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Relocate here, better beer!

I visited my brother when he was studying abroad in Sydney. He was sharing a place with a bunch of undergrads on Bondi Beach. Virtually impossible to be productive with all the skirt flitting around, but I think that was his intent. I had the best Chocolate Croissant I've ever eaten in a tiny bakery at The Rocks. I was shocked how good the food was all round. I remember Hahn Vienna Red as a good Aussie beer, but not as good as that god damn croissant.


Come to the land up over and I'll turn you on to some fantastic micro brews. Drakes Denoganizer is one of my all time favs. A stunning 16% alcohol, yet absolutely delicious.

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Thats what she will look like after a year in office.

Choosing a side is nothing more than putting blinders on. Dems and Reps are defined by who finances their party. 


Lets play a littel game, what party says what and who pays for it?


"Global Warming is the greatest danger to world stability"

"The common worker is the back bone of our economy"

"Paid leave, universal healthcare, razing the minimum wage, and organized labor make the nation stronger"


 This message is paid for by:


United Auto Workers

Carpenter's Union

Sheet Metal Workers Union

Iron Workers Union

Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Union

Operating Engineers Union

American Postal Workers Union

Laborers Union

Metal and Allied Workers Union

United Stealworkers




"Global Warming is a scientific hoax"

"Corporations ability to compete in the free market is the engine of our economy"

"Paid Leave, universal healthcare, razing the minimum wage, and organized labor make the nation weaker"


This message is paid for by:


Blue Cross/Blue Shield

National Auto Dealers Association

Exonn Mobal


Glaxo Smith Kline

Eli Lilly




Koch Industries

So what will you do to try and change things ? maybe vote for Trump ?

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By the early look I don't think trump will get enough delegates to win the nomination.

I agree,his biggest problem is saying stupid things.Eloquent he is not.Too bad because we need some hard ass leadership which were not going to get with anybody else.Now if he could keep his words in check and act more professional he might have a chance.

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If he would talk about the issues rather than squabbling with other candidates too.


Don't be afraid to call a man to the carpet, but just stick to the issues the people are concerned about. He was doing better when he talked about the things no one else was willing to touch on with real words.

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So what will you do to try and change things ? maybe vote for Trump ?

If I wanted to change things for me, I'd move to Bulgaria. If I wanted to change things for Ratsun, I'd vote to Draker. If I wanted to change things for Washington, I'd vote for the Sanderizer. If I wanted to end it all, I'd vote for Trump. The man is a festering anal polyp on the corn hole of conservatism. If you thought the religious wing nuts damaged the GOP, wait till Trump gets through with it. 

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