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Bastards!!! trying to kill my 510

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2eDeYe;93341']Good thing you know a little about fixing those old cars. :D


Collect some insurance money for that tweaked neck and buy a new megasquirt and turbo ;)



Thats what I was thinking :D Hopefully they pay some good money!!



now we have something in common!

high 5!:thumbsup:



Yeah high five!!! :D



I'll give you the passenger door out of my car when I install my new one.



I may take you up on that Steve' date=' we have lots of doors laying around, They aren't that nice but they should be good enough.



i know exactly how youre feelin right now. someone tried to kill my 1200 yesterday. too bad i have no idea who it was since i was inside a store. that new fender didnt even last a week.:mad:



I had that same thing happen in the rusty car a few times, Steve was with me one of the times. Bastards think just because its not perfect we don't care about them. If they only new if we had a ton of money they would be way nicer!! Maybe not shiny but FAST :D


Icehouse: throws on best looking of three spare doors, goes in shop to get rattle can, can't find one says fuck it while stuffing insurance cheque in back pocket.

Other driver: goes to several shops and cheapest is $1,300 to fix his pos. After fixing, insurance rate goes up and surprisingly his car still looks like a pos. Wishes he still had his Datsun.



I just can't decide what color door I should put on :D I have a green hood maybe I should do a red door since Christmas is coming :D



Thats also why my silver car sits for long periods of time. Hence why beaters are nice to putt around in.


Where did this tan 510 come from Icehouse? Seems like you have a diffrent datsun every week. :rolleyes:



Its the L series 68, the "bad" side.



So what exactly happened?



I was headed down a 2 lane each way road at about 35, or less I just started from a stop maybe a 1/4 block before (L series dime if you know what I mean.) It was in Mukilteo by the J box, heading the back way, back to work. There are a few side parking lots that enter the street I was on. Well I was in the left lane, the old dude pulled out into the right lane swinging "a little wide" (his words) My ass!!! His car was way over the line, I swerved towards the mohawk in the middle of the street trying to avoid impact. Get this the old lady in the car was trying to blame me!!!! You were going to fast! blww blww... The cop of coarse said it was theres :P So now I have to get there insurance to "look at it"


get it apraised as a classic asap


then tell the insurance company to suck it


How do I do that?




Are things going through insurance?


oh, and where did this happen... downtown Seattle?


yes and Mukilteo

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you need to call a appraiser, pay them a lil cash to check your car over, then they give you a accurate value for the car. with the age and it being a 510 i bet you'll be happy with how much they tell you its worth. with that value the company will be less likely to total it, which is better for you to keep your clear title.


then you have a documented value of the car that the insurance company has to work with. they call their appraisers "adjusters" and they will always under value a car not on a lease. they like to tell people its illegal to gouge the company when you ask for more money. they tried to get me to total my $75 celica that needed a new fender and they were going to pay me $500, i could buy the car back. i told them to F off and showed em a $1k body shop estmate and got that. and the car wasnt totaled. ive only learned of the appraisal racket recently and havent gotten around to it. planning on it tho.



quickie search for some local appraisers http://www.google.com/search?q=seattle+automobile+appraiser&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

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The driver was uninsured. Its all been settled, he came into my lane at 80 mph on the interstate.


As the Police Officer said to me, after he talked to the other Driver. I don't smell alchohol, but he is on something.


It was two kids heading home to Northern Arizona after a party weekend down in Mexico. The passenger was so stoned that when the police tried to give him a test, he kept falling on his ass. One of the cops finally told him to just stay on the ground.


Anyways, any moneys wound up coming from my Insurance company, and the Red B210 is now a parts car.

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Well the insurance is trying to fuck me!!!


I expected them to total it, and I expected them to say it isn't worth shit so I guess I'm not to surprised... From "there" database my car's value before the wreck is 1635!!!!! I admit that its not worth a ton, but WTF! find me a running 68 2 door for that price and I will buy it no questions asked!! I got kinda angry at the insurance lady because well shit I'm sure you guys have dealt with them before :fu: I told her all I wanted was 1500$ and not to have a salvaged title, since they value my car at 1635 I figured that was a bargain. I guess she didn't like that because now her supervisor is going to call me haha :D If they would have told me that before this weekend I may have not been so pissed and took there offer.


Frank and I decided that we were going to install an un-smashed door on my rig. I had a mint one in the shed (Thanks Thomas :D ) Frank asked if I wanted to paint it before we stuck it on. Well it turns out paint isn't cheap and doing a good job on a door isn't easy. We ended up spending 24hrs straight on a door and hood!!! The supplies costed 500 bucks!! That is only enough to do a door and hood :eek: which the hood wasn't smashed and my quarter was always in primer but that is the smallest amount of paint you can buy. So in my eyes the damage is worth 1500 to fix since we haven't even gotten to the quarter, which Frank said will be the tough part..


here is my list of new parts I have installed


1. stainless brake lines

2. rear wheel cylinders and shoes

3. clutch master

4. clutch slave

5. heater core (thanks Heinz)

6. heater valve

7. tie rods and ball joints

8. carpet, red :)

9. window felt

10. carb linkage

11. tires and alignment

12. dash vents (bling bling :D)


these are the like new parts/ worth something items


1. dash

2. heater box

3. dual carbs

4. dogleg 5 speed

5. mint rear bumper


and I'm sure there is more




So what do you guys think its worth?

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$1500 and no salvage title seems like an OK deal (for BOTH!) less paperwork!

theyd give you 1635, and make you buy it back for a few hundred :fu:

try the "let me talk to your boss" to the supervisor (usually gets them to settle faster too ;) ) thats the time to mention how much your neck hurts now, and youll be going the dr, tommorow...


seems your list is ~$1500 (sold at top dollar)



and uhhh, GL w/them!

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just tell them if you can't get what your asking for, that your going to file a small claim lawsuit againist the azzhole. Then let the azz hole fight it out with his insurance agent. just my 5 cent worth.

remember you are the victim...





didnt your back get hurt in the accident. hummmmmmmm


oh and 1 more thing, if they keep given you the run around and they wont setting this within 24 hrs, your going to contact the Washington State Insurance Commissioner and explain your problem to them.

time for chit to hit the fan.

good luck


opps I forgot one more thing, while your car is being worked on (down time), you will need to have a rental car which the insurance company has to pay for since you will need to get to work, play, see gf or mistress, groceries, pay bills, work on other buddies cars and so on. Don't let them try to screw you out of that nice little benifits. boy they are lucky that I'm around to throw the shit in their face. Pepole pay their payments but they dont like paying out. GL agin

Edited by 420n620
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I never had any luck with a rental car. First, if you dont' have full coverage insurance (which carries over to the rental) then you're rejected right off the bat. 2nd, they only give you $20/day for rental. You can't get a car that cheap so you're paying a few bucks a day just to have one.


NADA classic car values. 1968 510 4-door (because 2-doors are so rare, they dont' even list them)

average: $3,100

high: $4,850


3 grand sounds reasonable for the value.

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This whole thing sucks dirt! Three weeks ago I had this old fart back into my truck's driverside door and then try to take off. :blink: I stopped him in his tracks and the fight was on! :eek: No I did not hit him...he was threatening to run me over if I did not let him leave, I stood my ground anyway..damit I had just painted my truck!


It was not a big dent and I was not mad about it...it was the principle of the fact that he hit me then tried to leave the scene. He also told me that my truck was a piece of crap anyway....thems fightn words. :D I would have just let him go if he was cool about everything...but the jerk asked for it.


Anyway, long story short....his insurance did an on site eval of the damage and I had a check the next week. If I had taken my truck to somone else to get a quote I would have had to total out my truck for sure. I got me some more Datto parts haha. :cool:


PS: Bleach...I like your new siggy, kinda creepy. :lol:

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