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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I believe you are right. Any time their views are challenged they spout TDS like holding a cross up to a vampire.


I'm so sorry, if I spout at you!! 😂😆🥰😇

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3 hours ago, paradime said:

I can't ignore Trump's past behavior, while in office, or at present because (unlike you) his behavior hasn't changed. That's why I never have and never will trust that man with the power of the POTUS.


I agree with you. I am embarrassed to say that I voted for Biden because of this reason. I also voted against Trump for a couple other reasons that turned out to be false. The way Trump was on social media before and during his presidency. Reminded me of a pissed off preteen girl trolling away on social media anytime he would get his feelings hurt. Not to mention the sheer disrespect and unprofessional-ism he brought to the whitehouse was mind blowing to me.


Never could I have imagined the magnitude of the destruction the four horsemen of the apocalypse(Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton) were about to bring to this country. It's like the left sat down and asked themselves, "how can we bring the maximum amount of confusion, deceit, and destruction to our country before this term is over?". This has got to be a record for how much harm one party, in one term, has brought upon their own country! My theory on this is that the left along with the elites, said fuck it, let's throw a hail mary. Let's fuck up the younger generations bodies and minds so that they can't reproduce and can fill our pockets for the rest of their lives. Let's pump em with pure woke ideology so that they believe voting for a republican now or ever, will be like sacrificing their first born. Let's let our blue cities burn to the ground so that our constituencies have no other option than to move to red states so that the woke virus can spread faster. Let's start a war with Russia so that we can remove Putin and put a Russian leader in that will bow down to the idea of a one world order. Putin is one of a few leaders left that need to be removed so they can put this one world order agenda into effect. They knew with all this mayhem they've caused they might lose these next elections IMO. But the seed has been firmly planted in the next generations minds to where they will most likely win all elections after that.


I would've preferred Trumps unprofessional-ism and complete disrespect for the white house and everything it used to stand for. Over the insanity dems have left behind in this country. They have flattened this country down to practically a pile of rubble in just 4 years. Do you really feel another leftist psycho is the answer to our prayers? Trump will not be the savior. I can't believe I'm about to say this but. If Trump is re-elected, it will be our last 5 minutes of sanity before all hell breaks loose.


Having said all this, the people who's eyes are actually open. Know that both the right and the left report to the same boss. It seems that they are just flipping a coin to see which side's turn it is to destroy shit inside and outside this country. This is the conclusion I've arrived at from looking at all the pieces on the board. All I'm saying is look at the entire board objectively and impartially before you vote. Most seem to be making their decisions on Trumps credit report. Both Biden/Hunter and Trump are a couple of shady SOB's when it comes to their financial dealings. Trump was using his presidency as a way to further his business, and Biden/Hunter were black mailing China for money. Only difference between them is Biden/Hunter haven't been convicted for their crimes. Bammm! Let's move on to looking at the rest of their pros and cons.

Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Try this... I want to borrow $20 from you. You say what if you default how will I get my money back? I say never worry here's my car, it's worth $50 at least. You say OK! Later I can't repay the last $15 of your money, you take me to court for my car and seize it. The 'car' turns out to really be worth $5. So were you really protected? Wouldn't it be batter to have a law saying that the person lending must post fair and true financial statement? 



Sorry, but I'd say you weren't very smart in just assuming the valuation of $50 was correct without doing your own research, which is what banks do. They don't just assume what a borrower states the value of something truly is worth what they say it is, they do their own appraisal to make sure their asses are covered if the borrower defaults.

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I'd say you might want to check NY's real estate laws before saying that. Real Estate appraisers are bonded agents of NY state, and Banks aren't allowed to perform their own appraisal. To apply for a colateralized loan in NY, you sign an affidavit for it's value. At that point, Trump assumed responsibility.



Edited by paradime
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9 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Not meaning to pic a fight but just for the record. Do you think Trump is a sane rational man fit for the presidency?

Well he's not insane IMO. Rational ? not always. If the guy could keep his mouth shut and be nicer he'd be a lot more popular I would think. Does his name calling and pointing fingers bother me ? No not really. I hate politics and most of those involved in it. I'm one that thinks it's time to quit being nice and start throwing punches so to speak. And about the name calling ? Look who's calling Trump everything there is to call him and then crying about it when he fights back. That's a two way street there and the left has no right to bitch about it when Trump responds to what they usually start. They went after him as soon as he announced his candidacy. Just how does an insane and irrational man achieve what he has ? Do you remember all of the radical predictions the left made when he got elected and even before ? He'll start WW3, the economy will tank, he'll deport all Muslims, the world will fall apart etc. None of it happened in four years. Covid screwed things up and Trump didn't create it in a laboratory. And my favorite, he's a dictator that make all the rules the way he wants them with no support from Congress or the Senate (which can't happen in a Democracy) None of it happened and yet here we are hearing the same old shit. It's funny Trump's been gone for over three years now and for some strange reason not many pay attention to Biden that seems to have fucked things up so bad his own party is running away from him. I have no other option at this point. I wish I did.

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


What you believe and what happened in NY are at odds. If so wrongly done, so biased, by a 'left wing lunatic judge'  then why has this not been corrected??? Are there no legal remedies for something, in your eyes, so obviously wrong and a miscarriage of justice? Where are the checks and balances? Is Trump guilty? probably. Was the amount over the top high, yes! Is the judge biased? OK if you say so but did he follow the law? Again probably. Well there are the appeals courts. He should have little problem proving the judgement was wrong or reduce the amount. Sounds like sour grapes. Another opinion.     

Give it time to be corrected. He was suppose to be in jail six years ago wasn't he ? Or was it seven ? And here he is gaining popularity every time they create another crime he committed that ends up going nowhere. My opinions sure aren't the reason he's the Republican nominee.

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:


I agree with you. I am embarrassed to say that I voted for Biden because of this reason. I also voted against Trump for a couple other reasons that turned out to be false. The way Trump was on social media before and during his presidency. Reminded me of a pissed off preteen girl trolling away on social media anytime he would get his feelings hurt. Not to mention the sheer disrespect and professionalism he brought to the whitehouse was mind blowing to me.


Never could I have imagined the magnitude of the destruction the four horsemen of the apocalypse(Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton) were about to bring to this country. It's like the left sat down and asked themselves, "how can we bring the maximum amount of confusion, deceit, and destruction to our country before this term is over?". This has got to be a record for how much harm one party, in one term, has brought upon their own country! My theory on this is that the left along with the elites, said fuck it, let's throw a hail mary. Let's fuck up the younger generations bodies and minds so that they can't reproduce and can fill our pockets for the rest of their lives. Let's pump em with pure woke ideology so that they believe voting for a republican now or in the future, will be like sacrificing your first born. Let's let our blue cities burn to the ground so that our constituencies have no other option than to move to red states so that the woke virus can spread faster. Let's start a war with Russia so that we can remove Putin and put someone in that will bow down to the idea of one world order. Putin is one of a few leaders that need to be removed to put this one world order agenda into reality. The knew with all this mayhem they've caused they might lose these elections IMO. But the seed has planted in the next generations minds to where they will most likely win all elections after that.


I would've preferred Trumps unprofessional and complete disrespect for the white house and everything it used to stand for. Over the insanity dems has left behind in this country. They have flattened this country down to practically a pile of rubble in just 4 years. Do you really feel another leftist psycho is the answer to our prayers? Trump will not be the savior. I can't believe I'm about to say this but. If Trump is elected, it will be our last 5 minutes of sanity before all hell breaks loose.


Having said all this, the people who's eyes are actually open. Know that the right and the left both report to the same boss. It seems that they are just flipping a coin to see which side's turn it is to destroy shit inside and outside this country. This is the conclusion I've arrived at from looking at all the pieces on the board. All I'm saying is look at the entire board objectively and impartially before you vote. Most seem to be making their decisions on Trumps credit report. Both Biden/Hunter and Trump are a couple of shady SOB's when it comes to their financial dealings. Trump was using his presidency as way to further his business, and Biden and Hunter were black mailing China for money. Only difference is Biden/Hunter haven't been convicted for their crimes. Bammm! Let's move on too looking at the rest of their pros and cons.


The only thing of value here. "Having said all this, the people who's eyes are actually open. Know that the right and the left both report to the same boss."


Now you want to move on to pros and cons with me; what's the point? Even when I factcheck your MAGA rhetoric, share my data sources, and show you that T-boned sycophants are being lied to, it's "You're throwing around a bunch of numbers" and ignored. Rather than showing me sources that prove me wrong, I'm called a democrat. Play stupid games with you guys, all I win is stupid prizes.

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14 minutes ago, paradime said:

The only thing of value here. "Having said all this, the people who's eyes are actually open. Know that the right and the left both report to the same boss."


Now you want to move on to pros and cons with me; what's the point? Even when I factcheck your MAGA rhetoric, share my data sources, and show you that T-boned sycophants are being lied to, it's "You're throwing around a bunch of numbers" and ignored. Rather than showing me sources that prove me wrong, I'm called a democrat. Play stupid games with you guys, all I win is stupid prizes.



Can you factcheck rhetoric ? And throwing around numbers ? when you get them from left leaning sources it's hard to buy into it much. Using government data is also not to be trusted in many cases. And no I don't trust right wing sources much either.

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3 minutes ago, john510 said:

Can you factcheck rhetoric ? And throwing around numbers ? when you get them from left leaning sources it's hard to buy into it much. Using government data is also not to be trusted in many cases. And no I don't trust right wing sources much either.

Thanks for proving my point John. 

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5 hours ago, banzai510(hainz) said:

Trump is going to spend that 1st year getting even with people in his own party that were disloyal


Biden is going to Win just to piss Trump off say he cant do the job cause hes senile off then hand it to Kamala Harris. Then brag Trump lost to me a senile old man.


1)Trumps wins Ukraine will loose, hopefully a closed border, fair Trade

2)Biden wins 7-9million more asylum seekers WANTING phones ,healthcare schools and More hotels converted over, Ukraine get billions of old Military Gear that needs replaced anyways (but they freeloaders also)


Hainz in the house of derelicts (this thread for those.......never mind 😝)! 😎 Trump DID joke around & state that he would "get even" on his first day back in office.  He also basically stated that he will be there for one job...............as the saying goes, MAGA!  Yes, he will do all he can, to "clean out the swamp", but as I have said before, even the President is limited at what he can do, to clean out the swamp.  Trump understands when he has a bad person in place & he DID fire some people, during his first term.  But again, he is also limited by rules laws regulations etc, in many cases.  Those cases will take longer, will take more effort, but mark my words..............he WILL make it happen.  He MUST make it happen to MAGA...................😎

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3 hours ago, paradime said:

I respect your opinion and your choice. Can we agree that corruption is not unique to one party, and their political rhetoric is the mask they ware to hide it? 


I can't ignore Trump's past behavior, while in office, or at present because (unlike you) his behavior hasn't changed. That's why I never have and never will trust that man with the power of the POTUS. Look past his mask and he's done nothing but prove me right his entire public life. Other than picking up a Marine's hat, what did Trump do for our intel services, the military, Veterans, homelessness, healthcare costs, infrastructure, trade/budget deficits and debt, building the wall, number of deportations, violent crime rates, obeying constitutional laws of government, wage stagnation, funding the social security that you and I paid for, environmental conservation, etc, etc. If Trump had evidence that he didn't commit the crimes he's been indicted for, he's doing a shitty job of defending his innocence. I'm not willing to suspend disbelief based on Trump's record of honesty.


Yes, I am fully aware of corruption on BOTH sides, but to me, the left is completely out of control.  Mark this day.........we agree on something! 😎😉


Here is what I tell others & HAVE posted here too.............any President can be cock-blocked by his colleagues on the other side, if they have the majority.  In my opinion, this was the case with Trump........an EXTREME case, where the GOP was the minority in the House & in the Senate.  His hands were tied.  I firmly believe that he truly tried.  This is how "things get done", thus Trump was limited at what he could get done.  Trump & his administration, knew full well, that many of their "goals", would be blocked in the House and/or the Senate.................there really is no way around it, unless there is a majority on both sides, that agree & pass it.  When there is balance, that is exactly how it is supposed to work!  That is also why the GOP can not currently get ANYTHING thru these days.................the left majority Senate will never allow it.  The left does NOT care, if a proposed bill etc is good for the USA...........they block everything!  To top it off, we have multiple RINO's, that continue to side with the left (thank GOD McConnell is stepping down!!!!), thus even today, the GOP struggles to get anywhere with conservative bills etc etc.  Trump IS being railroaded, it IS a witch hunt, all choreographed (btw I do Google spelling, I'm really NOT a genius!!) by today's left agenda...................my opinion is that THEY are the ones kicking our Constitution in the nut sack!!  That said, we will knock your comments around & you will knock around ours!!  I truly do enjoy the majority of the banter, here on this thread.  I like to think that for the most part, we all respect each other!  Now, Dav was an exception.................he was a loon!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣😜😂   That's my 2c & I'm sticking with it!!!!!!! 😎

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


PLEASE GET THIS THRU YOUR HEAD...............at the very least, tell yourself that MAYBE some of these crazy conservatives are correct!  Huh, imagine that!!  The Judicial system in the USA is currently a train wreck, it is currently what we call a "two tiered system", working heavily for the dems, the left, the libtards, working heavily AGAINST conservatives.  I do not understand why you can't accept that this is possible.........just a possibility!!!  Do you TRULY think that highly of the US judicial system, that you can not acknowledge this?  Ugh 😵😒   


I grew up with a big neighbor to the south and everything was truth and justice and freedom above all else.





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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


I'm so sorry, if I spout at you!! 😂😆🥰😇


... and I'm sorry for being able to turn into a bat and seduce young virgins with a look.



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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


THIS!!! and much more. He will make a law that only MAGA members can hold certain government jobs. Those now holding them must swear allegiance to the MAGA cause. There will be a MAGA dress code to show everyone who's in control and fellow MAGAs can recognize each other. MAGA militias will roam the streets ruffing up and harassing non GOP citizens. GOP citizens will be forced to wear red arm bands to show they are GOP but not MAGA. Non GOP citizens will be forced to wear yellow arm bands with a stylized donkey on it and carry at all times a 'security' card to ID them as anti MAGA.   

You can't possibly be serious. 

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10 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


... and I'm sorry for being able to turn into a bat and seduce young virgins with a look.

...an expression like the business end of a basilisk. 

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


THIS!!! and much more. He will make a law that only MAGA members can hold certain government jobs. Those now holding them must swear allegiance to the MAGA cause. There will be a MAGA dress code to show everyone who's in control and fellow MAGAs can recognize each other. MAGA militias will roam the streets ruffing up and harassing non GOP citizens. GOP citizens will be forced to wear red arm bands to show they are GOP but not MAGA. Non GOP citizens will be forced to wear yellow arm bands with a stylized donkey on it and carry at all times a 'security' card to ID them as anti MAGA.   


Sarcasm is lost on the masses🤣


Edited by Dguy210
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57 minutes ago, john510 said:

Can you factcheck rhetoric ? And throwing around numbers ? when you get them from left leaning sources it's hard to buy into it much. Using government data is also not to be trusted in many cases. And no I don't trust right wing sources much either.


 Been saying this for as long as Destruction has been around. Nothing can be trusted but people still insist they are right and the other guy wrong. Everyone cherry picks what suits them. I get a kick out of this. 

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54 minutes ago, paradime said:

The only thing of value here. "Having said all this, the people who's eyes are actually open. Know that the right and the left both report to the same boss."


Now you want to move on to pros and cons with me; what's the point? Even when I factcheck your MAGA rhetoric, share my data sources, and show you that T-boned sycophants are being lied to, it's "You're throwing around a bunch of numbers" and ignored. Rather than showing me sources that prove me wrong, I'm called a democrat. Play stupid games with you guys, all I win is stupid prizes.


Good GOD all mighty!!! 🤦‍♂️. Speaking of the right calling anybody who disagrees with them "TDS". The left is much more guilty of throwing a  temper tantrum, screaming at you and running away when someone shows some common sense. 


I sit here and say that I voted for your man and that I can't stand Trump. And this is how you respond. Wow...


I need to see myself out of this thread. Might be good for all of us 😆. Not because people disagree with me. I'm not trying to convert anybody on the left. I'm just trying to throw some thoughts out there for people to chew on. This is coming from someone who is not a radical leftist or radical right. And still you accuse me of spitting out MAGA rhetoric. What the fuck is "MAGA rhetoric" anyway? Apparently an example of this is not wanting pedophiles to be around children. Or not wanting the government to castrate children/ youth. I must be a piece of shit for agreeing with this?

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


THIS!!! and much more. He will make a law that only MAGA members can hold certain government jobs. Those now holding them must swear allegiance to the MAGA cause. There will be a MAGA dress code to show everyone who's in control and fellow MAGAs can recognize each other. MAGA militias will roam the streets ruffing up and harassing non GOP citizens. GOP citizens will be forced to wear red arm bands to show they are GOP but not MAGA. Non GOP citizens will be forced to wear yellow arm bands with a stylized donkey on it and carry at all times a 'security' card to ID them as anti MAGA.   


Do you want me to send you a pic of what I'm wearing today, so you can compare to other MAGA PEOPLE????!!!!!!!!!! 🤣😆 Yer a freak.................🙄

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4 hours ago, paradime said:


Banking is a [me get rich, you get fucked] racket no matter how you slice it. If you want to pop a raging hate boner for banks, watch The Big Short. True story of what happened in 08'.





OK, I can't resist...................is a "hate boner" a real thing?  I'm not so sure I'm capable..................🤔🤭

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4 hours ago, paradime said:


Banking is a [me get rich, you get fucked] racket no matter how you slice it. If you want to pop a raging hate boner for banks, watch The Big Short. True story of what happened in 08'.





Holy WOW!  That is one celebrity actor filled movie, I've never seen! 😎😳 

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Let me play Devil's advocate for a second.





I must admit, you are pretty good at it....................😆🤣, but still 😎

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