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Refuse new $ coins

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I just got this in an email and thought you should know.

I don't know who is the cummie fag that trys to change the good old way of the USA but who every it is, he/she,it should be put up againist the wall and shot. Make sure you pass this on if you believe in it, if not, leave.

United we stand, divided were screwed.

anyway here it is.



This simple action will make a strong statement.


Please help do this...refuse to accept these when they are handed to you. I received one from the Post Office as change and I asked for a dollar bill instead. The lady just smiled and said 'way to go' so she had read this e-mail. Please help out...our world is in enough trouble without this too!!!!!

U.S. Government to Release New Dollar Coins





You guessed it



If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT!!!!




Together we can force them out of circulation.

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I get 20 bucks worth every payday. I use them and try to put them into circulation whenever I can.


They can even be used to buy 'dubs of Chronic if you know what I mean!


They can save the country lots of money...."in god we trust" Who Cares?

Edited by phatdave
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We switched to one and two dollar coins years ago. They last forever so in the long run cheaper to make than constantly printing bills, hard to accidentally destroy, though who friggin cares, it's only a buck, fit vending machines, easy to handle. They are heavy but what idiot would carry twenty of them around when there are bills.


No one here much cared for them when they came out and there was some resistance but being Canadians we just shrugged and kept watching the hockey game. There's a whole generation out there that has never seen a dollar bill. I still have a two dollar bill somewhere. There was talk of doing away with the cent. When I was a kid (crap, here he goes again) finding a penny on the street was worth something. Today when you drop one at a store it isn't worth the time let alone the effort to pick up. No wonder you see so much change on the sidewalks.


You Yanks get pretty steamed about shit like this so fly at 'er. If you get on the internet and bitch enough and get the general public roused up you can roll this back. Someone at the mint will shrug and say 'they're not ready'. In God We Trust, the greenback, the dollar bill... it's all being done away with slowly but surely.

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im with the boycott, this is what this country was FOUNDED on. plus, there is a reason we destroy money every day, thats what we pay the mint to do. ok ok, i see your point. we should mint out a bazillion dollars and shut the mint down forever. end of story. there is no reason to ever make a dollar again. now what do we do about all those lost jobs i wonder?!?

Edited by datzenmike
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im with the boycott, this is what this country was FOUNDED on. plus, there is a reason we destroy money every day, thats what we pay the mint to do. ok ok, i see your point. we should mint out a bazillion dollars and shut the mint down forever. end of story. there is no reason to ever make a dollar again. now what do we do about all those lost jobs i wonder?!?



One paper dollar bill costs the government 4.2 cents to make and has a life span of about 20 months. One dollar coin costs the government almost three times as much to make at 12 cents per coin, but the life span of a dollar coin is 30 years. In other words, for the government to keep one paper dollar bill in circulation for the same length of time as a dollar coin, it would cost the government about 76 cents. Considering the number of dollar bills that are in circulation, Americans could save their government (and thereby themselves in taxes) quite a bit of money every year simply by using dollar coins instead of paper bills.


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I do believe the coin collectors will snatch them up but just like the Susan B Anthony coin, have they become worth anything to a coin collectors yet, maybe when I'm 90 years old, by then I won't care.

I would not waste my time with collecting coins unless it was silver, gold which I would have cash out by now since they seem to meet there high, not chronic, :lol:

I would find something more like real estate, stock market when the time comes next year I hope, have to wait and see what the new president has up his sleeve.

My point about not having "in god we trust" on the coin is, if this is a trend, what will be next, guns, voting, driving my Datsun, freedom of speech, Constitutional rights and so on and so on.

We are under attack from a silent minority just wish who ever their were that they would be human enough to stand up and be countable.

I can't tell you to not buy or refuse the coin because you have that right to make that decision. Do what you believe in and what you think is right.

This is America ---------------------------------------- for now


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i would have to say the only way this country was founded is by FORCE!!! i dont wanna get all into this cause honestly i dont have the time to argue with blind/deaf peeps. religion wise, im agnostic but i believe that the great story of church should be kept separete from goverment.

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i would have to say the only way this country was founded is by FORCE!!! i dont wanna get all into this cause honestly i dont have the time to argue with blind/deaf peeps. religion wise, im agnostic but i believe that the great story of church should be kept separete from goverment.


This country was founded on the ultimate distaste for oppression and foreign control. We rebeled and we won. The developement of the country as it exists now was largly done with force. I think people get too wound up about religeon. Who cares if its on our money. Not every citizen of the great USA is a christian and I dont believe they should be labeled as such because the majority are. And this is an opinion so dont get all up in arms and pist please.

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I just got this in an email and thought you should know.

I don't know who is the cummie fag that trys to change the good old way of the USA but who every it is, he/she,it should be put up againist the wall and shot. Make sure you pass this on if you believe in it, if not, leave.

United we stand, divided were screwed.

anyway here it is.



This simple action will make a strong statement.


Please help do this...refuse to accept these when they are handed to you. I received one from the Post Office as change and I asked for a dollar bill instead. The lady just smiled and said 'way to go' so she had read this e-mail. Please help out...our world is in enough trouble without this too!!!!!

U.S. Government to Release New Dollar Coins





You guessed it



If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT!!!!




Together we can force them out of circulation.



Ok without trying to piss anyone off here let me just say is that it took me no more than 5 seconds doing a google search and sure enough this is an OLD claim that's been going on and on via emails. This is simply not true. If any of you guys that are so quick to jump at pumping your fists about how there's people out trying to destroy America and our way of life it would help your cause if you actually were stating facts rather than recycling lies and fear mongering information.


The new coin desing is just that...a new design so it incorporates new features so rather than having the 'IN GOD WE TRUST" (which by the way was only implemented on our coins in the 1950's) on the front or the back of the coin it is simply relocated to the side of the coin.


Judging from your post you claimed you got one of these coins and refused it and was told a 'way to go'...I guess you didn't bother to inspect it huh? :P


Here's what the coins look like to those that want to see the truth in the matter.




Edited by 71DIMER
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wow i think it would be better without coins ,i probably lose drop flick ,lose in drinkin games more coins ,now if it were all paper money have to figure out better drinkn games but ,if you walk threw a junk yard look in cars how many pennys nickels dimes qtrs are scattered every were just a thought just a thought and not that i really care either way more shit to worry about then coin or paper

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I was cleaning out my wagon when I first got her, she's from washington orginally and there was coins everywhere. My little girl was helping me and I told her she could have all the coins in the car, she ended up with over $10 :D! One happy kid alright.


You get used to the idea of the $ coins, after all, a buck buys you squat up here these days. I've got some $0.50 Kennedy's back from the days when coins still had silver in them, nice stuff...

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Im the kind of person that likes to use coins. Any time ive got to cash a check at the bank, i always ask for at least 1 roll of dollar coins. Ive also noticed that i tend to keep money a little longer when i get it in coins. Not sure why, i just do.


Quick check in my change bag, there is 28 dollar coins.

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If you want to get pist about something listen up:

Our US Treasury(the FED) is a PRIVATELY owned bank.



The Income tax is Illegal,

used to pay the interest the government agrees to pay the FED for printing our money.


If you can handle "the red pill", go watch



Watch "the movie", not "the addendum".

The one with the blue squares.


First 1/3rd of the movie might upset some of you, as it's about organized religion.

Ignore that if you must,


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next time don't hop on the email bandwagon and verify the facts for yourself, now quit fuckin complaining.






I personally don't care if it says anything about God or not, dollars a dollar and as long as its still worth a dollar and Im gettin payed in it I don't care.

Edited by Skib
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