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Labor/Employer conflicts are in a never ending dynamic relationship with the economy and politics. This is the nature of capitalism, but are we still a capitalist country? The simple answer is no. With the end of the Gold Standard for our currency and the signing over of total control to the Feral Reserve (under Nixon), we've become an oligarchy. Meaning there is a privately owned entity that pulls the leavers of our countries economy. The people have no power to influence this institution. Not even the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of Government can tell the what to do.


Our country has experienced cycles of boom and bust from it's beginning, and the working class has suffered great losses.  There has always been a class that profits whether it's up or down though. During the great depression, durable assets like property, gold, and labor were swallowed up at bargain basement prices. Now with the power of central banking, this ruling class has unbridled economic leverage over Government. Today instead of the Government writing legislation to regulate corporations, corporations are writing laws that limits regulatory power and Government oversight. With this power, every boom and bust has become a harvest of wealth, power, and control of the playing field. 


For example, the most significant changes to bankruptcy law in over 200 years were enacted in late 2005 through the deceptively titled "Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act" (BAPCPA). These changes were made even though three independent studies showed the rate of fraudulent bankruptcies were less than 3%. More than half of bankruptcies cited medical issues as a contributing factor to bankruptcy, BAPCPA  makes it much harder to prove disability and to eliminate medical bills through bankruptcy. Credit card companies were also protected with provisions that prioritize the repayment of credit card debt over unpaid child support, forcing spouses owed alimony to fight with credit card companies and other lenders for their unpaid support. Also cut off were forgiveness of student loan debt, and protection of homestead. 


29 months after this bill was passed we experienced the second worst credit collapse in US history followed by the most bankruptcy filings in our history. At the time of the collapse it's no coincidence we had record credit card debt, student loan debt, and medical bill debt.  If all that debt went unpaid, how did banks profit from this? The equity in our homes and retirement investment accounts aka (capital wealth) vanished, then we bailed out the banks that orchestrated the collapse with our children's future in the form of federal debt. Those "toxic mortgages" aka our homes were bought up for pennies on the dollar and WaLa, you have the biggest harvest ever. 


In Europe they have "Austerity Measures", here in America we have "The New Normal". And what is that? more part time employment than at any time in history (including the great depression), 10% lower income earning than a decade ago, and the highest productivity ever. That's labor at bargain basement prices. 


Check your 6:00 friends, you are being fucked.

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But you are getting way less done by not driving while you sleep

Believe it or not, I have woke up talking to someone, I could hear the guy asking me if I was alright, then my eyesight came back, he was standing right in front of me, and I was standing also, I kinda looked around, said, "I don't know, can you give me a minute", I accessed the situation, seen that I was not hooked into my glider anymore, and where my head was supposed to be was an outcrop of lava rock, decided that I must have hit my head when I landed my hangglider and that is why my face hurt, I remembered where I was which was 3 miles from any road, remembered that there were guys in boats camping in the cove that I had just flown over when I tried to land on a small bridge and over shot and landed amongst the trees on the other side of said bridge, so I turned to the guy and asked him if he could haul me and my hangglider to the other end of the lake in his boat after I broke the hangglider down, he sighed and said he would, I thanked him over and over.

My friends told me I had to play hacky sack for a half hour before they would let me drive home, so I played hacky sack and then left for home, I didn't play any worse or better, so they felt I wasn't fucked up.

I was walking around unconscious, to this day I consider myself being on autopilot, just like when I start seeing pictures in my head while I am driving, I can go threw all the steps of building something in my head while I am driving, but the moment someones brake light comes on or something changes, I am back where I am supposed to be already doing what I need to do for whatever the circumstance is.  

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1979 chevy luv 4x4 


Build was 17 years ago last month and she isn't dead,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yet



Full hydraulic drive










Power rack and pinion steering













Now if i could just locate 2 more 5 on 5 15x15 wheels things this tired old goat could have a new friend

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