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That's some bullshit

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Oh, he's okay, he's been in much worse. Surprising as it may seem, I am not a big "gun guy". As a matter of fact, I have come under the opinion that many folks would either A. shit their pants or B. shit their pants and fire wildly at and around the assailant in question if it really hit the fan. A real fire fight can be a bit rattling. However...we have laws and we have right and I do not appreciate them being stepped on by guys with some sort of inferiority complex. I see a bunch of that "cuz I say so" going on. I have ZERO problem with them doing their job. I do not like their lying and/or bullying. 

Ya, its real jock, power trip kinda bullshitt. 

The only time I contemplated buying a gun was to protect myself from this massive pit bull my neighbor had. It was chewing through the fence. I talked to a bunch of people and they said the only thing that would stop a dog like that from killing you was a shotgun. I still fantasize about blowing the shit outta that thing and I like pit bulls. Sad story, the owner abused it for many years and now it is just a killing machine.  

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Oh a pry bar will slow a dog right down. This is a tested theory.

Couple puffs of meth and a qtip will drop a dog dead.


Cops are a victim of the society they enter when they get that badge. Most all new recruits are genuinely courteous. Then they get trained by their colleagues. Its something I've witnessed a couple of times now. And one of my close friends just joined last week. I'm trying to guide her on a rare but noble path of the good cop. People are assholes, jerks, addicted lunatics, child beaters, etc. and cops deal with the worst our society has to offer the majority of their waking life. It's a fucked up gig and I completely understand why they are what they are. Still, I've got no time for them flexing on me. I love to remind them that they are on my clock, and Im going to need a little more hustle if they want to keep their job. I fought that ticket and won too. He was noticeably pissed off. I actually do feel a bit bad.


Cops are a necessity. And their dysfunction is predictable. Id like to see a little less protection of their job, and an end to their union. And an avenue for the public to fire bad cops.

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Ya see, I would actually like to think they are a product of their environment rather than just an ass, which, is probably the case with most. But, with this particular one, my Father lives in a town of 3200 people, 95% of which are retired. I can't imagine him going through too much horrible shit.

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My whole family used to be cops for years, my grandpa was a police chief of several cities, and he was even embarrassed before he passed a few years ago of what the force was becoming.  He said as he was a officer officers were trained to have a certain respect, and since then they have lost it.  He was pulled over by a lil shit that treated him like crap, in the city he used to be chief of, my grandpa took the ticket to the lil traffic court they had in town, and the person recognized my grandpa, made that officer feel like a idiot and apologize to my grandfather. 


Cops wonder why they get treated so baddly nowadays, but its to the point you need police to observe the police.  They forget they are here to SERVE AND PROTECT, not bully and disrespect. 

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Ya see, I would actually like to think they are a product of their environment rather than just an ass, which, is probably the case with most. But, with this particular one, my Father lives in a town of 3200 people, 95% of which are retired. I can't imagine him going through too much horrible shit.

That a good point.  Small town cops cant see too much awful shit.  What is his excuse.  He must just be one of those who join because they need the power role.  Those folks need to be vulnerable to public dismissal.  

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I agree 100%, they need to be more in fear of losing their job, or at least have the same amount of fear that we all have of losing ours. Not to bring everyone down, but I have some pretty heavy PTSD, I can't go to work and start freaking out on everyone, I'll get my ass thrown right the hell out.

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a qtip will drop a dog dead.

damn right I could :lol:



I've only had one "bad" tuning with an officer of the law, that being said we were shooting an old crash test dummy (in hind sight not the best idea)


had a neighbor that was a sherrif and been pulled over by a few state patrol and my dad does a lot of work for a detective, all been good experiences. that being said, there are plenty of shitty no good not any smarter than the pair of hand cuffs on their belt officers out there.


sucks that some fresh out of the academy tool bag has to draw their weapon on a damn retiree because THEYRE too scared shitless to calmly defuse a situation

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Ability to assess a situation and it's danger should be pretty high on the list. A simple "sir, we have some complaints on your shooting here" would have solved everything and even gotten an apology from my old man. The cop does not know my Dad and there is a gun involved in this, so I have tried really hard to put myself in the cops shoes in this and I just can't get my head around the reaction.

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In this day and age why would any police officer feel comfortable dealing with a person shooting a gun ? im not a fan of law enforcement(because of a lack of effort from them when i report a crime) but its their life that they also must protect.There are a lot of lunatics out there with guns.Would any of you walk up to somebody shooting a gun and ask them to stop ? As far as whining about how the cops are only out there to bust your balls,dont do anything stupid and you probably wont have to deal with the cops,the courts and losing your money to pay fines.Unfortunately our society needs to be policed.How would things be without any law enforcement ? 

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I've found public service brings all kinds.  Cops are no different than any other public servant or authority figure.  There are some green ones who overreact or underreact, there are some assholes who do the same, and there are some good cops who take pride in the job and being fair and have a fair idea of when they need to be an asshole and when they can relax.  I've had mostly good run ins with cops.  One of my really good buddies works for the Sheriff's department.  He's actually a detective now.  Built like a brick shithouse, but very very level-headed and a nice guy.  Chances are if you got in trouble with him, he'd go the extra mile to communicate with you instead of going straight asshole and attempting to shoot you.  I wish more cops were like him, he's made for it.


In defense of cops, there are a lot of them who have had a bad day or just had some asshole try to kill them or spit on them, or kick them during arrest, and they may be ramped up.  It's public service, people get to you even if you're the best there is.  Working the parts counter at NAPA makes me want to straight up kill people some days.  And that's just parts, not life and death.  Sounds like your dad just encountered a dickhead cop though.

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Yes, I would ask someone to stop shooting and have. However, you clearly want to have a huge heated debate on how badly we need the police, which there was not a sliver of such a thing uttered in any posts by anyone. If anyone thinks we do not need law enforcement, they are a total fool. I ask this, does a badge make someone waving a gun not a lunatic by default? At what point is it okay in your eyes to question the actions by those who have this badge? With all do respect, you live in an area where a cop would be way more justified to draw a weapon on someone shooting. If you have never lived in a small, somewhat backwoods, logging community off the beaten path from everything, then you have no real bearing on the situation. Yes, logistics has a huge effect on this. Much like I do not go to the store here in the US and automatically think I am going to be shot or bombed while I am shopping, so I act accordingly. 


I am about the furthest thing from an anarchist as you will ever find. I followed my orders to the T for 20 years without questioning one of them. Today, I reflect on the blind following I did and have some serious regret over the things which I have done all in the name of protecting freedom. What does this have to do with the other? I'll tell you, following blindly due to someone having the proper shiny things hanging off of a uniform is not always the very best choice. There is a time and place for it no doubt, but when you feel someone in authority is in the wrong, it is your duty as a citizen of this country to say something. What one person says or does will make no difference usually, but if we all shared the mindset to just follow along like sheep, we will be stripped of our rights. It will happen in a way that one day you will just notice they are gone, it will not be a big storm of a war or anything. The right thing is still the right thing, no matter what kind of authority you have or do not have.


What I am saying here is not to try and convince you into a different line of thinking. I can't do that, I don't have that sort of power over anyone. I actually support your right to follow along as you see fit and I support your right to be comfortable in your own surroundings and in your own world. You can do as you please as long as you are not hurting anyone. If for some reason, you ever find yourself being stripped of your rights as a fellow countryman, I would be the first to help you out in anyway that I could. Probably never happen to you and I hope it never does. But keep in mind, many people in our very own country have been not only accused of a crime they did not commit, they have been put to death for that crime, dna evidence is now proving this. These folks had their rights trampled. It's an extreme example of course, but the point is, never be so 100% sure about all situations until you have given it some thought and perspective.

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I've found public service brings all kinds.  Cops are no different than any other public servant or authority figure.  There are some green ones who overreact or underreact, there are some assholes who do the same, and there are some good cops who take pride in the job and being fair and have a fair idea of when they need to be an asshole and when they can relax.  I've had mostly good run ins with cops.  One of my really good buddies works for the Sheriff's department.  He's actually a detective now.  Built like a brick shithouse, but very very level-headed and a nice guy.  Chances are if you got in trouble with him, he'd go the extra mile to communicate with you instead of going straight asshole and attempting to shoot you.  I wish more cops were like him, he's made for it.


In defense of cops, there are a lot of them who have had a bad day or just had some asshole try to kill them or spit on them, or kick them during arrest, and they may be ramped up.  It's public service, people get to you even if you're the best there is.  Working the parts counter at NAPA makes me want to straight up kill people some days.  And that's just parts, not life and death.  Sounds like your dad just encountered a dickhead cop though.

Yes, I think it's simple as that.

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some cops are nice and show respect some are assholes and dont its as simple as that just as it is in society 

some people say thank you when you hold the door for them some think it is your job and say nothing 

I can say if I was a cop and rolled up on that situation I would have probably used the PA 

sire please put your fire arm down and walk backwards toward my car 

cops should always be on the defense there life depends on it but they dont need to be assholes  

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