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There we go that's better



This is how you get a backwards car forwards in medium traffic




Poor guy got cutoff twice by the same jackass driver. Second time caused him to spin out and catch the other vehicle. Rear passenger side damage on the other car, front drivers fender on the s10. I just wanted to make sure the dude was ok and ended up hanging out to be a witness. Hopefully he gets all fixed up and going again. Poor Chevy

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love my cars sooooo much but traffic scares the hell outta me anymore. good on you for sticking around, hobo. sometimes little random acts of kindness are all that keeps me from bring convinced that this old world isn't being totally consumed by evil and apathy!


I don't care.



This is terrible, it's not really funny if one thinks about it.

It could all have been avoided if she haden't put those &%$#$*& stick figures on the car in the first place. That, and leaving the kid at home with the dinner cooking on the stove. Or was it texting while drinking her vanilla mocha hazelnut / toffee faux espresso with platypus cream beverage without the kid in a car seat? As I said above.... I don't care.

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I am not saying I like them stickers, I actually dislike the ones that say "baby on board", so what, drive defensively then so we don't need to know your kid is on board, be aware of what is going on around you, then you don't have to worry about having your baby in the car/truck/SUV/stroller, picnic basket on the bike, or whatever else you haul your kid in.

But ripping a stick figure off a car to tell someone their kid is dead, that ain't funny.

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It's just goofy Youtube sketch comedy group named Cream ,, most of their stuff is meh but they seem to be pumping out alot of it.








like i said ,, meh , but if you are killing time watching your life go down the toilet of history,,, well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's there.

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