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I think that if a judge ever says "in my opinion" when referring to the written law they should be removed. The law should not be up to opinion, it is law, and it is written as such. The "enturpritation" of law should never be, it is written in they way it is to be upheld.


And fuck lawyers, in the words of the great Cliff Burton "Fuck those guys, kill em all!"

Wow. You are welcome to hate lawyers but claiming that laws can upheld "how they are written" is blatant ignorance.


The constitution is written law, about as simple as it gets. yet somehow equally intelligent people understand what is WRITTEN in it to mean competely different things. Everything you read is filtered through your experience. Everything you read, you interpret.


If simple law can be understood in such diverse manner, then what is to be done with complex law?


Sure, if everyone obeyed a simple set of rules, like the 10 commandments, and worried more about others than themselves, lawyers would be meaningless. But since we're all bastards, like it or not, lawyers, judges, and complex rules allow bastards to live in psuedo harmony together.


That being said -


It's not a justice system. It's just a system.

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A persons guilt is up to enturpritation but the law should not be. Isn't that why a law is written, to be upheld as it is read? If we write laws to be a guideline then why even bother. All law should be simple for the simple fact the most people are too stupid to understand it. Legal speak is the worst way to write anything that is to be enturprited. The problem being that laws are written more and more complex to keep the common moron from know all the bullshit behind it.

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A persons guilt is up to enturpritation but the law should not be. Isn't that why a law is written, to be upheld as it is read? If we write laws to be a guideline then why even bother. All law should be simple for the simple fact the most people are too stupid to understand it. Legal speak is the worst way to write anything that is to be enturprited. The problem being that laws are written more and more complex to keep the common moron from know all the bullshit behind it.

Think what you will, but the reality is that it is impossible for any system as large as a national government to function this simplisticly. Wonderful if it could, but utterly impossible for it to do so.

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A persons guilt is up to enturpritation but the law should not be. Isn't that why a law is written, to be upheld as it is read? If we write laws to be a guideline then why even bother. All law should be simple for the simple fact the most people are too stupid to understand it. Legal speak is the worst way to write anything that is to be enturprited. The problem being that laws are written more and more complex to keep the common moron from know all the bullshit behind it.

So. The right to bear arms. Is that about weapons? Or Bear arms. Cause literally speaking, I have the right to body parts of bears. I'll pass. But written language is interpreted and understood based on context, and interpretation. I know what you mean, but truthfully interpretation is necessary.

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NO! It just needs to be used/enforced. Way to often these days it is not. The constitution has made this country possible. Only a real tyrant would want to "get rid" of it.

I think we should make a new constitution outlawing guns..1.7 million people die every year because of accidental gun shots. My buddy dropped a bullet from an ak47 once and it killed their labradoodle.

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I think we should make a new constitution outlawing guns..1.7 million people die every year because of accidental gun shots. My buddy dropped a bullet from an ak47 once and it killed their labradoodle.


Bull fucking shit. In the US it's around 500 a year by accident. Of the 500 about half were children doing the shooting. About 75,000 non fatal shootings. 33,000 total killed, 2/3 of that 33,000 are suicides and about 12,000 are homicides.




Let's outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, driving, cholesterol, and icy roads while we are at it. They too are responsible for far too many accidental deaths.


I could live without cigarettes and douche flutes.

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It's what those vapers suck on. You know the attention seeking ones wanting everyone to look at them in awe of the smoke screen they are laying down. The ones that weren't cuddled enough when they were little.... or cuddled too much.

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It's what those vapors suck on. You know the ones wanting everyone to look at them in awe of the smoke screen they are laying down.

That is the best term for vape things I've heard. Thanks Mike, I'm adopting that one.

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I think we should make a new constitution outlawing guns..1.7 million people die every year because of accidental gun shots. My buddy dropped a bullet from an ak47 once and it killed their labradoodle.

Like to see where you got 1.7 million a year. I had to look through dozen of web sites to find were guns even showed up on a list the it was number 21 and no where near 1.7 million.







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