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So, after following this thread for a while, solely based off the information and articles I've read here's my education suggestions.


We are all being played. If the right and left keep us going at each other using tribalistic ideologies that our "tribe" is better than your "tribe"we'll never make effective decisions on how to make things better, and the corrupt will hold power. It's a good play from a psyops perspective. Keep people arguing over "who wore it better" and which Marvel movie is the best and they won't care who leads them. More people watch the super bowl in 'Merica than vote.


It looks like most other countries are the same. I asked a visiting Canadian scientist today who the Gov. General of Canada is (David Johnston, he represents Queen Elizabeth II and her interests; and acts as the Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces) ... and she couldn't tell me.... but she could tell me how her local NHL team was doing.


My suggestion would be to get involved at your local, provincial, state, county, district levels and follow what those people are doing. At least know who they are. That would have a much larger impact than attempting to convince others on your position via the internet. None of us can change MSM, but we could help get better local leaders into positions of authority.


OMFG, GTFO with all that logic and factual reasoning. This thread is for bitching about the political process and all it's faults, not for how to actually make a contributing difference to changing the broken system, duh.



Oh, and it's yet another thread for me to make sideline asshole statements for my own entertainment.

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OMFG, GTFO with all that logic and factual reasoning. This thread is for bitching about the political process and all it's faults, not for how to actually make a contributing difference to changing the broken system, duh.



Oh, and it's yet another thread for me to make sideline asshole statements for my own entertainment.

This thread is about gun laws fool.

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Aussie hissy fits are entertaining :)

Thank you brother Ko.


I keep telling my coworkers that they would not want to see me if I really became pissed.


I make no excuse for being "passionate" about certain ideals.


I do put some of it down to my Straylian attitude, which I of course make no excuse for.



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Damn that was about as hard hitting as flatcat on a bong shaped like a cock n balls. Matt Lauer is such a badass journalist he had conway on the ropes...except not at all. He's as soft as an 80s skinamax storyline porn. That little bitch learned his craft from katy puffball couric, both are epic hack talkshow hostsm not journalists.

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So let's talk about Gun Laws.


Here in WA State, 'Merica, you can open carry, we have no duty to back down, we have a mutual combat law, civis can legally shoot and kill anyone committing a possible felony assault on anyone in their immediate presence, civis can shoot anyone who by any means unlawfully enters a dwelling, and cops can shoot you while you're asleep in your car if they see a firearm.


Most schools have teachers that carry concealed. We're instituting laws requiring schools to have active shooter response plans, and we have about 12,000 guys/gals that can carry anywhere except commercial airplanes.


We also have a "shall issue" clause with regards to legal concealed carry permits for civis who don't require any training, just paying a nominal fee (typically less than $100 USD) that's issued by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the residing jurisdiction of the individuals home. Typically the chief in a city or the sheriff if they live in the county.


Anyone over 18 that passes the ATF background can buy a rifle same day. Anyone WITH a concealed carry permit can buy a handgun with a clear ATF background same day, 3 day grace without.


If the firearm has a barrel under minimum length you can buy it with a Federal Firearm Law Tax Stamp $200 takes about 4 months. Same thing with purchasing suppressors, and explosive rounds. Full auto firearms are illegal here unless they were purchased before their prohibition.


You can also possess most explosives... which is really weird. And you can have ballistic body armor, as long as you don't wear it during the commission of a felony crime.


Lastly, you can't have any firearms with ivory on them.


So... some freedom... but some restrictions.

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Open carry, anyone over the age of 21, that can legally own a handgun can open carry in any area not listed as a "gun free zone" or specifically prohibited, like police stations, court houses, establishments whose primary revenue comes from serving alcohol, or some higher education facilities. It's best to check before.


Businesses and private facilities can restrict persons from entering their facilities with open carry firearms. Not many do, but they can refuse you service and ask you to leave. Or call a patrolman to remove you and have you trespassed from their market or whatever.

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0bama has been busy setting up what is being called a shadow presidency. 20 or so offices across the country. 


"This strategy kicked off with the $13 billion J.P. Morgan settlement … That changed with the Citigroup and Bank of America settlements, which outright required $150 million in donations. The BofA agreement contains a provision that potentially tees up nonprofit groups for another $490 million. …To further induce companies to go the donation route, Justice considers these handouts to be worth “double credit” against penalty obligations. So … a $500,000 donation by BofA to La Raza takes at least $1 million off the company’s bill."

With millions sitting around to pay protestors.
The good thing is most of the people that actually matter know what is in the works.
The liberal media hates that people know the protestors are paid.
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Rifles can be loaded inside a private residence or building. If driven somewhere you have to have the rifle unloaded.


If you have a concealed carry permit you can carry a loaded concealed handgun in your motor vehicle in motion. Same with motorcycles.


Further.... there is no clear case law on how many concealed handguns you can carry. The most I've ever personally seen was 11... on a Hobo with a backpack. That Hobo will be exempt from Hoboland Bum Fights.


2 is very, very common. Aaaaaaand in my county basically 1:8 ppl have a permit. 1:12 have a handgun on them. We have a suuuuuper low crime rate. Considering how many people are walking around with guns, very few shootings.

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0bama has been busy setting up what is being called a shadow presidency. 20 or so offices across the country.


"This strategy kicked off with the $13 billion J.P. Morgan settlement … That changed with the Citigroup and Bank of America settlements, which outright required $150 million in donations. The BofA agreement contains a provision that potentially tees up nonprofit groups for another $490 million. …To further induce companies to go the donation route, Justice considers these handouts to be worth “double credit” against penalty obligations. So … a $500,000 donation by BofA to La Raza takes at least $1 million off the company’s bill."


With millions sitting around to pay protestors.

The good thing is most of the people that actually matter know what is in the works.


The liberal media hates that people know the protestors are paid.



You know that La Raza is a left wing hate group? They're affiliated with many Norteano Street Gangs. "The Race" is mostly about killing all white, black, and Asian people.... it's like the Latin version of WANGS.
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They can't. The police are outnumbered BADLY....


In the county that I used to live in had probably 10:1 official gang members to cops... based on claimed gang affiliation upon arrests and incarcerations. Add in everyone that's affiliated with groups that have bad intentions that have never been arrested.... you have no idea how many there are out there.

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It is a nasty road we are on. The media pushing up the amperage. The paid protestors seeing no limit on what one can get away with. It becomes only a matter of time before the federal government has to call martial law.

This isn't the first time.




Read through that. At the end... our friendly neighborhood paid protesters get paid AGAIN by the city. Those 157 arrested split $1.25M in payouts. I was at those riots on 1 & 2 Dec 1999... it was insanity. The exact same shit that's going on now. The protesters attacking businesses were coordinated. Those of us that were just stupid kids trying to be peaceful were forced into the police sucking in lung fulls of tear gas, and pelted with less leathal rubber rounds.


They kept shoving us from behind to keep us as a meat shield between them and the police. The cops called in every available officer from every jurisdiction in the state. They worked in rotating shifts, sleeping in military tents that were set up in the "no protest zone".


By the time my friends and I were able to find all of us and gtfo it was nearly dawn... I couldn't believe what I saw there. I went as part of a college course on the Bill of Rights.... I was getting my associates degree in criminal justice and I saw how broken the system really was.

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Exactly. This entire thread is a pissing match. The only thing happening is you're getting urine on your keyboard.

Drive Datsuns. Eat beef. Fuck vaginas. Have fun.

IBTL. This thread is venom.

Drakar has posted some interresting stuff. I actually read that 20,000 word sci fi novel you recently posted and loved it. Besides that im started to agree with you about this thread and General Discussion in gereral. Turning onto a meme youtube pro trump circle jerk. I dont read 90% of any of it anymore.

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I guess if you want a 3d version of this thread just walk on down to starbucks, pop a squat outside with all the silvet goatee wearing, dog breading, American spirit smoking dickweeds and see what thery are saying. Pretentious, skewed, and poorly filed in the cerebral melon.

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