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i once caught my pants on fire welding just below the waist but to one side 

I thought man its getting warm I need to move back a bit 

but it kept getting hotter and I stopped welding and heard the flames 

holy shit im on fire smack smack smack till it went out 

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Anyone that says gloves should be worn when using the bench grinder is not allowed in my shop.

Goggles yes.


I have seen a few horrors from people wearing leather gloves. Heard even more. 



I wear nitrile gloves when I do anything-but wouldn't wear work gloves for stuff like that. 

By the time you feel something is wrong, carnage ensues. 

Without a glove you can feel the wind from the grinder before you drop a finger or three. 

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A cheetah bead seater is comedy gold in a shop as well. One day long ago, a friend of mine was passed out hungover in a car that was up on a lift. Not three days before, he got me point blank as i was coming out of the parts department. I saw him in the car, and couldn't help myself. He damn near jumped out the passenger side when I hit him with 120psi.


rocks thrown into empty bays, the never gets old horn honk, firecrackers when using a torch... I miss the shenanigans.

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So taking a crap in a guys lunchbox is frowned upon then?

That, hanging out a b.a., setting a guy on fire, pumping his tool box full of grease, hanging his tool box from the crane then lock the power off, polish trailer, telling a guy they called him to the office for a hearing test, we can't do any of those fun things anymore. Its just not the same

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And for the gloves and grinders just a couple months ago a guy had gloves on and reached up to true up the pointer that was in the rotating spindle and ended up getting his hand wrapped up, after that we would point at him when we walked by....

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Years ago...


March 31st. I was staying late to close the shop. We just switched over to 76 oil products. 

We had boxes, upon boxes, of the little orange antenna balls to hang on customer's vehicles. 


There was a douche in our shop named Steve. I very much disliked Steve. 


Steve cried earlier in the day that he had to leave early for some lame excuse I don't remember. 


In Steve's rush to exit the shop-he left his tool box unlocked. I noticed just one drawer barely open. 

Double-bay MAC Macsimizer. Big box.


Did I? I sure the fuck did. Filled that sunabitch. STUFFED!

What's the day after March 31st?


Steve came in, 15 minutes late-and went to his box to begin his day. 

When he would open a drawer-balls from the drawer below would pop out. 

Couldn't close that drawer now because there were balls behind it. 

Open next drawer down, all those balls would fall down adding to the drawer below that were popping out. 

EVERY DRAWER! He had to check every drawer like a dumbass. 


Absolutely hilarious. No one else had a cluer I stayed late to do so. 


Steve had to dismantle his whole box because the balls were stuck in the lock mechanism in the back. 

As he was tearing it apart he was just pitching these things everywhere. 

Owner informed him that he needed to clean his mess by 9AM to even consider keeping his job. (While snickering on his way back to the office.)





The next day-Steve was fired for being late. 8:01. 

Guess my feelings were shared by others. 

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Guest Rick-rat

After the U S signed a treaty to ban the use of Napalm, bombs that I hauled from the Navy base to the Air force base had the Napalm markings painted over and were remarked "Incindegel".

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Years ago...


March 31st. I was staying late to close the shop. We just switched over to 76 oil products. 

We had boxes, upon boxes, of the little orange antenna balls to hang on customer's vehicles. 


There was a douche in our shop named Steve. I very much disliked Steve. 


Steve cried earlier in the day that he had to leave early for some lame excuse I don't remember. 


In Steve's rush to exit the shop-he left his tool box unlocked. I noticed just one drawer barely open. 

Double-bay MAC Macsimizer. Big box.


Did I? I sure the fuck did. Filled that sunabitch. STUFFED!

What's the day after March 31st?


Steve came in, 15 minutes late-and went to his box to begin his day. 

When he would open a drawer-balls from the drawer below would pop out. 

Couldn't close that drawer now because there were balls behind it. 

Open next drawer down, all those balls would fall down adding to the drawer below that were popping out. 

EVERY DRAWER! He had to check every drawer like a dumbass. 


Absolutely hilarious. No one else had a cluer I stayed late to do so. 


Steve had to dismantle his whole box because the balls were stuck in the lock mechanism in the back. 

As he was tearing it apart he was just pitching these things everywhere. 

Owner informed him that he needed to clean his mess by 9AM to even consider keeping his job. (While snickering on his way back to the office.)





The next day-Steve was fired for being late. 8:01. 

Guess my feelings were shared by others. 

Fired for trying to steal antenna balls.

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Did you know it's against the law to run a license plate from Istanbul on the rear of your car? I KNOW...I was shocked by this new info as well. Some fuckin ball sack at the gas station this morning just HAD to tell me that about my car. I think later he was going to tell me that fire is hot...but I had to get back home, so did not get the benefit of anymore wisdom.

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