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Do we have an ethical responsibility to accommodate this lad's disability? He obviously struggle with his written skill, but the boy excels at car choice. There must be intelligence in there, and we can find it, draw it out, and nurture it... Then we can bully the shit out of him as though he was normal.

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I am very sorry for my lazy slang spelling. Seriously I am from the days of texting where you needed to hit the letter d four times to get the capitol D.

Jus used 2 da ez way.  Very sorry.


Well as long as you make sense maybe I'll lift the moderator review on your posts...... some day.  I just don't see why we (or I) have to decipher what you're trying to say. Lots of questions asked here and communication is very important. No worries, we've had worse noobs here that had bad starts and went on to become contributing members.

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I am very sorry for my lazy slang spelling. Seriously I am from the days of texting where you needed to hit the letter d four times to get the capitol D.

Jus used 2 da ez way.  Very sorry.




I still text that way as i only have a flip phone,, and you can ask anyone of the 4 guys i texted TODAY about the Craigslist ads i have up,,   if they had to decode what the fuck i texted them.


You guys seem to want to give him a pass like he has a god damn learning disability or something.

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I still text that way as i only have a flip phone,, and you can ask anyone of the 4 guys i texted TODAY about the Craigslist ads i have up,,   if they had to decode what the fuck i texted them.


You guys seem to want to give him a pass like he has a god damn learning disability or something.


Texting is fine I don't give a shit that our civilization is circling the bowl from lack of communication. It's like the tower of Babel out there. I'm too old to learn a new language anyway. I don't 'text' and I don't have a fon so I don't get texts.


Here we're posting on a forum and that's different. If it ain't clear what you're saying it don't get posted. No one gets a pass for using texting short cuts when posting. But they can get positive reinforcement when they are willing to accommodate our forum style. Nanner you sound as crusty as me.




"f4t", that one took me a couple hours to figure out, guess I am slow. :( :lol:

Maybe I do have a future in texting... I should get a fon and start texting.... no wait. I would need to have friends to text and I waste all my time here.

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Except i'm not really that serious ,, :D



As the great actor Ben Kingsley so eloquently said in the movie Gandi ,,, " I am SpongeBob to your Squidward"

or something to that effect.



. Nanner you sound as crusty as me.


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It's amazing that the kids today can read that stuff, but can they read and write English? :lol:


Hey every generation has their time in the sun. We are the bows and they are the arrows. Related yet each different. Short cuts lend themselves to texting and with use and practice is not a lot different than internet LOLZ and IIRCs. However no one uses verbal shortcuts when talking to someone else so why here? We're just talking..... here. Texting has only been around for a short while. (less than 10 years). Written words have been around for millennia. Over time some words get shortened like etc. but it's a slow process so everyone can accept and keep up. 


The written work will be with us for a while. There is no other way to send thoughts and ideas that can't be delivered in real time or needs to be stored for future reference. There are sound recordings but how do you look something up without listening to the whole message?  



We could all end up wirelessly connected to each other by computers. Maybe a mental or verbal interface to connect us to who we want to communicate with. Still one should know how to read if not write.

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Ben Kingsley has questionable morals?

Wow there mister moderator, as a point of clarification, questioning Ben Kingsley's morality is not my job here. it's interesting though how you and Nanner have condemned the man for his portrayal of Gandi. Ben didn't write the quote about Songebob, Gandi did. So if you guys are going to hate on anyone it should be the English. If you saw the film you should know they were the bad guys.


Frankly I have no idea why you two are gone off on this tangent, when clearly this is a conversation about the de-evolution of literacy in the age of exponentially expanding technology. Now, can we please stick to the actual topic of this thread?



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