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From Kim Dot Com


1. Tweet to wikileaks with gif showing 'You've got mail!'

2. Tweet: I know where Hillary Clintons deleted emails are and how to get them legally @TGowdySC @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump. 100% true. Retweet.



3. Tweet: I know how X-Keyscore works because NSA/GCSB used it to obtain my emails in my White House driven copyright case. Evidence in my court file.

4. Tweet: Prime Minister of New Zealand apologized for unlawfully spying on me (google it), utilizing NSA X-Keyscore. NSA has the Clinton emails 100%.

5. Tweet: Because @NSAgov has the Clinton emails in its spy cloud Congress & Senate can obtain them legally and they can be used against HRC legally.

6. Tweet: The beauty about X-Keyscore is that all access is logged for eternity, for example if an NSA analyst or 5eyes partner accessed HRC emails.

7. Tweet: If you have questions about NSA spy cloud and X-Keyscore you may ask @Snowden for assistance. He can confirm that NSA likely has HRC emails.

8. Tweet: The point I'm trying to make is that there is a 'legal' route to access all HRC emails even if @Wikileaks should release them.




Wikileaks has the deleted emails. Kim Dot Com sent them over.. and he provided a way to validate them legally via the NSA.



Happy Birthday.

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That's the thing the article you are quoting from is out of 2013 and the one I posted was from 2015. I also tried to google your logistics but cannot find anything current. I have been able to find multiple articles "Current" that talk of the Tech decline not only in output but also like you said lack of skilled employees. 


Every article I have come across have things in common and that is how California has regulated itself into a toxic environment for even fully automated manufacturing along with advanced technology. I am not doing Apples to Oranges. California is on the decline and other regions are much more fertile for re-shoring and migrating advanced Tech and Tech manufacturing. 


Because of the unfriendly over burden of government in California more and more companies will relocate. 


I do not agree with your assessment. You hate Enron but that has nothing to do with regional trade work declines. 


At the risk of this being drug out I will agree to disagree. 


I can't believe you still don't get it. I totally agree with the same point you've repeatedly made, California is stupid expensive and not a manufacturing friendly state, and this IS why labor intensive tech manufacturing businesses are leaving the state. So please, for god sake Matt, let's put that apple to rest.


I'm interested in ANYTHING you have to say about the future of advanced technology specific manufacturing, the trend toward automation in this area, and the level of education needed for those jobs?


If you want an article that will help explain the trend I'm talking about READ YOUR OWN 2015 ARTICLE: 



"It's not that California factories no longer make things — they merely do it with fewer workers. Production output has grown nearly 10% since 2011 even as job growth has stagnated, according to federal data.

The fastest-growing sectors of manufacturing in California tend to be in the higher skilled advanced-technology realm.

For example, nearly a third of California's manufacturing output in 2012 was in the high-end computer and electronics field, where the state is responsible for nearly a quarter of U.S. production. But a much smaller proportion of the state's manufacturing employees, only about 20%, work in that sector."


If by "disagree" you are still saying the Midwest is the new tech capital of the US, than I totally agree to disagree. 

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Prince Andrew of UK was accused of being involved with that Epstein guy in having sex with under age females but like all people with the right connections - he was not ever bought to any court for it.


But did they have video?

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New day, New Wikileaks.


Neera to John:
"Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email? And has that person been drawn and quartered? Like whole thing is fucking insane."
They think they should get prepared on some "political" questions , here are two funny ones:
b. You said every woman should be believed. Why not the women who accused him?
d. How is what Bill Clinton did different from what Bill Cosby did?
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New day, New Wikileaks.






Neera to John:

"Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email? And has that person been drawn and quartered? Like whole thing is fucking insane."









They think they should get prepared on some "political" questions , here are two funny ones:


b. You said every woman should be believed. Why not the women who accused him?

d. How is what Bill Clinton did different from what Bill Cosby did?

I found this 'un re: Hillary crony David Brock.


"Brock makes the cardinal mistake of those who bring politics into disrepute with voters. He tells a lie that people will know is a lie, and insults the intelligence of black voters with a kind of elitist racism that Bill and Hillary Clinton should not be seen with. I guess Brock's plan is that black voters are stupid and will not watch the ad and believe his lie, though Iowa voters---who do not appreciate this kind of low end politics----will love the ad and view Brock as offering the kind of politics that they detest."



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Manufacturing usually relocates to an area of low cost of living. Generally these places offer local tax incentives to move in and provide work for the population. I know a lot of people who have taken other professions just because they didn't want to leave the home they grew up in. Things like this at times shape people's desire to migrate or stand pat. Good thing about manufacturing is its an on the job education system. So entry level may be $15.00 an hour but has the potential to grow upwards to $35-$45.00 an hour even in LCOL areas. The person has to have the desire to better their skill set within a company. From years of experience you don't see many people try to eccel. Instead they rely on cost of living increases. I had to terminate positions because of this type of work outlook. 


Right now there is a manufacturing boom going on in the midwest. Its also becoming the tech capital of the USA because of how much California has regulated itself into the most toxic manufacturing environment. Its been a slow exit though. If you have places like Texas offering relocation bonuses then it shouldn't take long to drain California and west coast states of all manufacturing forever. 



Funny, as I understood it, we were talking about high tech manufacturing, not small software startups in Lincoln Nebraska. California is and always has been a big target for luring companies away. Bottom line the state is growing faster than the nation at 2.6%. It had fallen to 8th in 2014, but is now the 6th largest economy on the planet according to World Bank data surpassing Russia and Brazil. Look at any source you want and it shows tech industries account for more than 60% of California's massive GDP. The State's advanced technology R&D is supported by the UC system, USC, Cal Tech, and Stanford. Is, is becoming... not by a long shot. 


That being said, I do believe there is a serious tech bubble that is about to burst. When it does, both the Bay Area, and the Midwest will be hit VERY hard. Look at the Price Earnings Index of some of these POS hipster tech companies and you see the same greed driven insanity as the early 2000 burst. A small one Bdr aprt in SF is going for $3,500 a month right now because the market will pay it. Same shit was happening 12 years ago. Venture capital pulled the plug and it was lights out in the blink of an eye.

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Folks we've already got dirty tricks happening in Florida. 
1. There was an "error" in one of the largest districts. This just happens to be a district with a majority of Democrats. The issue is democrats seem to be getting multiple ballots.. ooops, right? 
2. Who is the US Representative from that district?
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    She is the U.S. Representative of Florida's 23rd congressional district.
3. the Supervisor of Elections of Broward County. hillary had a private, closed door meeting with her yesterday.

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