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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

"The tabletop exercise provides such a scenario: it posits that the U.S. is in a hot war with China following either a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or of the U.S. West Coast. ".... this is so ridiculous it's beyond comprehension. China in no way could invade mainland America. The logistics of running an invasion from the other side of the Pacific is simply and utterly impossible. China doesn't even have a navy as such or an air force. What they do have has never been tested in a war. It takes generations of warfare to develop tactics and command structures.


China doesn't need a Navy/Airforce to invade America. All they need is for an incompetent demented president to be elected who is backed by a pack of POS hellhounds, who are hell-bent on destroying this country within a world record breaking 4 years. To wave them in through the southern border. 


The invasion has already begun friend.



Edited by IZRL
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Quaint but not.. really. America has a huge inertia. It'll take more than 4 years and there is still fentanyl working it's magic to clear out the wasted skin and undermine social values and overwhelm services. You'll know this too late when the ambulances are all out on OD calls and you die on the side of the road. In fact the best way is through corruption and election meddling. It requires the lease effort and dirty hands. If they intervene, then Trump is the one they think will be the easiest to subvert.


The invasion started decades ago with Mexicans.

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:


China doesn't need a Navy/Airforce to invade America. All they need is for an incompetent demented president to be elected who is backed by a pack of POS hellhounds, who are hell-bent on destroying this country within a world record breaking 4 years. To wave them in through the southern border. 


The invasion has already begun friend.



Throw in some technological warfare, defense system hacking, cut off supply of what we buy from them and some more China flu and we're screwed. 

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8 hours ago, john510 said:

Please don't draft today's youth. They'd surrender before they even made a difference. If a fight came here it would probably be us older people defending our land.

You got me thinking, and I'm pretty sure our veteran grandparent's felt the same about us, as did their grandparents about them. From a comfy armchair, it's easy to forget the stupid lazy kids they judge were a product of their creation.


If we're viewing it through a political perspective, of course this generation looks like a bunch of F'n cross dressing idiots, and thinking that if the fight comes here, our country is doomed. It's the hyperbolic nature of the political beast to blow shit out of proportion. Wether we accept it or not, change is the only constant. Nowhere is this more apparent than military's struggle to adapt to shifts in society, and the ever changing role of ground forces in modern warfare. At the risk of sounding optimistically pollyanna-ish about our nation's security, I think in spite of our grandpa criticisms of Gen what ever, there's reason to have faith. Point of fact, in competition across the board, the aggressive ambition and drive of this generation has broken way more high school records than us last of the boomers. Short of the Girl Scouts, there's no better organization on the planet than the US Military in using change to their strategic advantage for selling their product. 


Hey kid, want a cookie...




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5 hours ago, john510 said:
China doesn't need a Navy/Airforce to invade America,...
All they need is for an incompetent demented president to be elected who is backed by a
pack of POS hellhounds, who are hell-bent on destroying this country within a world record breaking 4 years.
To wave them in through the southern border. 

The invasion has already begun friend.


I knew I was going to like this place,..... I just knew it!

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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:



"The tabletop exercise provides such a scenario: it posits that the U.S. is in a hot war with China following either a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or of the U.S. West Coast. ".... this is so ridiculous it's beyond comprehension. China in no way could invade mainland America. The logistics of running an invasion from the other side of the Pacific is simply and utterly impossible. China doesn't even have a navy as such or an air force. What they do have has never been tested in a war. It takes generations of warfare to develop tactics and command structures.

There was some thought experiment that I am probably not quoting exact and I am too lazy to try and find. (It is from my school days, when we counted with sticks and rocks) Anyway, if there was a land bridge between China and the USA and the Chinese were armed with forks, marching X number abreast toward California and the USA had M-60 machine guns, with unlimited ammo, lined up on the coast. Eventuality, the USA would be overrun. (M-60's must swap barrels every so many rounds and this would allow the Chinese to advance, this also presupposes the Chinese are fed, watered, and procreate, while marching across the land bridge). 


Interesting but frivolous thought experiment since God invented thermo nuclear weapons and kids in the USA can't even drive a stick, let alone operate an M-60. The Army ditched the 60 for the SAW, a lighter weight, lighter bullet, less range spray gun, which most likely wouldn't hold up. Even in far out fantasy thought experiments the end result is America fucked. 

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20 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The invasion started decades ago with Mexicans.

You're mistaken. The invasion started way before that with the Europeans. This was our ancestor's land before it was yours 🪶🪶🪶 😲😘. Hahaha it's always been a taboo subject here in the states. Yeah yeah, it's old news, America is America now but noone can argue with history. 


This is the reason why, even though I was born in Mexico. I have about 54% European blood (Spain, France, ireland, Scotish, Jewish), 5% African, and 41% indigenous blood (southern Arizona/ Northern Mexico). Most "Mexicans" have some version of this European/indigenous ancestory. We range from the darkest brown skin w/black hair brown eyes. To the whitest white with blonde or red hair and blue or green eyes. I'm on the darker side of the Mexican skin color scale. But my grandfather's aunts/uncles on my dad's side were white as snow with blue eyes.

Edited by IZRL
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4 hours ago, paradime said:

You got me thinking, and I'm pretty sure our veteran grandparent's felt the same about us, as did their grandparents about them. From a comfy armchair, it's easy to forget the stupid lazy kids they judge were a product of their creation.


If we're viewing it through a political perspective, of course this generation looks like a bunch of F'n cross dressing idiots, and thinking that if the fight comes here, our country is doomed. It's the hyperbolic nature of the political beast to blow shit out of proportion. Wether we accept it or not, change is the only constant. Nowhere is this more apparent than military's struggle to adapt to shifts in society, and the ever changing role of ground forces in modern warfare. At the risk of sounding optimistically pollyanna-ish about our nation's security, I think in spite of our grandpa criticisms of Gen what ever, there's reason to have faith. Point of fact, in competition across the board, the aggressive ambition and drive of this generation has broken way more high school records than us last of the boomers. Short of the Girl Scouts, there's no better organization on the planet than the US Military in using change to their strategic advantage for selling their product. 


Hey kid, want a cookie...




It is easy to cast dispersion on "Chicken littles" because history proves them wrong, up to this point. Unfortunately, for a number of years I worked with youth of different ages. In a red state, where discussions of anything firearm related would cause administrative alarm, conservative views discouraged, and confrontation grounds for expulsion. I can't imagine the extent of these policies in a blue state. 

The grassroots revolution fictionalized in films like Red Dawn (the original) was improbable, but at least possible in the late 70's, early 80's, when most pick up trucks had rifle racks--with rifles, even in high school parking lots. When there was a fully operational shooting range in the basement of my high school. When wood shop, welding and engine repair were junior high and high school courses.

Now, there are some young men that embrace the self sufficiency and self protection of free citizens, but they are the minority--even in Idaho schools, before the Californian invasion. I would be happy to be proven wrong, but I have seen nothing in the majority of members of generations following X that demonstrates the fortitude, the ability, or the will to fight for freedom. I see a continuing decline into socialism, communism, fascism, which, while technically different provide the same result for the common and the poor. With significant suffering, the backbone of the masses will return and after much death, the cycle will reset and the USA (or whatever it is called) will enter an age of prosperity. I will be long dead and forgotten. The sky is falling, albeit slowly. 

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6 hours ago, IZRL said:

But my grandfather's aunts/uncles on my dad's side were white as snow with blue eyes.

My understanding is that the pale white skin, black hair, and blue eyes,.... that is straight up Spanish.

The women are among the most beautiful in the world.




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6 hours ago, MachineMan said:

My understanding is that the pale white skin, black hair, and blue eyes,.... that is straight up Spanish.

The women are among the most beautiful in the world.




Spaniards have a mixture of eye colors blue-gray, green, and brown.



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10 hours ago, paradime said:

You got me thinking, and I'm pretty sure our veteran grandparent's felt the same about us, as did their grandparents about them. From a comfy armchair, it's easy to forget the stupid lazy kids they judge were a product of their creation.


If we're viewing it through a political perspective, of course this generation looks like a bunch of F'n cross dressing idiots, and thinking that if the fight comes here, our country is doomed. It's the hyperbolic nature of the political beast to blow shit out of proportion. Wether we accept it or not, change is the only constant. Nowhere is this more apparent than military's struggle to adapt to shifts in society, and the ever changing role of ground forces in modern warfare. At the risk of sounding optimistically pollyanna-ish about our nation's security, I think in spite of our grandpa criticisms of Gen what ever, there's reason to have faith. Point of fact, in competition across the board, the aggressive ambition and drive of this generation has broken way more high school records than us last of the boomers. Short of the Girl Scouts, there's no better organization on the planet than the US Military in using change to their strategic advantage for selling their product. 


Hey kid, want a cookie...




This younger generation IS a bunch of cross dressing idiots. If they don't want to apply themselves, work hard for a living and succeed I'm not too confident they'll fight for their country. The military isn't getting the volunteers it used to get for a reason.

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6 hours ago, frankendat said:

There was some thought experiment that I am probably not quoting exact and I am too lazy to try and find. (It is from my school days, when we counted with sticks and rocks) Anyway, if there was a land bridge between China and the USA and the Chinese were armed with forks, marching X number abreast toward California and the USA had M-60 machine guns, with unlimited ammo, lined up on the coast. Eventuality, the USA would be overrun. (M-60's must swap barrels every so many rounds and this would allow the Chinese to advance, this also presupposes the Chinese are fed, watered, and procreate, while marching across the land bridge). 


Interesting but frivolous thought experiment since God invented thermo nuclear weapons and kids in the USA can't even drive a stick, let alone operate an M-60. The Army ditched the 60 for the SAW, a lighter weight, lighter bullet, less range spray gun, which most likely wouldn't hold up. Even in far out fantasy thought experiments the end result is America fucked. 


There is a short Si/Fi story called "The Marching Morons" from the early '50s? where if the Chinese were lined up 6 wide and set marching past a point it would never stop. Enough would be born in line they would never run out... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marching_Morons


A unique but flawed way to reduce the population of a future somewhat reminiscent of Idiocracy

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6 hours ago, IZRL said:

You're mistaken. The invasion started way before that with the Europeans. This was our ancestor's land before it was yours 🪶🪶🪶 😲😘. Hahaha it's always been a taboo subject here in the states. Yeah yeah, it's old news, America is America now but noone can argue with the fact. 


This is the reason why, even though I was born in Mexico. I have about 54% European blood (Spain, France, ireland, Scotish, Jewish), 5% African, and 41% indigenous blood (southern Arizona/ Northern Mexico). Most "Mexicans" have some version of this European/indigenous ancestory. We range from the darkest brown skin w/black hair brown eyes. To the whitest white with blonde or red hair and blue or green eyes. I'm on the darker side of the Mexican skin color scale. But my grandfather's aunts/uncles on my dad's side were white as snow with blue eyes.


LOL yes you're correct. Going back even further there were theoretical crossings of the land bridge on the Bearing Straight by Siberians 30K to 16k years ago during the ice age and colonizing the 'Americas'. There goes the neighborhood!


I'm WASP with slight Scottish/Irish influence on my mother's side (red hair) from Northern England. Dad from southern England. One of my mother's ancestors in Scotland discovered that sheep were also good for wool.

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49 minutes ago, john510 said:

This younger generation IS a bunch of cross dressing idiots. If they don't want to apply themselves, work hard for a living and succeed I'm not too confident they'll fight for their country. The military isn't getting the volunteers it used to get for a reason.


.... yes, they may not be interested, but anyone can be taught to fight. (indoctrinated)

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12 hours ago, IZRL said:
12 hours ago, MachineMan said:

My understanding is that the pale white skin, black hair, and blue eyes,.... that is straight up Spanish.

The women are among the most beautiful in the world.




Spaniards have a mixture of eye colors blue-gray, green, and brown.


black hair


Like I said, "Among the most beautiful in the world"


Very little doubt about that.




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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

MachineMan: Black Ariel font in 14 size. Bold used sparingly or it looses it's effect. 


It's my vision,..... bold helps, but no problem, I always follow the forum rules.


I was also being considerate, so many people use the little screen on their phone to read and post.

Not everyone is 19 years old with great vision.

I'm pushing 68 and I have over used my eyes in the trade.


Keeping aircraft in the air, and sending craft into space, comes with a number of hidden costs.


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1 hour ago, MachineMan said:


It's my vision,..... bold helps, but no problem, I always follow the forum rules.


I was also being considerate, so many people use the little screen on their phone to read and post.

Not everyone is 19 years old with great vision.

I'm pushing 68 and I have over used my eyes in the trade.


Keeping aircraft in the air, and sending craft into space, comes with a number of hidden costs.


There's no rule on which font you choose to use. Don't worry about it.

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Thanks John,


In the past I've gotten into it with mods and admins on forums.


I'm not the young man I used to be,...... hard to imagine lifting up a body and stuffing down a storm drain.

My back is no longer up to it.



Some Italian humor, don't get excited,........

(I always farmed out work like that.)








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