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Did you read it?


It actually is pretty bias free.


Page four, middle paragraph.


Not all of it. Who ultimately decides what is biased anyway? By '89 when this was written the USSR was in free fall and glasnost in effect. Much of what's known about the USSR after WW2 was available as hindsight. Lots of stuff came out that wasn't known by US intelligence back then or until then.     

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Not all of it. Who ultimately decides what is biased anyway? By '89 when this was written the USSR was in free fall and glasnost in effect. Much of what's known about the USSR after WW2 was available as hindsight. Lots of stuff came out that wasn't known by US intelligence back then or until then.     


Page eight (especially last paragraph where it says "rarely a subject of deep debate") - page ten gives me a feeling of the political zeitgeist of the period.


Annotations for the information contained therein are mostly well before the glasnost era.


There was definitely a political motivation to overstate Soviet Military capabilities if only to bolster the idealogical differences that you mentioned.

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Not all of it. Who ultimately decides what is biased anyway? 

If I am going to be disseminating information as fact it is up to me to proofread for bias.


In most cases it is relatively easy; does the information contained in the text seemingly bite the hand that feeds it?


If so then it is probably not biased...

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There was definitely a political motivation to overstate Soviet Military capabilities if only to bolster the idealogical differences that you mentioned.


Sure. Better to be prepared for the upcoming WW3 that everyone expected.

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And the butthurt just keeps on keeping on.




If Murica is wondering where all their conspiracy theorists are, look no further than the Clinton camp.

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Corruption is... corruption. Once again. Hittlerie has no one to blame for her e-mail fuck-up .... but herself. Doesn't matter who exposed them and all the corruption really, does it? Hell some blame has to be placed on Antony Wiener, and as there is always enough shit to go round.... Humma for marrying that asshole. Cry me a fuckin' river.


Perhaps we'll all look back to 2016 as the year new politicians began conducting their lives in a fashion that will pass future scrutiny. Hard to do 'back room' deals without some form of electronic communication/oversight/coverage. There's always some forensic electronic trail.

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Look..... I just went through hell to get my transgendered homosexual blended inter racial wedding cake and now you're telling me that you won't bring me propane because of my choice of president....?


A phone message at Turner LP Gas Service says they should find someone else to deliver their gas.


On the coldest day of the season, a Skowhegan-area propane dealer has a pointed message for would-be customers.


“If you voted for Donald Trump for President, I will no longer be delivering your gas, please find someone else,” is the message left for customers that call Turner LP Gas Service, on Canaan Road in Skowhegan.


The message goes on to say that the cost of gas remains $110 a bottle, payment on delivery. A voicemail message left at Turner LP Gas Service was not returned.



One of the times when I wish I was rich enough to just move some place and open a business. Move there sell the same product at a discount to Trump voters.See how fast Turner goes under.

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Corruption is... corruption. Once again. Hittlerie has no one to blame for her e-mail fuck-up .... but herself. Doesn't matter who exposed them and all the corruption really, does it? Hell some blame has to be placed on Antony Wiener, and as there is always enough shit to go round.... Humma for marrying that asshole. Cry me a fuckin' river.


Perhaps we'll all look back to 2016 as the year new politicians began conducting their lives in a fashion that will pass future scrutiny. Hard to do 'back room' deals without some form of electronic communication/oversight/coverage. There's always some forensic electronic trail.



I wish you were right Mike, then there is this;



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Look..... I just went through hell to get my transgendered homosexual blended inter racial wedding cake and now you're telling me that you won't bring me propane because of my choice of president....?


A phone message at Turner LP Gas Service says they should find someone else to deliver their gas.


On the coldest day of the season, a Skowhegan-area propane dealer has a pointed message for would-be customers.


“If you voted for Donald Trump for President, I will no longer be delivering your gas, please find someone else,” is the message left for customers that call Turner LP Gas Service, on Canaan Road in Skowhegan.


The message goes on to say that the cost of gas remains $110 a bottle, payment on delivery. A voicemail message left at Turner LP Gas Service was not returned.



How the hell would this guy even know who you voted for ? I'd have him fill my tanks to get me through the winter,pay him and as soon as he drives off call him to tell him i voted for Trump now go fuck yourself !

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Yes that is a separate thing from exposure of corruption. If she had been clean and honorable this wouldn't have happened or would have happened in another manner. Ultimately she was just plain disliked and distrusted.


Now as to Russian meddling, it remains to be seen if this is true or not. Remember, this is the FBI/CIA we're talking about. In addition, what was the meddling? Did they actually add or subtract votes? Or is this all bullshit and they merely tried and failed because of protections in place? or was this just a probing of the election defenses???


So CIA put up or shut up. Did Russia decisively affect the election or not? If they did, I am shocked and outraged, though not surprised. If they didn't,  then it's no different than any two countries probing each other's defenses. Generally we are better off for it and better defenses are put in place. What about the Chinese and N Korea hackers? What did you do about them??? fuck all is what.


If the Russian 'hack' is merely exposure of Clinton's e-mails then they are just whistle blowers and we are back to Clinton having no one to blame for this..... but herself. 

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Yes that is a separate thing from exposure of corruption. If she had been clean and honorable this wouldn't have happened or would have happened in another manner. Ultimately she was just plain disliked.


Now as to Russian meddling, it remains to be seen if this is true or not. Remember this is the FBI/CIA we're talking about. In addition, what was the meddling? Did they actually add or subtract votes? in a significant amount? Or is this all bullshit and they merely tried and failed because of protections in place? or was this just a probing of the defenses??? 


So CIA put up or shut up. Did Russia decisively affect the election or not? If they did I am shocked and outraged. If they didn't then it's no different than any two countries probing each other's defenses. What about the Chinese hackers? What did you do about them??? fuck all is what.


If the Russian 'hack' is merely exposure of Clinton's e-mails then they are just whistle blowers and we are back to Clinton having no one to blame for this..... but herself. 


Right, smoking gun and all that. 


The President-Elect seems to have a rather laissez-faire attitude about a possible cyber attack on the U.S. however.


Maybe there is nothing to see here folks.


Many people are saying that this could signal a conspiracy however.

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Well tin foil hats are in fashion today, why not. Who knows about Trump and his agenda. Hard for a winner to complain about having help win, and with the ultimate goal of unseating yourself..



Lets, for a moment, say the election was 'helped' by Russia and Trump knows or suspects. What's the first thing YOU would do if you were him????


Right..... you would make damn sure it couldn't happen again. Because they might go against you come re-election time.

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In 2014, a study of more than 150,000 Russians found men who drank three or more bottles of vodka per week were about twice as likely to die prematurely than men who drank less than a bottle per week. 



...and not drinking any bottles a week leads to 100% of men not dying prematurely. Duh!

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Corruption is... corruption. Once again. Hittlerie has no one to blame for her e-mail fuck-up .... but herself. Doesn't matter who exposed them

Technically true. And I can't stand Hillary for other reasons, but the email scandal was relatively minor and was common amongst virtually ally politicians in her class. The private server part was a crafted bullshit news piece because it didn't actually matter what server she was on. Classified docs can't be sent on a .gov server either. So she was in fact thrown under the bus on that issue. At blame, sure. But in no way more guilty of corrupt negotiating. That shit is everywhere.

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