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What is everyone driving when the weather gets bad!?

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I live in california, where there is only rain during this time of year.


the first 510 i had didn't have working seatbelts, so I used to barrel down the freeway at 70 plus miles an hour hoping I wouldn't get hit. i've been in a handful of accidents, mostly not at fault, but those were in bigger, more modern cars.


I got rear ended in 04 while I was at a complete stop, and the guy was going about 40 miles an hour. I would hate to imagine what would have happened had it been in my 510.

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i can drive anything anywhere at any time.. thats not the problem.. im just wondering what everyone was driving other than there datto's :P


you say that like everyone on here owns something other than dattos.:P i wouldnt dare even think about drivin my 320 in the snow but my 1200 is a champ in the snow. i handmounted a pair of stud tires on some wheels that were laying around and this thing is great. dont let the pic of the snowplowed parking lot fool you, we have 8"+ on the roads right now.


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yeah the SLR is ausome and very fast :D a fully built one runs about 700,000


come on cheg, you know the price (your still off by a bit) but you cant tell its just a kompressor by the pic!!??

The SLR is an easy giveaway... look at the wheels (not to mention the body looks way dif') SLR wheels are a multi spoke-blade design for venting and "sucking" the hot air off the brakes and also making the car more stable at speeds in excess of 190mph. :cool:



i've driven one...believe me...they are worth every penny :fu:

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Yes, but not mine. I have had this LC for 15 years and havent broken a birfield or a rear pinion YET(knocking on wood). I am running a spring-over without a traction bar in the rear also. Just havent built one yet. However i haven't wheeled it hard in years either.

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Today was the first time the snow accumulation starting slowing me down. Up to today, I had enough traction to make my way through whatever I threw the 620 at, except parking at dislexic's house on a down grade. That took some doing to get out of. But, today, wasn't as good. I was running all kinds of errands this morning just fine. This afternoon I was headed to Milwaukee.. there was a lot of ice chunks in the road. I didn't think much of hitting one here and there... until I couldn't steer. One of those damn ice chunks bent my front wheel!! Not a big deal. I had the two non-stud rear tires in the bed. Presto chango. Then, I called it a day!

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come on cheg, you know the price (your still off by a bit) but you cant tell its just a kompressor by the pic!!??

The SLR is an easy giveaway... look at the wheels (not to mention the body looks way dif') SLR wheels are a multi spoke-blade design for venting and "sucking" the hot air off the brakes and also making the car more stable at speeds in excess of 190mph. :cool:



i've driven one...believe me...they are worth every penny :fu:


Ya I mean the only think that komp shares with the SLR is it having 2 doors lol. My jaw dropped when I read that question.

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