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How do you keep cats out of your carport/shed/man area?

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Here's another good story from my youth.  Back when the parents were living in California, in the late 70s, there was a neighborhood cat, a bully if you will, that would beat up mom and dad's cat and eat it's food.  This continued until dad finally caught the cat one day, and beat it senseless and then peed on it, figuring the stupid creature would get the idea to stay out of his garage and not beat up his cat and eat his food.


The stupid creature didn't get the memo, so dad finally trapped it in the garage and after beating it with a broom for a while, he finally got to it with his half inch ratchet.  Admist the yelling and squalling of the cat (mind you this was when we weren't a kinder and gentler nation then), he finally had it subdued enough to bury it in the backyard.  It was mostly dead at the time.  I probably shouldn't even tell this story, but it is mirthful occasionally to hear dad tell the story as he's still annoyed by that cat 40 years later.  And I'm not condoning animal cruelty, neither is dad.  But as he mentioned, if the thing had figured it out the first time I kicked it's ass and peed on it, it would still be alive.


And that's how things go in our family.   :)


Oh, and if you do decided to have some fun with the bb gun, don't shoot them when they're on your vehicle.  The resulting exodus will leave lots of little scratches on your hood or roof.


I will say, aside from killing them, soaking the shit out of them with water really does wonders.  I found a cat up in my tree trying to eat my favorite squirrel a few years back and as it sat smugly on the limb with the squirrel chirring away at it, it ignored all my efforts to shoo it out of the tree.  So I went and got the garden hose and drenched that little sucker!  He wouldn't come down either until much later in the day.  I've never seen that cat again.

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A friend down the street years ago got tired of the cat next door using his flower beds as a litter box. He got 1 of the humane cat traps, put a can of tuna in it & the next morning he had the cat trapped in it. He said he put the cage on the patio & proceeded to spray the cat with the garden hose with the high pressure on it continuously until the cat finally gave up, sat there and excepted the fact that it was probably going to die while he continued to spray it. After that, he opened the cage & the cat just sat in it staring at him for several minutes, then finally ran out & hopped the fence. He said from that day on, it would never come onto his property.

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Some dip shit down my block let his apt go to shit with a bunch of cats in it with fleas and when his mom came and moved him out they just let all the cats loose. Now we have a ton of stray cats running around with fleas. They come up on my porch and mess with my plants. They have even given my cat fleas through the screen, its ridiculous.


Idk what to do honestly but I'm going to try some stuff mentioned here. Someone told me pepper powder in the areas they frequent turns them off too. They sniff it, burns like hell, they get over it and remember not to go back. I may put up a child fence separating my porch from the stairs and do the pepper or cedar spray at the bottom of the steps where it wont mess with anyone else's animal.

Paintball markers work very well....and from a distance. Hurts, is loud, and the paint smells and tastes terrible.
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Coolant concentrate in a bowl


I know you're kidding but this is a shitty way for any animal to die. And indiscriminate too.


Here's another good story from my youth.  Back when the parents were living in California, in the late 70s, there was a neighborhood cat, a bully if you will, that would beat up mom and dad's cat and eat it's food.  This continued until dad finally caught the cat one day, and beat it senseless and then peed on it, figuring the stupid creature would get the idea to stay out of his garage and not beat up his cat and eat his food.


The stupid creature didn't get the memo, so dad finally trapped it in the garage and after beating it with a broom for a while, he finally got to it with his half inch ratchet.  Admist the yelling and squalling of the cat (mind you this was when we weren't a kinder and gentler nation then), he finally had it subdued enough to bury it in the backyard.  It was mostly dead at the time.  I probably shouldn't even tell this story, but it is mirthful occasionally to hear dad tell the story as he's still annoyed by that cat 40 years later.  And I'm not condoning animal cruelty, neither is dad.  But as he mentioned, if the thing had figured it out the first time I kicked it's ass and peed on it, it would still be alive.


And that's how things go in our family.   :)



...... Braden?

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They make motion sensing air cans that blast air whenever they're set off to scare cats/animals away from the area. Buy a few, turn em on at night. The cats will learn. Humane, as well. 



Forgot what it's called, but my sister uses them to keep her cats off of the counters.


EDIT: It's called Ssscat




That was freakin funny. I need to get one of these just to mess with my cat.

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I know you're kidding but this is a shitty way for any animal to die. And indiscriminate too.



...... Braden?


I knew I shouldn't have told that story.  Lolz.  For the record, I'm fond of cats, but only good cats who don't shit and piss where I'm trying to work.  Out in the country, excess cats are coyote bait.  In the city, there isn't quite that arrangement.


And yes, anti-freeze is a terrible way for anything to go.  I wouldn't recommend that.  If you're dedicated to killing something, just kill it.  Ratchet or whatever caliber weapon you choose.


I LOVE the cat spray video.  That is epic.

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Have I mentioned youtube is SUCH a pain in the ass since they integrated everything?  Fuck me, google + this, bullshit that, if you upload a video, do you want it shared with all your channels, friends, morons, etc?  Bah.  All of it.  Anyway, I muddled through it, here is the Molly solution:


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Don't know about inside, but this worked great in my yard.  A neighbor's cat kept leaving an unGodly amount of poop in one place in my yard every week and it was some of the most rank stuff I have ever smelled in my life btw.  I put this a few feet away from his usual spot and  broke him from doing his business in my yard.


Works pretty good for people that curb their dogs in your yard too.  Just have to tweak the sensor range and the spray pattern just right for anything that steps off the sidewalk and not just passers by.


Also have to remember not to step in front of it yourself !  I think my neighbors had a few laughs at my expense when I forgot.



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I use a spray bottle with water in it to teach my cats not to get on something or go somewhere. After a while all you have to do is reach for the spray bottle and they know to stop what ever it is they are doing. 


I had an old wood garage with a hole cut in the side door for cats to get in and out of. When I left on motorcycle tours for a few days, my cats had beds, and food dishes up on a counter of some kitchen cabs I salvaged off a remodel job. One year I caught a feral cat in there. He went nuts and bolted. About the third time I caught him in there, I realized that he had sprayed my Honda sport bike!! Muthafugga sprayed both front and single rear brake rotors!!! I didn't see it until the next day and there was crusty rust formed on them. It was so causitc it was insane. It etched the metal, and kind of fucked up the rotors... fn $1100 for front  OEM Honda rotors.


Needless to say I wanted to kill this cat. Much as I love cats...


I started going after him when ever I saw him around the yard with a hose or a super-soaker toy squirt gun. That wasn't really getting through to him and so I got out my vintage Whamo Wrist-Rocket and found a coffee can of nice rocks for ammo. That didn't really work either... we still had a failure to communicate. 


The short story is; I went to the SPCA and rented a capture cage for a buck and a half a day. He took the bait four days in a row with out setting the trap off!!! Finally one morning I covered the trigger with meat, went back inside and started to leave for work. Bang, I heard the cage door spring shut. I went out thinking that this nasty old cat got away again... but the whole cage was jumping up and down!!! I caught him.


I had to go, and the cat was just going sideways ballistic. I took him in the garage, put some moving blankets over the cage. At lunch I came home and he had managed to get the safety pin out of the lock, the lock and the door open! There was fur and blood all over everything... and he left a busted off tooth! Cat was freaking vanished.


Never saw him again either. 

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One more "sure fire" deterrent.  Mothballs!  Who likes the stink of them?  [Para-dichloro-benzine!] I helped a friend get rid of his neighborhood "pride" of feral cats who had decided that his front doorway made the ideal toilet by spreading mothballs in the doorway and on the top of the fence that they used as a freeway to his front door.  It worked!  They are cheap and really work.

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I have heard putting mouse traps on top of the car, and then covering them with newspaper, or a light towel works.  When the cat steps close to the mouse trap, it snaps closed.  Hopefully not on the cats paws, just very close to the cat.  That tends top scare them off, and after a few times, they remember not to go there.

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