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Turkey's populace refuses to cut their social security. I heard that old age security payments don't stop when you die they can be inherited. Or something that's equally fucked up. No one wants to tighten their belt more than they have to. Party's over guys.

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Yes, I do know "what Australia has a bunch of"

Awesome guys like RW and VTR.

Hung like donkeys, god like pectorals and the combined good looks of Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, George Clooney and a host of other celebs.

Great beaches, gourgeous women, lots of Datsuns, good healthcare system, no Hillary Clinton, and a fevrish desire to be closer to our (in spirit) Murican brothers.

Did I miss anything?

You had me at "no Hillary Clinton"





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The dude has to hide behind mummys skirt?


Kinda like taking a "I hate fags" banner to a gay pride march methinks.




Personally I was rooting for Jeb, but yeah, bringing your mom into the campaign probably isn't the best way to show backbone. ;)  Even if it is a famous mom with a little political swagger left.

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Hillary reminds me of Nixon. You know shes full of shit because her mouth is moving. There's an old saying... "A new broom sweeps clean"  Ted Cruz looks like total tool trying to look like regular people by wearing jeans. WhoTF you think you are kidding? Wardrobe malfunction. Trump and you cancel each other out. Christ on crutches if Trump even gets close. Jeb is just like Jimmy Carter, saddled with the same genes as their imbecile brothers. Berni seem nice, Rubio ? But any debates seem like organized cock fights. Wind them up with leading questions and let at em. Where are the issues? Who stands for what?

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Hillary reminds me of Nixon. You know shes full of shit because her mouth is moving. There's an old saying... "A new broom sweeps clean"  Ted Cruz looks like total tool trying to look like regular people by wearing jeans. WhoTF you think you are kidding? Wardrobe malfunction. Trump and you cancel each other out. Christ on crutches if Trump even gets close. Jeb is just like Jimmy Carter, saddled with the same genes as their imbecile brothers. Berni seem nice, Rubio ? But any debates seem like organized cock fights. Wind them up with leading questions and let at em. Where are the issues? Who stands for what?

Did you watch Hildy and Bernie go at it in last night's debate? With only two Dem candidates they actually faked talking about the issues. Bernie managed to stick it to Hildy on the campaign super pac big bank $ flowing in to her coffers. If there's one thing I respect about the guy, he talks some serious shit about campaign finance reform. Left Hildy scratching her ass on that issue.

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The great divide. Raegan was like a sledgehammer to the middle class. Great man for the "great"

I stand corrected.Just another bad president.He cut government spending,created a healthy economy,ended the cold war and got the world to reduce nuclear weaponry.What the hell was he thinking.Oh and that graph from UC Berkley ? Reagans Presidency ended in 1989.

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I stand corrected.Just another bad president.He cut government spending,created a healthy economy,ended the cold war and got the world to reduce nuclear weaponry.What the hell was he thinking.Oh and that graph from UC Berkley ? Reagans Presidency ended in 1989.

Well. He increased government workforce (less than half of that military.), He tripled our debt (largest percentage increase since Rosevelt maybe). He is certainly a decorated war hero for ending the Cold War right?


Sorry. Reagan in particular got written wrong in the public history. It kinda scares me how his term seems to be recalled. He said all the right things, and seems to be remembered for it. He took office at a difficult time, so I give him some credit for stepping up, but he was not an economic hero. He was more of a marketing hero.


To put it in perspective, government spending (as percent of GDP) is lower under Obama... Both during war.


And if you don't like stats from UC Berkley, please lead me to water. I try to avoid partisan biased stats. Berkley is not a bad source considering what I could grab.

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Looks like my Aussie side of the family had some brass.

United Kingdom Police long service medal.


Presented for Twenty years service and good conduct.


If you had been a naughty boy/girl at any stage, you wouldnt have got one of these.

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If you had been a naughty boy/girl at any stage, you wouldnt have one of these.


Mmm  naughty boy-girls



Better acting as a president than acting in film.



That was too subtle of me, I see that now.

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