise you a...



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i broke my hand slamming it into the all metal dash of my 1960 rambler (who died in the accident after 8 years of resto). my hand was broken in 2 places, and then never reset correctly due to that great insurance my job provided.


now i have a less mobile hand on the left and an arthritic hand on the right.

im only 40. when its cold its worse. i just use my right hand for everything, basically. i got used to it, its been about 10 years now. but it sucks.

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Okay okay ill play

Grew up playing hockey, over the years i have had 10 broken ribs one of which is completely shattered and partially removed, fractured tibia(wrist) several broken fingers, fractured vertebrae in my neck, broken right ankle.

I actively ride street bikes and last year riding the twisties with about 20 other riders a small rock avalanche was across the road, i was the first one around the corner doin about 95 i hit several large rocks at full lean and was pulled off the bike by the pavement I slid into a guard rail and broke one of the 4x4 support posts with my right knee cap. I was conscious the entire time. Only real resulting injurys were a shattered knee cap, stretched patialla tendon, and torn PCL

I also study Judu and Brazilian Ju-jitsu i recently broke my collar bone training.

im 22 and wake up stiff and aching everyday, I limp and hunch for about an hour after i get out of bed. After about 3 hours of being up i feel 1000x better I am in amazing shape and can run 2 miles in less than ten minuets but no amount of working out has helped my back issues

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