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INSMNCS: John Cain

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He didn't. Some folks are on the other side of the dance floor with their hands in their pockets refusing to hear words over rhetoric. They wait for their song to come on, but Country music doesn't seem to be on the playlist...




Both sides of the isle pretend as if they have the most intellectual argument, yet mirror each others rhetoric with key players changed in the message. 


Please give me your thoughts on this whole "White Privilege" Agenda the current admin has been pushing for the last 7 years. 


After reading some of the published leftest opinion about this topic I can gather that it is about how working class white men Vs Working class darker skinned men have and unequal balance of economic disparity. The published opinions go on to (Paraphrasing) opine that white males tend to become more racist after being told social engineering is going to give them more competition for the middle income jobs. There was many references to 200 years of white favoritism, and how its ingrained in the white working class to unconsciously be racist based on economic standings. 


Cant say that I agree with any of these blogs or editorial articles.. It doesn't sound as if they have any conservative people in their social circles. 

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Its implied that you should feel guilty for other individuals of your race. whether it be from 1000 years ago to 1 year ago. You must bear the burden of accountability. Paint it wide with broad strokes. Marginalize and point fingers.

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I didn't suffer or cause my ancestors to suffer, why should I hold individuals alive today by the standards that their ancestors set? The past only causes a bias towards current individuals. I look at everyone I encounter and base judgement off the person in front of me, not the people that they look like.


I am mixed race, I grew up feeling like a disgrace and a monster. Not fitting in anywhere, I now identify as white to keep life simple and hopefully I can keep current children from dealing with the same struggle I did when I was younger. It's really a horrible thing to grow up with.

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Growing up in Coos Bay Our population was mix Hispanic, Asian, and Majority Whites. Not once did I ever witness from my family or from other children out right bigotry based on race. You did however get chastised for your economic standing. You saw social separation from those that lived in town with Middle Class lives separating themselves from the poorer kids, or country farmers. 


Farmers and poor kids got lumped in as the same and were made to feel as if they are less for the economic dichotomy. 

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I am mixed race, I grew up feeling like a disgrace and a monster. Not fitting in anywhere, I now identify as white to keep life simple and hopefully I can keep current children from dealing with the same struggle I did when I was younger. It's really a horrible thing to grow up with.

I grew up all white in an all white town but was called "boy" instead of by name. why? it was the early 1970s in a small Oklahoma town populated by "good Christians" and my mom and dad never bothered to get married. having a blonde afro as a little guy probably didn't help in all white town. there was a cranky old WW2 vet/drag racer named Boyd who would call me over when the spit and whittle crowd started teasing me, hand me a couple of quarters and say, "Son, go get yourself a coke and a candy bar" and send me away. the dude was a skirt chasing, whiskey drinking, foul-mouthed, fight at the drop of a hat old rogue who was hated and feared by all the pious southern Baptists but he never judged me on anything but my merits.


Oddly, enough, those same "upstanding" (and married) Christian men loved to make passes at my mom (single moms were treated horribly around here even up through the 1980s) but Boyd always spoke with respect to my mom and she always seemed grateful for it. He was the guy who brought me into the old car world. He taught me to drive a three speed on the column in his '55 Chevy 210 when I was twelve.


As I got older, I saw just how great his little kindnesses were when it would have been so much easier for him to join the emotional hyena pack. I think he's the reason I have tried to take people on a case by case basis and give everyone the benefit of a doubt. I can't say I totally feel your pain, hobo but I have some idea of where you're coming from.




(picture of my bud).

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I grew up all white in an all white town but was called "boy" instead of by name. why? it was the early 1970s in a small Oklahoma town populated by "good Christians" and my mom and dad never bothered to get married. having a blonde afro as a little guy probably didn't help in all white town. there was a cranky old WW2 vet/drag racer named Boyd who would call me over when the spit and whittle crowd started teasing me, hand me a couple of quarters and say, "Son, go get yourself a coke and a candy bar" and send me away. the dude was a skirt chasing, whiskey drinking, foul-mouthed, fight at the drop of a hat old rogue who was hated and feared by all the pious southern Baptists but he never judged me on anything but my merits.


Oddly, enough, those same "upstanding" (and married) Christian men loved to make passes at my mom (single moms were treated horribly around here even up through the 1980s) but Boyd always spoke to respect with my mom and she always seemed grateful for it. He was the guy who brought me into the old car world. He taught me to drive a three speed on the column in his '55 Chevy 210 when I was twelve.


As I got older, I saw just how great his little kindnesses were when it would have been so much easier for him to join the emotional hyena pack. I think he's the reason I have tried to take people on a case by case basis and give everyone the benefit of a doubt. I can't say I totally feel your pain, hobo but I have some idea of where you're coming from.




(picture of my bud).

this right here, you can't make this stuff up. I wish I could be as a good a person as boyd


And luckily I grew up in a small town in the foothills up here and wasn't allowed out too much. The neighborhood knew us well and accepted us with open arms luckily. It just wears on some kids when they don't match and don't fit in with the "normal" of an area. Luckily when I moved in with my mom during high school there were kids that accepted me and didn't care where I came from or what colour my skin was. Ended up rolling with the outcasts of the school and some of them to this day are still dear friends.

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Both sides of the isle pretend as if they have the most intellectual argument, yet mirror each others rhetoric with key players changed in the message.


Both major parties are wired similarly with different end goals. Dirty tricks and all.

Please give me your thoughts on this whole "White Privilege" Agenda the current admin has been pushing for the last 7 years.


I don't really believe they are pushing a white privilege agenda. I expect that every lobbying group or organization with a white privilege agenda would pounce all over the first non white president. My focus isn't on race legislation though, so you may prove me wrong.

After reading some of the published leftest opinion about this topic I can gather that it is about how working class white men Vs Working class darker skinned men have and unequal balance of economic disparity. The published opinions go on to (Paraphrasing) opine that white males tend to become more racist after being told social engineering is going to give them more competition for the middle income jobs. There was many references to 200 years of white favoritism, and how its ingrained in the white working class to unconsciously be racist based on economic standings.


Cant say that I agree with any of these blogs or editorial articles.. It doesn't sound as if they have any conservative people in their social circles.

This was not our current administration. You are referencing some random leftist article and linking it to Obama.


I don't think racism is born in the workplace. Racism is born in the playground and the dinner table. Kids are harsh, and mailable. And not surprisingly, it is a redirecting of hate. Meaning, the hate you garner as a youth can manifest as racism through any number of ways. Brains are complex. Your late statement that no two races are truly equal is proof through semantics. While true, it does nothing to actually uphold your stance, and aggravates those holding the opposite to be true. Not a strategy I'd take if seeking opinion.


Racism is stupid, petty, and engrained at the deepest levels in our society. Every aspect of a multi generational battle is difficult. Progress is slow. People overshoot and others dismiss. I have a unique perspective as a white minority with almost no connection to my genetic culture. Race means very little to me. Cultural pride is adopted at best. Skin color is so mixed in my landscape that segregation would be impossible. Racism is somewhat muted past grade school. But being one of two white kids at my school, in a state that has been annexed by the United States, gives me an ability to empathize with many minority groups. It's effects carry into the professional ladder subconsciously. And legislation toward economic means of equality is not likely to be the solution that changes this. Both sides are swinging deep. Both sides need to fight their battle for self satisfaction. Figuring out who to blame is both riddling and unproductive.


I tangented a bit there. But I don't see excessive white privilege legislation born of this administration. I do however see the nation pushing this issue, and I can only assume it is related to who was elected. I'd love to smoke a joint with Barry and see how he feels about shit. He spent his youth relatively divorced from Racism, and spend his latter years in Chicago dealing with terrible segregation and racism as a political issue. I'd imagine he knows how to chart those waters better than most.

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Here is the deal;


People are all the same and homo sapiens has not really evolved since cave man times.


If people are talking about "racism" that is kind of semantic drift, I prefer to use the term "culturalist" as there are things about other cultures (and mine) I do not like.


White man perfected technology; it took the yellow man to invent gunpowder, white man took it to it's logical conclusion with the introduction of the atom bomb.


There are many other analogies I could use like this but that will suffice.


All these so called "lower races" (and I am using that term as someone would whom thinks ill of "primitive peoples" would. I don't) have the ability to survive in nature over the long term.


They survived for millenia by not inventing technology and species survival is as close to a reason for being on this planet for homo sapiens that homo sapiens has.


White man chose to perfect technology and how is that working out for us?


If we feel superior to other cultures because of our technology it will be short lived at best.


What once was a paradise is now a toilet.


It ain't gonna last, and there is no sky god coming at the eleventh hour to save us.


One of organized religions biggest crimes is it makes it okay for us to make deals with the devil.


Faith is a great thing and needed in the human psyche, but faith in the wrong thing, well that's just stupid.


Frig it...what do I know, I drive a Datsun!

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Both major parties are wired similarly with different end goals. Dirty tricks and all.

I don't really believe they are pushing a white privilege agenda. I expect that every lobbying group or organization with a white privilege agenda would pounce all over the first non white president. My focus isn't on race legislation though, so you may prove me wrong.


This was not our current administration. You are referencing some random leftist article and linking it to Obama.


I don't think racism is born in the workplace. Racism is born in the playground and the dinner table. Kids are harsh, and mailable. And not surprisingly, it is a redirecting of hate. Meaning, the hate you garner as a youth can manifest as racism through any number of ways. Brains are complex. Your late statement that no two races are truly equal is proof through semantics. While true, it does nothing to actually uphold your stance, and aggravates those holding the opposite to be true. Not a strategy I'd take if seeking opinion.


Racism is stupid, petty, and engrained at the deepest levels in our society. Every aspect of a multi generational battle is difficult. Progress is slow. People overshoot and others dismiss. I have a unique perspective as a white minority with almost no connection to my genetic culture. Race means very little to me. Cultural pride is adopted at best. Skin color is so mixed in my landscape that segregation would be impossible. Racism is somewhat muted past grade school. But being one of two white kids at my school, in a state that has been annexed by the United States, gives me an ability to empathize with many minority groups. It's effects carry into the professional ladder subconsciously. And legislation toward economic means of equality is not likely to be the solution that changes this. Both sides are swinging deep. Both sides need to fight their battle for self satisfaction. Figuring out who to blame is both riddling and unproductive.


I tangented a bit there. But I don't see excessive white privilege legislation born of this administration. I do however see the nation pushing this issue, and I can only assume it is related to who was elected. I'd love to smoke a joint with Barry and see how he feels about shit. He spent his youth relatively divorced from Racism, and spend his latter years in Chicago dealing with terrible segregation and racism as a political issue. I'd imagine he knows how to chart those waters better than most.


The blogs I referenced have been published post 2008 and are all based on Obama's literary accounts, and I cannot recall making ta comment described as this "Your late statement that no two races are truly equal"


I do respect your view.

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Mankind is to f'd up for racism to every go away but yes we should always be working to end it.


I'm fan of interracial marriage. Though we should be able to hang onto our heritage it just doesn't work. Again mankind is just to f'd up to let that happen and move forward at the same time. Blending races together is really the only thing that works and hanging onto the past gets in the way.


Sometimes what's right and what works don't work together

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Here is another error in judgement I see;


This whole "Black Lives Matter" campaign is missing the mark.


No I am not disagreeing with the fact that black lives matter, they do, and so do other races.


Black Lives Matter...but poor lives don't.


They never have...


...to anyone...




...at any time in history...


That's life...

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Here is another error in judgement I see;


This whole "Black Lives Matter" campaign is missing the mark.


No I am not disagreeing with the fact that black lives matter, they do, and so do other races.


Black Lives Matter...but poor lives don't.


They never have...


...to anyone...




...at any time in history...


That's life...

I blame greed

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